Why are all the poor obese flyover states German whereas the ones with the highest literacy rates, HDI and IQ are Anglo?

Why are all the poor obese flyover states German whereas the ones with the highest literacy rates, HDI and IQ are Anglo?

Attached: us states by ancestry.jpg (712x568, 115K)

Red is obesity.

Attached: adult-obesity.png (1112x708, 154K)


back during WW1 the German culture in USA was forcibly eradicated.

Liberals, niggers, and spics are retarded.
Liberals, niggers, and spics like to live on the coasts.
Coastal states are full of retards.

It's not rocket science.

What's purple in this context?
based WV cool enough to be Americans first and foremost

Attached: fort_hill_view.jpg (1101x361, 497K)

This is a stupid fucking thread you racist piece of shit

Attached: opisafag.jpg (425x301, 29K)

those are the intelligent ones who left for the US
They know that, when you have a lot of wealth the parasites and leeches will flood you, so they just dont

The country language, also trade back to europe.

>What's purple in this context?
I think that's even more obese.


Anglos built America.
Germans, Irish and other shits ruined it.

Those "Germans" are still Anglo.

Attached: Anglo-America.png (1491x150, 28K)

Those "American" identified states are also pretty bad and they're all Anglo or at least from the British Isles.

hmm sweetie the richest state in the US (and soon Texas too) is hispanic.

hmm sweetie, all the revenue generated in that state is from Asians and Jews

Think you mean Irish.

Attached: e2553c544eb67fc1e14c34b984e8d20e.jpg (1024x659, 166K)

They're not Irish in the way they think. They're the descendants of Ulster Scots. It's a common misunderstanding in the south unfortunately.

kys fag, those are the best places in the country

>reported ancestry
Means nothing you bong.
Try looking at an actual ancestry map

Lol what

There are way more anglos than Scots-Irish and Irish combined.

They are bad cause of jungle monkeys

Flyover states aren’t fat Appalachia is. Dumbass

Norwegian, thank you very much