>Kanye West just told the TMZ newsroom why he believes slavery is a choice and why he decided to sport his Make America Great Again hat ... and it all went down Tuesday morning on "TMZ Live."
>"When you hear about slavery for 400 years. 400 years?! That sounds like a choice."
It’s pretty obvious by now that kanye reads pol. I wonder how many celebrities we have with us
Brayden Young
Watching the full 44 minutes "live" right now. Kanye's face in response to Vance's moral diatribe is the best. Smug Pepe, needs screenshot.
Nicholas Watson
1 we didnt have slavery for 400 years in america.
2 is he implying that siding with trump is slavery for a black person. doesnt sound to based. where are the dick riders to clear up this case of hoof in mouth syndrome ? surely their mental gymnastics would help kanye suck up to conservatives
Nathaniel Nguyen
When he went off about being addicted to opioids I knew that he was believing things about himself that he'd read here
Ayden Mitchell
will that Sommer Ray chick ever do nudes?
Christopher Campbell
The reason ypipo imported the negro into what is now the United States is because there was no way in hell 95% Indjuns would allow themselves to be enslaved by whitee. Their codes of the warrior and honor is close to what Imperial Nips were like. Slavery to a certain point is a choice.
If you count the Caribbean plantation system all the way to the civil war it's roughly 100 years I think, and no what he's saying is that white people could never have kept millions of blacks here enslaved unless some very substantial proportion of blacks were just willing to accept the yoke, so to speak. They were not an ambitious people and they were willing to pick cotton or grow sugar cane or whatever for food and a bunk
Ayden Edwards
The Kardashians are having a bizzaro effect on Kanye. Every other man they have turned into a fucking wierdo and ruined his life.
But Kanye somehow woke up, even having to deal with Kim's enormous fat ass.
Josiah Richardson
Roughly 400*
Alexander Scott
What? Hes actually lost his mind, i mean i knew he says some dumb shit but wow
If niggers back in Africa weren't practicing economies so dependend on slavery then they would have never been traded by other niggers to America in the first place you dumb miserable cunt. Even the native Americans had slaves but it was the result of conquering other tribes, they still didn't practice slavery on their own respective tribes lile niggers did. Even the Arabs have an old saying that you can tell that niggers are stupid because they are so content with being slaves. Go kill yourself you dumb Swed before you get snackbarred by Mohammed.
Gabriel Walker
Her ass is not fat. It is synthol or some kind of bizarre, unnatural substance. Have you not seen the pics?
William Roberts
kek i gas you last
Blake Lopez
10/10 poast
Dylan Nguyen
>>"When you hear about slavery for 400 years. 400 years?! That sounds like a choice." HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA HOLY FUCKING SHIT
This is a HUUUGE redpill, and I'm not even big on the whole Kanye thing. This is fucking unbelievable
Joshua Anderson
Trump is a retard. He was starting to win people over but he just lost all legitimacy with this little sound bite.
Isaiah Roberts
The slaves were just indentured servants. They paid for the boat ride out of African hell to give their future offspring a better chance. Brown people do this all the time in to white countries even now, pretty much every black or brown person in Europe is there because they or their parents wanted a better future because their own brown countries have only shit to offer them.
AfroAmericans should be grateful their parents were allowed to breed in America.
Benjamin Bennett
It's like pledging a fraternity. Blacks pledged America. A good amount are going to get blackballed soon if they don't cool it
Zachary Cook
Correct a redpill so massive it seemed impossible
Zachary Smith
Kanye is a real fucking based nigger. Fuck that faggot ass nigger faggot at the end
Jacob Cook
holy shit kanye going full implicit black nationalist on a bitch
Watch Gone With the Wind. The reality is, not all slaves were unhappy
Liam Myers
>just be yourself
Connor Rivera
The black TMZ dude literally got mad at Kanye for not hating Trump Can't believe all these butthurt people are unconsciously proving Kanye right weekly Trump haters hate Trump because they think he's an obstacle for love over the world and Kanye is trying to show how self-contradicting that is, but he's really impulsive and he's never been convincing with his words He truly is an /ally/
Chase Powell
Kanye realized they would perform such Jewish tricks so soon after ran over to the big digital timestamp clock
No. Hell no. No to the point where I question French spatial IQ and/or ashekazi DNA % within the French population. Look at her fucking legs man, her ass looks like a massive growth. That is not cellulite or thicc, that is an unholy alliance of Levant genes, modern medicine and nog aesthetics. La abominacion.
Eli Cooper
They will kill real Kanye, jusy like Miley Cyres and soon we will have "We wuz kangz" fake Kanye.
Dylan Flores
Slavery was a purchase and it wasn't the white man selling.
Jayden Thomas
He's saying that voting Dem for the last two hundred years is slavery. We had actual slavery for about two hundred years (1776 - 1850s), and following and voting those who want to own you is the choice.
Nathan Barnes
>people say "feel free", but peoples opinions are strictly limited by media >once Kanye wore MAGA hat, it was outside the "area of freedom", making people who don't think freely mad, making him prove his point is correct These are entry-level redpills, but significant to convert some of his normie hipster fans the most reception is negative, but hopefully some realize he is talking sense
Luis James
oops math
Wyatt Long
reddit invaded
Luke Morales
Kanye is quickly becoming the most dangerous man in showbiz. Gonna be genuinely bummed when (((they))) silence him.
Dude just did an interview with Charlemagne and mentions how he was being told he had to hire "managers" for everything and it was a huge racket. That when he would try to get the information to learn to do things theyd tell him not to worry about it theyll handle it. They were jewing the shit out of him and didnt want to lose their cash cow. Imagine you pay these fuckers to do a job and they purposefully keep things from you to keep milking you, to keep you dumb and drag out your worth to them.
Slaves had all the opportunity to revolt, but they rarely ever did. >pic related, one of the weapons that all slaves working on sugar plantations had at their disposal
Watching the director have to scramble to "shut it down" as it was happening was great. When Kanye got up all smacked out and walked in front of the camera during Candace interview, they had to switch to a wide shot. But this then caught Kanye approaching Harvey and whispering into his ear, causing his face to become Judaic and constipated. So then they had to switch quickly to a close-up of Candace.
I've not watched the video but I'd suggest he's more talking that Slavery was 400 years ago so niggers still going on about it today have a victim mentality and are keep themselves slaves (hence 400 years) instead of moving on and improving themselves.
Jordan Taylor
I am waiting for the remake of "Honey I shrunk the kids" with an all black cast
Christopher Hall
Obvious ploy to create hype to sell more shit with the yeezy brand, everyone has been successfully trolled. Not convinced he doesn't have a pr team creating threads and hashtags
Andrew Nelson
This. This board is full of easily manipulated retards. Seriously feel kind of bad for anyone who wastes their time posting here.
James Evans
Yeah because he's making semi-political comments we'll suddenly all rush out to buy his products.... Ummm no actually that won't happen at all you absolute mongs.