JFK docs, Clinton Mails, and Lisa Page & Peter Strzock Textmessages released

Why arent you niggers talking about this?

There are new JFK docs released

And no thread here.

There are new Clinton Mails

And no thread on this.

Only on the Ghomert report on Mueller

And no thread there

FBI releases textmessages from Lisa Page and Peter Strzock

And no thread there

So, release all your autism and search through this stuff now!
Will post some findings along the threads

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Other urls found in this thread:


First a collection of older docs that are interesting

Russia says Johnson killed Kennedy, Page 5

30 pages missing

Tippett meant to kill Kennedy and be killed afterwards, Page 3

Tippett together with Rubenstein and possibly Oswald, Page 2

Multiple shooters and bullets


Cuban exiles apparently planned on killing cuban government officials

So the whole JFK assassination was possibly just a misunderstanding because it wasnt made "sufficiently clear that assassination should be excluded from consideration". Page 18

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appearently some George Bush that wasnt at the CIA handled some of the JFK files

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Bush was friends with Morenschildt, a friend of Oswald

thanks, seemingly noone cares

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>noone care
by the way /pol is being raided look like someone must care a lot


page 6, "black bag jobs" against domestic targets and "do not file" procedure

Jow Forums is raided for over a year or so without break already

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great thread, OP. have a bump

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>no one cares
No one really cares because nothing will ever come from this. Media and government will never acknowledge it except for the literal act of releasing it and it will be forgotten about tomorrow (not that anyone even knows this was released in the first place).

Bunker hunt, this guy
was questioned on the day of the assassination and 15 minutes away when Robert Kennedy got shot

defeatist cuck, become your own media organization and spread the redpills. to do so you need info to back it up, and here is it a good bit

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"clear gmail"

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also from the texts

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Because Trump is a fag and I'm sick of doing his work for him. Either release the juicy smoking guns or fuck off distracting us with dead ends.


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Informant states oswald was CIA agent and that there were around 35 CIA agents in Dallas that day, page 3

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Bumping singlicious satisfacting thread.

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new thread focusing only on texts

bump this

retards why would the government admit they murdered a president
look all you want you wont find anything worth shit

From the Mueller report on 9/11
>What I did not know, Mr. Speaker, up until June of this year, was that that secret program called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda in January and February of 2000, over one year before 9-11 ever happened. In addition, I learned that not only did we identify the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, but we identified Mohamed Atta as one of the members of that Brooklyn cell along with three other terrorists who were the leadership of the 9-11 attack.

>I have also learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September of 2000, again, over one year before 9-11, that Able Danger team attempted on three separate occasions to provide information to the FBI about the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, and on three separate occasions they were denied by lawyers in the previous administration to transfer that information.

>Mr. Speaker, this past Sunday on “Meet the Press,'' Louis Freeh, FBI Director at the time, was interviewed by Tim Russert. The first question to Louis Freeh was in regard to the FBI's ability to ferret out the terrorists. Louis Freeh's response, which can be obtained by anyone in this country as a part of the official record, was, ‘Well, Tim, we are now finding out that a top-secret program of the military called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda and Mohammed Atta over a year before 9-11.’ And what Louis Freeh said, Mr. Speaker, is that that kind of actionable data could have allowed us to prevent the hijackings that occurred on September 11.

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now to the clinton mails. the number at the end of the filename is the pagenumber.

see >de.scribd.com/document/377409983/Gohmert-Mueller-UNMASKED

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looking at those text messages nao desu

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guess i'm gonna finally read these new Clinton emails

kek Strzok confirmed spaghetti spiller

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also buy my waterfilters ™

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Nobody shot JFK. It was just a "realistic" dummy who's head was triggered to explode. The feds invented the JFK conspiracy.


Looks like they redacted "spy" as in British spy, Christopher Steele. Strzok sent that.

Also, Lisa comments on an NYT MUH RUSSIA story with It begins...
>as if a plan or insurance policy she had known about for months was starting up

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>prepping Bill
t. Strzok
>prepping the bull

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These fucking texts...i cannot believe these are the people in charge of protecting us and enforcing our laws. They are so pathetic.

How the fuck are these two retards still in the FBI? Read those texts. It's fucking embarrassing.

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this one is really pathetic

could be, but not sold on it. must be a similary short word though maybe something that would identify the person? "that british PM" as premier minister for example. likely not this, but something along these lines maybe

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the fuck is a deep dive on the white board

Strzok texts page so much more than she texts him. What a cuck.

Dunno... while it's possible it's a reference to another man doing a deep dive on her, which Strzok would enjoy hearing about, I guess it's more likely someone mapped out a bunch of connections on a whiteboard or something.

rothschild really likes clinton

wouldnt worry about it

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probably means just filling her in on the information

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Yup- he's the lynchpin of the whole thing.

Not that I fully endorse this documentary, but anyone looking for a detailed explanation of GHWBUSH 's involvement needs to watch 'George HW bush dark legacy' or whatever it's called on jewtube:


I bet the thing redacted after that first "f" is Trump

He was saying fuck trump when he was salty in the morning.

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Wow Imagine being this much of a faggot

We use a trailing forward slash here, redditfag.

Lisa's first thought of the day early in the morning the day after Comey got shitcanned
>we need to lock in [REDACTED]. In a formal chargeable way soon.

Flynn? DRUMPF?

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This one really is sad.

Strzok starts out by mourning the lying, leaking, criminal conspirator Comey in the most sanctimonious language before concluding that he and Lisa are a great team. Kek.

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not sure if its normal for magazines/newspapers sending you and article about you in advance

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i think i ran out of stuff

Yeah same here.

Read all the texts and Strzok is a pathetic cuck and both Strzok and Page were obviously showing animus to Trump and conspiring to fuck over his Presidency. But we already knew all that. Too many redactions.

really hate the black highlighter. what did these idiots think?



and yet another

here user for visibility in obviously shilled up catalog

Jow Forums i am disappoint

appreciate it

had this thread open 3-4 times over the last couple days. never got much attention

So Trump caused some time ago a controversy because he seems to want to keep Guantanamo Bay open

I think this wasnt just out of a whim but because he had some plans with it. Now just the other day he stocked up personal on the Guantanamo

And the Executive Order against human rights abuse mentions
>and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

How likely is it that these are connected and Trump plans to use the state of emergency to basically
>do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty.
via court martial. What other criterea are needed?

This here mentions a few individuals the EO goes after

And turns out they are all connected to the Clintons as this guy found out

To name some
The former president of Gambia which supposedly got put into place by the cia under clinton for example (Yahya Jammeh),
Benjamin Bol Mel, got military supplements from Clinton even though using childsoldiers
Roberto Jose Rivas Reyes, President of Nicaragua’s Supreme Electoral Council, got covered regarding electionfraud by Clinton
Dan Gertler, international businessman and billionaire, main business partner Glencore, whose founder Marc Rich was on the FBIs most wanted list until pardoned in 2001 by Clinton (Bill)
Slobodan Tesic, armsdealer that supplied various military groups in the civil war in Libya. ISIS most likely among those groups. Libya as a whole was a Clinton plot.

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Trump also declared january national slavery and human trafficking prevention month

And a bit later investigation into Clinton mails reopened. I mean they wouldnt do that if they didnt find anything interesting in there, right?

Also nothing about the EO on mainstream media

There is another executive order around regarding when they are allowed to use court marshall on March 1

Complete list of Enthities effected by the freeze of assets. Note: These are only foreign ones, but everyone cooperating with these will be effected too

Also we are at 24,5k sealed indictments

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some bump


Bump for my german bro

appreciate it

>Why arent you niggers talking about this?
Jow Forums has been going downhill recently.

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good job German user have a bump. even if your country is being reked you have more dignity than a bong or leaf. salute!

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It's all the new fags and the dirty reddit immigrants. People would rather kanye post the look at JFK file dumps

The intelligent people that used to uncover details and create revelations I once enjoyed are gone now. They used to keep me up til 3am. Fascinating bunch of contributors.

what's the tl;dr of what's known on this, i think i saw a thread on 8 ch the other day about this but i don't go there much and didn't read the whole thing

Doubt it. Probably spam the board in order to divert attention


read through my first posts. they have condensed info without you having to read much.

i think they are still here, just drowned out by retards flooding the boards. a mix of shills creating bait threads for which new fags and retards fall and bump ad infinitum sliding good threads. additionally mods ignoring /b/tier and off topic threads but shoahing good ones


Because nobody actually cares enough to do shit about it.

The people who come here love to spout off with their ID'S HABENING threads as if this ONE PIECE of evidence, this ONE EVENT, &etc will somehow be that straw that broke the camel's back.

When that doesn't happen, like all those lemmings we love to shit on here we just collectively shrug, sigh, and move on to the next thing that FOR SURE will be the push that is needed.

We wander here like retards walking out onto the beach before a tsunami rolls in. At first it's fascinating - almost unnatural - to witness such a thing. Then we call others in (can you believe this shit?) and just stand in awe, oblivious to the certain doom that rolls in just seconds away - by then the time to act has long passed - it is over.

Every day we reinforce the current system by arguing amongst ourselves thinking that we can somehow "fix" it using the same methods that brought us to the current state to begin with.

Everyone seems oblivious to the fact that our county did not come into being solely on the merit of good ideas - an insane amount of sacrifice was required, many risking (and losing) it all because they had fucking VISION - they did not simply accept the status quo & remain comfy in their beds of flames ... They had the balls to imagine what life could truly be for themselves, their families, their neighbors and for good or ill took that fucking shot.

Our adversaries, such as the faggot who wrote pic related & was just on Tucker & was somehow NOT called out for this shit proves the point - and his recent suspension shows that they give zero fucks - they fight dirty & have an endless money printing scheme to make sure they always have the upper hand - there seems to be few (if any) that would bite the hand that feeds, this "I got mine, fuck you" lottery society.

COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE is really the only solution - but misery loves company in the crab bucket.

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I don't think the infiltration is normal new fags or reddit cucks. Seems like a targeted attack that really took off last fall.

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Shills always flood en masse when info drop like that happens. No surprise here. I predict that soon there will be flat earth threads, as they always grab attention.

>105% of african americans

Yep it's right there in everyone's face, they couldn't be more obvious.

Then the next clickbait comes up & people forget.

It's as if we consume - no - collect information like Pokemon ... We may play it back & forth for internet points but at the end of the day the sun sets & everything is a little worse in the morning.


jesus, is the catalogue bullshit right now...

I'll see if I can't help bump your thread OP.

not sure what's going on, just junk everywhere else

Pump and bump

Keeping it alive.

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>m-muh boss got fired

what a little bitch

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Bump for legit thread






Thanks a bunch OP, keep fighting the good fight, it didn't go unnoticed.

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This is the first real thread I’ve seen in weeks, thanks OP.

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Finally a good post

nothing to thank me for. its just whenever i see bullshit threads reaching 300 bumps in no time while stuff like this gets ignored i feel like Jow Forums is really dead. but guess shouldnt get demotivated. either way need some sleep sso someone else has to keep the thread alive now- good night

Are there supposed to be more text messages released?

Not that i know of.
Now im really off though. Good night

Don't have time to check this out yet, but keep THIS SHIT going. Fuckin sticky this shit or something ffs

bump to return later

Interesting BUMP.

Last bump.

From the House Intel report.

Everyone is so busy sucking each other's dicks over the summary that no time is being spent reading the fine print, what's left that isn't redacted.

Just in the first third of the report you will discover how election equipment, and soon those who have anything to do with elections, had its control wrested from the states & will soon have an Aaron Rouse like meathead staring them down to make sure they don't get "hacked".

Or how France is a model for a "fact checker" service to let all you morons know what news is real & what's "fake".

Or how the ringer for so-called "Guccifer 2.0" being a Russian agent boils down to: HA HA HE DOESN'T EVEN SPEAK ROMANIAN!!! xD while ignoring the fact that any legit fucking spook would not leave obvious breadcrumbs like software language settings and VPNs traceable back to your home country unless they WANTED to be caught.

But hey, it took a gentle shit on Hillary, so let's just leave it at that.

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>Jow Forums is raided for over a year or so without break already

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btfo strayan cunt

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