(((Coincidences))) thead

Post (((coincidences))), whether old (max 2000 years) or new
I'll start
>William the Conqueror
>After he conquers England in the battle of Hastings
>Jews settle 4 years later
>William the Conqueror was also called William the Bastard
>What is a bastard?
Conclude from there

Attached: Hebrews.png (543x417, 512K)

Pls respond

I always love to hear how non of the "higher ups" were in twin towers when the planes came down on them

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Filthy goy can't touch my shekels. NEVER!

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Here's another
It's always funny when the IRA were about to bomb the City of London, they were begged to stop. But they bomb anything else, no sympathy.

Cromwell allowed Jews into Britain after he won the (((civil war)))

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Ahh, a good basic one. I like that

You'll like this. This is what's going on in your country right now.

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Here's a really basic one.
Abraham Lincoln was about to export the other races from America. Suddenly, gets assassinated.

Most of the members of the Committee of public salvation during the French revolution were not French.
They killed a lot of the white Christian French aristocracy then started killing the white French leaders of the movement.
Robespierre makes a speech talks about a giant conspiracy and threatens to tell all the next day.
He is immediately arrested and shot in the mouth so he can't say a word
His words are very similar to Kennedy's last speech.

American freinds of the fighters for the freedom of Israel. From Einstein. Ohhhh boy.

All the anti gate speech laws in Europe were introduced by Jews

Good one.

Merkel became Chancellor with the help of the Green leader (((Joska Fischer)))

Huh. I learn something new everyday...


Really it's more uncommon than it is rare. You may need to lurk a bit moor.

Nixon questions loyalty of people with dual (Israeli) citizenship, gets impeached

Based (((Trump))) Made America Great Aagain and created jobs by banning U.S. suppliers to export electronic parts to the largest Chinese phonemaker ZTE, because of alleged dealings with Iran half a decade ago which is another Shoa and cant be condoned. The U.S. was until then the largest supplier.

This based moved removed all competition of Chinas second largest supplier of these parts: Israel

Here's another.
Almost funny how witches hats a jew hats look the same. I'm really starting to think about the (((witch))) hunts. Such an interesting period.



>front runner for NY state senate seat in '99
>a wild (((plane crash))) happens
>Hillary Clinton becomes the senator

Also its rumoured he knew who killed his father and named his magazine "George" after him, after his death the magazine gets bought and shut down.

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Not true. He met with a group of Amsterdam jews in 1655 led by rabbi Mennaseh ben Israel who wanted to settle in England. But the City of London's goldsmiths and scriveners (his paymasters) overruled him.

Charles II then let them in after the Restoration.

Actually Jews lived in England after the expulsions of Edward I but pretended to be Lombard bankers. Elizabeth I own personal physician was a Jew.

The real groundwork for the readmittance of Jews was actually carried out by Cabalistic thinkers like Mirandola, Reuchlin, Agrippa and Dee during the Renaissance and Reformation. It was these Judeophiles who began the insidious corruption. The playwright and patriot Christopher Marlowe was probably murdered for his opposition to 'Christian' Cabbalism.

After suffering eight centuries of war (Spanish Reconquista), the kingdoms of Castilla and Aragón become the big empire of Spain with the conquest of America after expelling jews and muslims from the Iberian peninsula.

An example of how

An example of how getting rid of jews and muslims brings peace and prosperity to nations.

And an example of how diversity + proximity = conflict.


1492 was the year you unleashed the plague on us. You should have finished them all off.

>lurk moar faggot

Jews and democracy/republics are like flies on a corpse. To get ridd of der jude we have to embrace monarchy.

dont forget a witches exaggerated nose

>falling for this bait

gib more red pills on (((the french revolution))). As a general rule, every successful uprising like the french revolution has a third party sponsoring them.

Khruschchev and Kennedy refuse to start WW3 over Cuba.
Both are gone within 2 years.