I unironically fully support this

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these would be better

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>we should make thots harder to identify

Digging your own grave here. Besides, teenage boys know what tits look like.


This must be how the burqa started :|

Yes. Roastiehood must be stopped at all costs. Anyone who disagrees is a confirmed degenerate.

Lmao why does it have to be pink. God damn roasties at it again
Just a bunch of 50+ old hags who are jealous of younger girls who still have their beauty

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There should be government mandated modesty laws for young women until they're married or adults.

Always amuses me when the incels on Jow Forums take notes from the goatfuckers they claim to hate so much.


t. faggot virgins

"Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire." - 1 Tim. 2:9.
This is completely different from the Mudslime version of "modesty."

It's still fucking insane. Braided hair? Really?

t. Virgin who thinks that if he’ll get laid by whiteknighting

>i wanna be a whore!!!!1!1!1!1

>defending whores anonymously on a kentucky derby community front

Braided hair back in those days was a sign of prostitution. learn2bible, heathen.

>you’re not allowed to hold an opinion of other people I don’t like hold that opinion

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>"To be clear: the poncho will not be passed out at prom," the email read. "It was on display to proactively remind students of our dress code policies and eliminate any confusion prior to this event."

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>showing shoulder is verboten

Get the fuck out of here with that Tan German bullshit

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when I see women with braids I have the overwhelming urge to skullfuck them

I always assume that pretending only one culture has ever come up with traditional gender values is like a psychological defense mechanism to keep you from wondering why every civilization on earth was built while agreeing on the nearly universal set of values leftists have been positioned to oppose.

>being thia mad that stacy blew chad instead of you 10 years ago at your prom

>thinks male profs came up with the poncho
loling at your life desu

>fox news coverage
Such a joke. When will these media shitshows die off.


Girls don't have to dress like sluts in order to be attractive

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>Always amuses me when the incels on Jow Forums take notes from the goatfuckers
They take it way too far, but the idea of modesty itself isn't a bad one. Modesty should be about revealing dignity, rather than subjugation.

There's nothing especially dignified about either the roastie or the burka.

Fuck off reddit

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>frog poster
Glass houses

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you must be this reddit to make that statement

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Prom without cleavage is like a beach without water

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>Prom without cleavage is like a beach without water
Sooo... most of the Middle East.

Milk truk just arrive

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Yeah, and that place is a shit show of epic proportions. Thank you for proving my point.

Just accept this is how girls dress now

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Wow. I used to go to church there. I did my catechism there.

So do I. But as you know (I assume you are from the area), we've already got the outraged left talking about how it's persecution.

It's a catholic school dumb ass. They never put up with this shit.

>mfw I was prom king and I didn't even get laid or drink that night.

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i support this as well. however, as a father with a daughter, my girl will not find herself in a position in life where she will need to be chastised for being inappropriate.
any girl who is found guilty of immodesty either has an absent father, or a weak-willed, brow-beaten father, whose wife has nagged him into obscurity.

Relgion is in it's death throws.. wait for it.. Pope be kissing the feet of muslims to keep the money rolling in.. Vatican has zero exports.

OH fug

>I unironically fully support this
You guys are gay and you never went to prom.

will these magical ponchos stop rape?

it won't stop me from doing the raping

How much of a flaming faggot do you have to be to think that women going around in skimpy clothing is somehow a bad thing

>normalfag signalling
The age old cuck versus faggot make-belief dilemma.

>normalfag signalling

kys faggot

Just ignore social issues and think with your dick like a nigger.

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What social issues? Is cleavage at prom a fucking social issue for you?

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Word just came out... the catholic school just caved on this. There will be no ponchos.

huh you're right, muslims don't like degeneracy so we should just all become huge degenerate faggots because we dont want to be like those smelly sandniggers right? haha fuck my ass bro

Trivializing. It is the issue being discussed ITT.

it's a christfag school dude, the social issue is neoliberal cultural cosmopolitanism. let the christfags do their thing.


>How much of a flaming faggot do you have to be to think that women going around in skimpy clothing is somehow a bad thing
Why are Millennials the loneliest generation in history?
Why are Millennials eating Tidepods or setting themselves on fire for attention?
Why are Millennials chopping their dicks off and chugging Onions to find love?

Its because widespread sexualization leads to infidelity which leads to a breakdown in social bonds which leads to a breakdown in marriage and the family unit which creates an enormous negative feedback loop that causes societies to self destruct.

This is exactly what was done to the Black community. In a decade they went from upward trending mobility where MLK Jr. was a role model, to one where literal Pimps and Drug Dealers were portrayed as heroes by the Kikes in Hollywood, and what followed was decades of increased numbers of children born out of wedlock and the self immolation of black communities even though they had finally achieved equal standing under the law with Whites. But nobody cared back then because they were niggers and this social disease hadn't spread yet outside the ghettos.

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And no one has figured out.... this wasn't about making girls wear the poncho. It was about not having to make girls wear it. They gave warning ahead of time so all the young ladies would think twice about walking in with their tits hanging out.

But then the media picked it up, and they went all "oh equal rights, girls have a right to dress like hookers", and now they've had to back down.

It's tough fighting against the degeneration of the entire world. I applaud them at least trying.


>>showing shoulder is verboten

there will be none of this kind of reasoning here! STONE ALL THOTS!

lmao no one here even went to prom

I think burkas are more appropriate tbph

This desu

>50+ old hags
bro those old hags are fucking 13 year old students, they have the last laugh now
is there a word for being jealous x 100000?


>thought that was a "Oats, Brother" pig in the background

Hitler breathed air too, so you should probably stop doing that you nazi

>death throw
>excessive use of ellipsis

muslims already do this as you know, not that it matters anyway

I like the idea too pick related.

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Can someone make an Elliot rodger version of this

what sort of guy would get a girl like that

>there are literally people, on Jow Forums, RIGHT NOW, IN THIS THREAD, that didn't go to prom
God, imagine being that pathetic.

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>this is controversial enough to be a news article

its a catholic school. if you don't agree with it go to a public one, and have a black kid.


Ok I see how it is you fucker.

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Theyre called muslim countries

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ehh not really, this is the demolition man society that libshits are trying to create where hurtful words and triggers should be punishable by death

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Next step toward liberal utopia: ban toilet paper.

If we don't run out of it first like they did in Venezuela, that is.

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you really didn't go to prom? Are you for real??? Who doesn't go to prom?!

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singapore is getting there

The kind that doesn't ask pussy-ass questions like that.

as if that would fit any american teenage girl

There is no clearer evidence that Jow Forums is full of underage kids than the roastie defense force that immediately mobilizes whenever some one brings up the idea that women shouldn't dress like sluts at prom.

Protip: Only thirsty virgins whose high point of the day is staring at Stacy's thong when they sit behind her at school need women to dress like sluts. Adult men know that getting caught staring a bitch's tits is a recipe for a disciplinary meeting with HR, and God help you if the thot whose tits you're oggling is underage!

Not to mention the tell-tale give away that only someone that's attending prom (and is therefore underage) gets anything out of underage girls dressing slutty at prom .

>All you thirsty faggots should be banned for posting on Jow Forums while underage.

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Its a religious nut school. Who is surprised.

>he's proud of being a normie

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>religious nut school
sick Strawman breh
christcucks btfo amirite