Major parties are shit both in USA and Poland

Major parties are shit both in USA and Poland.
Should I vote green?
Why is the green party universally despised amongst nations?

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Why have you shit in the food?

WTF is this food?

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Green is as bad as Reds

>Why is the green party universally despised amongst nations?
Because they are usually far-left commie SJWs.

I see merchants everywhere now. Thanks Jow Forums

Peas and baby shit would be my guess

Because even if you care ONLY about ecology, they usually do some token shit like some pollution fees, and then go right on to assfuck Earth by promoting foreign population explosion with their neoliberal keynesian policies (ie Gibs and sjw).

look like lentils and pesto

Greens in Poland? It's just a bunch of pre-Razem fags. I mean, Razem came out of the Greens over personal differences, but they still collaborated (e.g. I tried to get a job from electoral commission thru Razem and finally got it thru Greens).
FFS even Nowoczesna is better.

>green party = cryptocommie
>all commies must hang
>fuck the green party
That is all. Carry on.

because they are a bunch of sjw faggots

In Sweden they are basicly tree-hugging-commies.

Our Green Party are basically socialists, they turned left to hoover up voters from the Blairite Labour Party, now they've been fucked because all those voters have gone back to Labour now Corbyn is in charge. They used to be genuine ecologists but they've been watermelons for nearly twenty years now. It's a shame, there's room for a right-wing environmentalist party.

Media jews slander all humanists. Youre slav so might as well give up youre not human to begin with.

Check em

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>right-wing environmentalist party
This makes no sense. Centrists, yes but right or left?

The greens are communists disguised as... something.

It makes perfect sense, conservative and conservation have the same root in English. Environmentalism is basically a reactionary position.

Isn't it still better to trick people into dumping their votes into green party than to vote Democrat?

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what the hell dude, wtf is that

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Greens fuck dogs and are pro pedo.

eat well poland friend

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Muscle and mouse have tge same root in Latin. What's your point?

what did you do to those lentils

Mice are very strong for their size?

Italian invention.

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just lentils and pesto. calm down chocolate nigger
just lentils and pesto. calm down mutt nigger

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No, muscles look like little mouse under the skin. Mouse in latin is mus.

good to see your eating less carbs these days poland friend. eating just potatoes is shit
>my dinner
greens parties suck becaus they are hypocrticial. they n ever really ddefend enviornment. here in switzerland they cock block 2nd gott tunnel == more traficjams == more polution

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Green party is the most self destructive party there can be in any nation.
Green party is filled with those that speak the truth and only want whats good for all.
Green party is the only true party of the people.

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Muscles look like mice? Ancient Romans confirmed Jow Forums

Hey I'll swim over there and kick your ass!

American tells polak what to do...
oh the fate, the history...

should've toasted the bun, woulda been perfect

You know what they say about Greens - they're watermelons. Behind that thin layer of green, they're all red.

How do you know? They never cover them in media.

You need only look at their party programs.

"Green" ideology is almost always combined with economic leftism, social progressivism, pro-immigration stances, pro-EU stances and more.

The first actually green party in the world was the NSDAP. They introduced the kind of naturalism and protection laws for animals and environment that are now the norm for so called green parties. These green parties are, however, not protectors; they are demagogues that hide their ulterior motives of pathological socialism under a thin veneer of environmental protection. They are communists pretending to be all about seemingly harmless environmental issues nobody would take much offense with to bait and trap apathetic voters that do not wish to cast their vote with any party that actually takes on all those morally questionable challenges presented by our times in the vain hope that they themselves can remain morally pure and untouched. The man that votes for the green parties is a man who has given up the fight for his nation, his people and his very own future. Such a defeated creature cannot possibly hope to protect anything, least of all the environment! And while this pathetic husk of a man slumbers idle, placated by false promises of a noble cause, these false prophets in green garbs secretely hand the power vested in them to the very enemies of all living things in this world: The traitors! The globalists! The scum of the earth! The communist! Robber barons the lot of them! No! To vote green is not to protect the environment! To vote green is to burn it to the ground via the hands of those that would take everything from you and hand it to themselves, if only you would stop resisting them! If you wish to protect your world, you need to protect all of it! And this includes your nation, your people and your culture, for without these, you have no power to protect anything!

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kys moron its not a bun

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Our greens are bascally "dude weed" and "refugees welcome" party. The whole concept of green parties became irrelevant when major parties hijacked their agenda and started putting environmental issues into their own platform.

>baby shit
the hell are you feeding your baby?

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For me it’s that they steal votes away from my party. Hillary would be president right now if not for Jill Stein.

They're communists. Here they are at their international meeting a few years ago voting to make "Global Government" their policy goal.

If they are voting third party then they don't like the mainstream parties. Trump would still be the less mainstream option if the third party was removed.

I seriously don't understand why this isn't recognized more often. A true far right party (populism, not neoliberalist) is the only one that can coherently call itself environmental.

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didnt that ivory coast nigger poz a bunch of greens in poland?

greens are commies
vote libertarian you stupid nigger

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