Just look at this fat faggot and tell me he should be allowed own military-grade machine guns and other devices of destruction? Just look at his "no tresspassing" sign. He is obviously either a schizophrenic who itches to shoot the mailman on sight or a paranoid maniac. Either way, he's a danger to his fellow citizens and should be disarmed immeaditely. Home defence works perfectly fine with just a pistol, automatic, high-caliber weapons are overkill and their sole main purpose is to aid potential mass shooters as a tool.
liberty is cool and all, but that guy is a dangerous man taking advantage. The amendment should be partially revised, for the better of the people of america.
Wyatt Sanchez
> Mental retards owning guns So you are okay with disarming Marxists?
Evan Jackson
that lucky kike
Michael Hughes
I am very ok. A state letting everyone arm themselves akin to having a built-in self destruct mechanism. Extremists, which are also a threat to the state, are put to a great advantage with such legistlation. If a country is getting invaded, only then the state should allow military equipment for citizens, as well as passing out rifles for everyone. We can arm a society really quick whenever we want, should we need to protect ourselves.
Kayden Edwards
> OP does not approve > 'Merica should change We're not here to give you GoodFeels, OP.
The no trespassing sign is there because that's his equivalent of an investment portfolio. The things in there are worth probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars. Would you want somebody trampling through your stocks and messing with stuff? If you were a museum curator would you want John Q. Public touching everything? That's why he has no trespassing signs.
also: this dude walks into your gun store. >hey, lets sell this obvious turbo sociopath a firearm. >sees mass shooting on tv >i bet (((they'll))) blame us again!
Us Americans are gonna own guns until the planet blows up. Stay mad, krautcuck.
Ryan Cox
G*rmany was a mistake. Fuck you kraut for making me think the guy was going to be crazy instead of a based old dude.
Owen Johnson
What is this old Jewish man doing wrong? He's obviously super sad his wife died and just survives. He's clearly a mentally tough individual if he can speak about snapping and never done so himself.
if you don't care about them then don't fucking complain when they buy guns. I don't care about arabia and korea and I don't complain about them throwing shit at each other. On the opposite, I want them to buy our guns to throw shit at eachother. Get fucked turkshit.
>7:1 uma germany is 99% white. compare this to your ugly mutthole, deep fry golem. The worst is that you still hate the idea of reasonable gun legislation.
>Just look at this fat faggot and tell me he should be allowed own military-grade machine guns and other devices of destruction? He looks pretty old, and he owns a fuckton of guns. This means he's spent quite a ton of time collecting them, and in that time, has not once used them to commit a crime. He should be allowed to own as many weapons as he wants.
>Just look at his "no tresspassing" sign. He is obviously either a schizophrenic who itches to shoot the mailman on sight or a paranoid maniac. Again, he hasn't committed any crimes yet. Moreover, it's legal in America to shoot people who trespass on your property. This isn't Germany. If you break into someone's house, you are going to die.
>Either way, he's a danger to his fellow citizens and should be disarmed immeaditely. Home defence works perfectly fine with just a pistol, automatic, high-caliber weapons are overkill and their sole main purpose is to aid potential mass shooters as a tool. His history says otherwise.
Evan Green
typical burger smug "he dindu nuffin (shot 51 people) yet" mentality. This is why you have gun deaths. An easy background check system would already rule out 98% of detroit niggers
Jackson Evans
pretty non existent, mostly just takes up the minds of the morons that can't ever seem to leave this place
Dominic Morgan
Josiah White
>people shouldn't be allowed to effectively defend themselves because of meaningless traits I arbitrarily assign to them
Nolan Fisher
>fully automatic action, high capacity magazines are needed to stop a burlgar
We already have a background check system. The fact that this guy has machine guns means he passes the most stringent background check systems we have short of getting a government security clearance. I think he mentioned he sells some of those guns, which would suggest he has an FFL, which also has its own background check system.
Gavin King
That fat faggot should be allowed to own a gun. Sorry that your country is made up of pathetic pushovers. We have our share, but some still have their balls.
No, they're needed to defend yourself in the case of a revolution. Statistically, the chance of such an event happening in the average American's lifetime is 37%
That said, the fact that is guy has so many suggests he's a collector. He doesn't "need" them, he just likes to have lots of them because it's a fun (albeit expensive) hobby.
Adam Robinson
You cared enough to make a thread you dirty kraut
Tyler Richardson
>all the user ITT supporting ordinary citizens having military grade weapons Why do you all hate safety?
Once upon a time, there were a bunch of really smart dudes who decided it was no one's fucking business to tell us what we could or couldn't do after we kicked the ever loving shit out of His Majesty's army.
>hey colony, let us tax you a bit more because of our efforts of defending england (thus by extension defending you) >flip shit like a nigger country and declare independence
Joseph Nelson
Angel Richardson
Mel owns a military museum though.
Eli Flores
>should mental retards own guns Maybe >should everyone other than niggers, jews and marxists own guns Hell Yeah, even the Nazbols Us Gingers and whites in general need to arm ourselves against the jewish hoards
and you would know what was best for Americans? Go back to making us more roller delayed blow-back guns Hanz
Justin Johnson
We are going to dismantle our standing Army, and make every American between the ages of 18-45 fight the wars themselves. There is NO reason for a single American to be unarmed. If your answer to problems is more government, stay the fuck away from America.