Millennials lonliest in history

Millenials are lonelier than 90 year olds in a fucking nursing home ffs study shows. Thanks to boomers for raising such a sick lot of people.

Mouse utopia experiment:

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I was thinking about this the other day, that modern life is just one cruel separation after the other. You go to school and make friends, then you leave and never see them again. You go to university or college and make friends, then you leave and never see them again. Then you go from job to job, moving from town to town. It's impossible to have any kind of community when people mostly live like this, like nomads. People used to live and work in their hometowns all their lives, their old schoolmates were their neighbours and coworkers. Sure some people might not like that way of doing things, maybe they'd feel claustrophobic and want to leave. But I bet more people would be happy with that kind of arrangement than the one we live with now.

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they really need to bring back military service, look how soft kids are getting

A solution to that is living in a small town (people here don't usually leave unless we drive them out)

>tfw you can't even blame your parents for your failure of a life

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Fuck it might as well start.

Coventry here. If anyone wants to do bag work or whatever. Just let me know. I have a punchbag.

>They really need to bring back military service
Implying the military no longer exists?

Stop complaining about things no one can change, the only way you can change the world is by being a better individual.

Lonely guy here. Going to be 30 year old virgin in a month.

Stopped caring a while ago. I accepted my life will be nothing but solitary wage slavery a decade ago. I don't even buy things any more, and just accumulate money (but not enough to be useful for anything). Not sure what will happen to it when I die, but I'll be dead who who cares.

>mfw when my best friend is the bottle

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why the fuck would I want to change the world. I want it to burn.

Who /melancholy/ here?

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i just want to meet a girl like me and take care of her forever in our own forest i dont really give a fuck about what happens beyond my woods why is this too much to ask for

Yes to this.
Can we accelerate this process some how?
I want to watch it all burn.

>Making friends
heh yeah

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Diversity=social mistrust=isolation

The homeland cannot fight off domestic (((infections))) whilst divided

mandatory, burger

All by design. You were supposed to be lonely, and the immigrants and refugees were supposed to protect their bottom line

Human beings are wired for tribal living unfortunately, the limit for the amount of people you can know (and care about) at any one time is around 150

I'm Millennial and go out of my way not to be social with most people. Is this what the article is talking about? I hate the world and my peers so I shut myself out and withdraw.

(a)social media was a mistake.

Why do you have to give me these feels user?
That sounds like literal paradise...
I just want to get married to a nice girl someday and be left alone...

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You are in good company then user

It's really easy to stay in contact in the modern age.

Get fucked, I'll withdraw from reality until I have better friends only I can see. It's almost like reality sucks. I'm only kidding, that's already happened.

25 and on the same way, but I can't accept it. Where did everything went so wrong? I thought I could find a gf in university, but no.

If things get too bad for me I am going to bail on this shit. I've given it quite a bit of thought the past couple of years and rather than kill myself, if shit hits the fan, I will bail and try and survive on my own innawoods.
If I die there at least I died trying, I die free, and I will be returned to the earth.

Urban Britain is brutally lonely and depressing. Thatcher should've bombed industrial Britain and its dependents out of existence. No point in only doing half the job by deindustrialising while leaving behind a redundant class of people.

Oh so you want to weaken the military by flooding it with faggots who don't wanna.

Most people aren't worth being friends with.
The only people I care about are my family and my wife.
And that's not because of the blood or marriage, it's because they've been there for me time and time again for years
You're very unlikely to make friends with someone and reach real connection, like you can with your immediate family or wife. I'd love to have a mate who looked out for me and I'd look out for him in return with a great sense of loyalty. People rarely work like that these days.

Cultural Marxists individualization.

They needed white males isolated so they could be margenilized and destroyed.

C'mon now. You think lonliness doesn't affect immigrants too? Its the modern world.

Gen Z here. It's no better. And I don't think I'm the only one. Frens?

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Social media is not a good substitute, as the article explains.

This thread is full of pathetic loser lowlife scum.

Ah, and I'm 26. Turning 27 in 6 months.

Join a group or club. The free masons for example or the rotory club a country club. Anywhere men gather and congregate.

They presented all of these things as "evil" to destroy you. You are powerless without a collective.

While the jews villify white male congrgations they all have sybygogue.

>larping as if he isnt one of us

Youre not fooling anyone Hanz(or Akmed)


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Yes, it is too much to ask for.

Jesus mods delete this thread for being autistuc and depressing. Had to check I wasnt on r9k

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Traveling is also a lot easier and cheaper these days.

>weaken the military
these fags are either gonna shape up, or get a dishonorable discharge, perhaps even prison time

It's Thatcher that fucked the country up to begin with

piratefag is foreign faggot hiding behind pirate flag
lots of countries had mandatory service
but it was always a rapefest
we had the draft for vietnam and korea
pirate is one of those boomercucks who think kids just need to be whipped and yelled at because they must be pussies, etc
disregard pirate
the only one that shows up around here is retarded faggot from dumbfuckistan

Not sure when it all happened, but this is just the way the world is now. Lonely people living meaningless lives that go nowhere. No point getting upset about it.

Stop blaming everything on the Jews, man. Did Mouse Jews cause these mice to self-destruct when placed in circumstances imitating those of modern humans:

m8 theres around 60 million people on this island(s) you aint gonna 'go innawoods' anywhere.

This country would consume itself like a swarm of locusts if doomsday ever befell us.

This is why I started writing. That way I can share my friends.
>But now I have writer's block. So now they ran away, too.

Collectivism is so pathetic.

All by design The systematic villification of white men after their systematic demoralization

You assume I'd stay on this island, getting of it is step 1

(((Social media))) will never replace actual real-life human interaction, you filthy kike. There are actual studies done on this matter, look it up.
You have to go back. If you really think you can come for a quick visit and attempt to ridicule us and act as if you were above us, think again, sweaty.

It's women's lib that did this. 80% of men and 20% of women aren't coupling up. 40% of are trying to land Chad and never settle. They end up as lonely cat ladies because they couldn't stomach marrying a normal dude.

Destruction of the nuclear family as a population generator, encouragement towards deviancy as a placator

Alright Jow Forums why haven't you gone to church to make friends yet? It's the only place random strangers actually want to talk to anyone else.

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>make it mandatory to serve the ZOG
I'll pass on that load of shit


>The systematic villification of white men after their systematic demoralization
Yes but the point is loneliness and isolation do not just affect white men.

Because only boomers here go to church.

It's not just that, but mass transportation (especially personal transportation like cars) has destroyed self-sufficient communities.

Being a social outcast with a gf is not much of an improvement unless she is the same. Your cycinism and dark outlook will strain your relationship as she wonders despite her Love why you can’t make friends as she does. You might consider suicide as a way of setting her free from your grasp, giving her a second chance at happiness without living in your shadow.

too bad he still killed himself in the end

It's really lonely out here. Amazing how living in the middle of a city with over 250,000 people, and surrounding county population of over 2 million can feel so lonely.

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>when you're /zerofriends/ but you cope by shitposting with strangers from all over the world on an Indonesian backgammon enthusiasts forum

I was born and raised in Las Vegas, all those years spent on the east side. Got a job in Henderson and I plan to get an apartment closer to that area. Henderson is around 78% white I think compared to like 35~% of non-white hispanic in Las Vegas. There are boomers everywhere but that's much better than fucking niggers all over the place fighting, getting in car collisions, and trying to sell you foodstamps while you're grocery shopping.

Wow what a salient point to make after the extremely clear and obvious systematic vilification and demoralization of white men. Maybe you could reward yourself with some of Greg Lansky's finest shill.

better get off before it happens then otherwise good luck trying to get transport when the world is falling apart.

They're fucking fake.

millenials are ignorant, arrogant, useless, childish, irresponsible, inconsiderate, incapable of conversation, have fucked up values and tastes
who the fuck would or could be friends with millenials, they dont know the meaning of friendship
they are pure garbage that should be unironically exterminated

The only way to truly be an individual is to be alone. If you feel loneliness, you're a collectivist. If you never do feel it, you're a sociopath.

Willful ignorance is pathetic.

I'll be just as vicious as the other bastards if its at that point user. What would/will you be doing? Genuine question.

So what? All your generation does is play fucking video games and they don't even interact with each other.

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This. Jews are just a scapegoat (most of the time) for technological and social changes naively orchestrated by us.

Same as last thread. I've lived in Ireland for two years now. I haven't made a single friend. I meet people sometimes buy there is just no friendship connection. If I ever move home I'd lose my job and likely my girlfriend but at least I'd have friends again. I'm so lonely all the time.

He was truly one of us. A man who knew that the world was not as it should be and could not, no matter how hard he tried to pretend, participate in the sickness of it. No, he had to correct it.

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not my fault your country is run by Jews, also I didn't say shit about going to war, just military training to get you fags out of your comfort zone so you can maybe stop blaming all your problems on someone else for a change

I've been driving for years now and it's only gotten more and more expensive by each passing year. You could argue, "but muh public transports.", but those don't cover a large area and also cost money.
I'd rather just spare all the fuss and money by not bothering.

TFW you are one of the beautiful ones.

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No but there's no doubt that the jews created that ideal for mankind because they are merchants and an ever-expanding system is designed to benefit merchant ar the cost of society

you are an idiot :3

What race and ethnicity are you?

I barely know anybody over 30 who has friends. Colleagues yes. If you are 30 yo you're probably a childless cosmopolitan hipster anyways.

That's all a choice though. People are moving because they want more. People didn't stay in one place because of choice

yes, and with the shit economy, everyone is job hopping which makes it even harder to bond with anyone

but the average person is such low quality, that you wouldn't want to bond with them or spend time with them outside of work

Yeah nice one asshole, gr8 post

A white guy from >leaf country.

The nazis committed genocide via force. But the jews, talented as they are, have attempted to commit it by policy.

>Your cycinism
>dark outlook
wew lad
(((0.003 shekels have been posted to your acct)))

this is me but I'm genx

>I'd rather just spare all the fuss and money by not bothering.
Then I guess friends are not a priority for you, that's okay

Feeling loneliness is an evolutionary ingrained trait, it's useful for survival.
Nobody survives alone, not ever. Ayn Rand and hyper-individualism is for teenagers and sociopathic fantasists with delusional egos.

What else is there to do in this rotten society? Want me to work my ass off for minimal returns? Make friendships that will never last? Get a girlfriend to fuck just to be used and betrayed?
Fuck off, what do you know, you're a fucking boomer.

ffs lad just grab a prosy

It'll turn out alright user, we're not mice, but that's sad as fuck anyway.

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>you are an idiot :3
I wish I could dismiss reality as easily as you can dismiss arguments that ruin your worldview.

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Exactly. They aren't. But that's not the point. The point is, keeping long-distance friendships isn't easy nor free. I'd rather just attempt to make new ones but after a while it gets tiring and you just stop caring
t. I only work part-time and have to be on the move constantly

Military is gay. Killing the enemies of your enemies because your enemy commands it?
Would be better to be a serial killer.