How do we get chicanos to vote republican?

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Why would you, isn't the point to get out of the duopoly?

Most Mexicans I know are easily conservative.

We don't, we have to revoke birthright citizen and not just actively but retroactively and kick a shit ton of them out, either that or secede and form a newer, whiter country so that their retard third worldist tendencies don't ruin it this time around like they already have done to America.
Even conservative Hispanics vote Democrat.

as someone who lives in southern california, you are so fucking wrong

>how do we get chicanos to vote republican?
Not possible. "Minorities" are property of the Democratic party and their gibs agenda. The Republican party is dying with the white demographic.

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>Getting nigger races to vote for anyone other than the jew party.
We don't you stupid faggot. We deport all 30,000,000 of them.

No, they're a bunch of corruption spreading liars, heretics and thieves and you're one of them.
Weak, parasitic and always looking for someone to save them from themselves, they are incapable of ever being Americans. They'll never demand the rights to care for themselves, they'll always demand that others be responsible. Slaves looking for a master to wash, feed and provide for them

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Governor Jerry Brown took away your SSI 5 years ago and never paid it back, just kept the funds

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Cigarettes cost $10.00 a pack
gasoline is $4.00 a gallon
sales tax is 9.5%
The Republicans will save you money

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You would have to only permit the devout Catholics to come in, but that won't happen since the people who end up coming over are generally not Catholic, let alone Christian, so they become very liberal real fast.


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Fags are ten dollars a pack now? Ridiculous. Haven't bought them in years but that's just appalling.

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Lmfao why do you think Catholics necessarily vote republican you retahd




go back to the the_donald

Every generation chicanos are here, they slowly move to the right. Keep chicanos from illegally settling here will tip them towards the Republican Party in the long-run ie gen 4 onward. IE stop the flow of replacement Chicano Democrat voters from generation 1 and 2.

Educate them how Guns protect minorities.
If they like guns they'll like the party
I too want gun rights in Europe :S

Wrong. Niggers and all other minorities are way too scared to leave the Democratic party plantation and they will not be welcome in the Republican party.

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Blacks are, but everyone else will leave. Starting in Gen 3, minorities start to begin questioning whether or not they are part of the victim class. By Gen 5, almost unilaterally, they oppose the victim mentality syndrome

Don't even bother. Deport them, build the wall, problem solved.

This they just vote for whoever benefits them the most

>mexicans are conservative because the breed like rats and wear crosses
imagine being this stupid

deport them

suburban latinx communities are very republican
innercity is democrat because liberals have all the power in cities.

Big white cock

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