Really makes you think?

Attached: how-does-this-differ-from-this.jpg (913x1440, 802K)

Top picture: Fight for liberty.
Bottom picture: Riot for gibs

Attached: attack of the giant faggot staring OP.jpg (425x301, 29K)

You're suggesting that American revolutionaries raped and looted from British loyalist non-combatants?

>the one negro with the tire
Someone is getting burned.

Attached: 1482664265405.jpg (246x232, 4K)

Top: no niggers
bottom: lots of ugly ass niggers

I see at least 3 tires

>>fight for liberty

No, they were a bunch of greedy old ass meat heads who didn't like to pay taxes and revolted against their king and established a failed confederacy which was replaced by a republic which defeated the point of the revolution.

>>whats wrong with gibs? your government is supposed to welfare the nation the same as your parents welfare you or you welfare your child.

I see two, where's the third?
Fucking blacks ruining every photo with their lack of contrast.

See that tire on the bottom right?
Washington didn't torture people to death.
3/10 troll harder newfag.

lol so is the stop sign equivalent to the flag? No uniforms either.

No no you don't understand.
It's a Formula Nig race.
The guy with the stop sign is getting the car to stop, and they're about to change the tires.

they didnt? what is tar and feathering?

Attached: GHoxasfm1gCx47tabybohwCx.jpg (785x1024, 265K)

>I have to go back hundreds of years to find equivalencies with modern day blacks
Wakanda Forever.

Oh Aussies.
You always make me chuckle.
But seriously, ending Apartheid was a mistake.

>had to pay taxes
>weren't represented at all in the government those taxes were going to

>>assuming that being taxed mere lack of representation in a parliament justifies a violent revolt against the nation that protected you during the 7 years war.

The colonialists werent being genocided or having their children dashed on rocks or had their girls and women raped by british soldiers, they were traeted almsot like royalty and wanted more.


>niggers chimp out
>destroy their own neighborhoods and ultimately accomplish nothing
>white people chimp out
>overthrow empires and create the most powerful nations the world has ever seen
Reeeeeeeeeally makes you think.

Attached: nintchdbpict000082882917.jpg (960x672, 117K)

>bottom has no real ideology or banner that unites them other than "steal shit"
>no military strategy, uniform, or leaders
>bottom is literally just a bunch of nigger rioting in a town for a few days while the top is a group of colonies rebelling against an entire country

Nice bait I guess.

One has flutes and drums.
The others have a stop sign??

>taxes are the only thing that started the revolution

>top picture
>farmers and laborers organizing into militias and a Continental Army in order to get the United Kingdom to recognize their independence and sovereignty after the crown ignored all the colonists' legal attempts at redressing their various grievances
>afterwards revolutionary statesmen would go on to create, while by no means perfect, possibly one of the most well thought-out and written Constitutions in history.

>bottom picture
>welfare recipients and obsolete farm equipment proceed to rob liquor stores and pilfer sneakers from department stores for no discernible reason aside from the fact that they think they don't receive enough free shit already
>no discernible motivation, agenda, or goal as their are conveniently "no official leaders" (because deep down we all know that not even Tyrone wants to be accountable for Daquarius's behavior)
>after possibly 2 nights max these pavement apes will return to their section 8 housing to find another check from the government in their mailbox and Jamal will go back to slinging crack and shooting at his neighbors while sadly reminiscing on how his ancestors used to be spacefaring Wakanda Zulu Kangz until the white man that gave him his EBT card made them slaves and sheit

gosh there's basically no difference

>>a group of rich old men organize an unjustified revolt against a monarch who protected them from the 7 years war organize a group forming an army of old and illiterate and gullible men fighting for what they think is their interest when really it was the rich's interest.

>>as if government welfare is something not to fight for

Id rather live in a welfare state than live in a country where I have the liberty to be poor and die and not have the liberty of security and affluence.

Attached: 1509929593324.jpg (756x1100, 209K)

>your government is supposed to welfare the nation

Agreed, when it works. Niggers don't give to the state however, they only take.

>Reeeeeeeeeally makes you think.

Attached: dasrite.jpg (1596x2576, 1.35M)

Top picture: humans. Bottom picture: sub humans

Well then go to Canada.

well when you have an incompetant government that allows its own welfare system to be abused by niggers, that should already be call enough for a violent revolt which is much more virtuous that what the colonialists fought for.



One was a well ordered uprising, with uniformed armies, who obeyed laws, and customs of war, and had a clearly defined goal.

The other was a bunch of chimps burning shit in order to secure more gibs, which they'd inevitably squander.

There is one difference:

Whites are inferior.

Attached: 1521320776019.jpg (630x480, 70K)

Attached: 1516560664868.jpg (600x399, 206K)

Attached: 1511580455144.png (744x696, 135K)

UR INFERIOR WHITE BOI, can i move into your neighborhood plz? and let my kids go to da white skoo? pretty plz?


>Not in their interest
Right, you could be living like a bong or leaf right now.

Just keep shitposting the same bs like all other stormfags.

Attached: 1516903181896.jpg (607x371, 80K)


Attached: 1516903053223.jpg (394x420, 79K)

> (OP)
>One was a well ordered uprising, with uniformed armies, who obeyed laws, and customs of war, and had a clearly defined goal.

Not sure if throwing rocks at british soldiers, tar and feathering, and starting a civil war counts as obeyong the law of the land.
>The other was a bunch of chimps burning shit in order to secure more gibs, which they'd inevitably squander.

Revolting for handouts is more virtuous than revolting because of taxes.

freedom vs. gibmedat


You're right. We should quell the enemies of the state.


the difference is last time the invaded people didn't pay the invaders and didn't built houses for them

You can't see the niggers?

> (OP)
>You can't see the niggers?

Theyre both niggers

you don't deserve that flag

how are white people niggers?

> (You)
>how are white people niggers?

Ill show you

Attached: download.jpg (260x194, 12K)

Attached: wiggers.jpg (225x275, 11K)

>fighting for sovereignty against tyranny vs rioting in a mob

> (OP)
>>fighting for sovereignty against tyranny vs rioting in a mob

They had sovereignty, they just were greedy old fat fucks who wanted more money.

They still have more cognitive potential than niggers

> (You)
> (You)
>They still have more cognitive potential than niggers

Yea and they used it to be rebellious and greedy against their own government.

Hey, Leftypol, your boyfriend kick you out until you bring home sucky sucky money?