What does pol think of the Metis/Half-breeds of Canada...

What does pol think of the Metis/Half-breeds of Canada.. most of the ones I’ve met are mostly white and a lot have blue eyes even

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It's us french being bored by our contemporary womynz that were seduced by the racialmix meme, just like any weeaboo with their gooks.

>us french
You guys are as much mutts as we are kys

Go practice your favorite national sport -catching bullets, lardass nigger.

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Being mutted with Native American>>>>>>>>>>being mutted with negroid

Don't know any but they seem all right. They are half Frog though...usually not a good thing.

What is the point of these threads?

That's a terrible OP pic.

Attached: metis family.jpg (1000x614, 120K)

I'm one ama

Same, it’s why I made the thread, what province is ur roots from

ontario and quebec

Don't mind me just dumping pics

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Ontario here.. got ur card for when they start with the gibs?

nope, I'm not sure I'm native enough..my sister is looking into it I think.
for me it comes from my great grandparents

Shieeet... there’s no blood requirements for the card , I know sum blonde hair blue eyes ppl with it

>blonde hair blue eyes ppl
that's me
me mother was Irish
Think I may inquire about this myself

Well im barely Native, idea if it would show up in a DNA test.. ironically tho I look Native and people think I’m like a 1/4 Asian or something

Don't ask for gibs just because make some political statements.

Attached: MetisFamily.jpg (500x278, 34K)

you're right..I should leave it for the mass samali invaders

If wh*TEoids want to hand me gibs to clear their white guilt over the fact that a fraction of my ancestors were removed from their lands then I’ll take the gibs

Look better than most of what you have now. You faggots should start makimg more of those things again. But please dont stop takimg all of our haitianvaders.

Yes nigger, youve earned it.

Vive Louis Riel! Vive the Red River Rebellion! Long Live the Canadian Republic!

Umm yea