We're Winning

And they know we are.

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I got on all fours this morning and let the neighbours dog cum inside me (in my arsehole).

Feels good man

Post yfw you saved western civilisation from a fucking Japanese imageboard website composed entirely of autists

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You'll get shut down just like the nazi's did, you autistic cuck.

Individualism is and will always be the superior ideology.

You cant shill here, the dice is cast, good beat evil.

UK is a hell hole, and dying fast.

What are you talking about?

You are right. That's why America is #1 baby

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The U.K is not fucked, detriment to the nation is rapidly decreasing and the lengthy restoration process will begin. the 'right' has won this culture war in the west.

>implying that you are somehow important enough to be shilled

White People will never go extinct, ever-
You may think otherwise, but truly this will never occur, and more so they will always dominate at least some land, because they know how too and the fewer there are the more red pilled they will all be.

Trump will never be removed from office-
This will never ever happen, 2/3s of the senate will never vote to remove him.

Trump will win in 2020-
Trump is almost guaranteed victory in 2020, no party since WW2 has ever held the WH for just one term except the Carter administration, failing some unimaginable cataclysmic event AND a super popular democrat. Trump will win.

Major Election Victories-
Out of the 3 major EU elections this year (Hungary, Sweden and Italy) 2/3 have put /our guys/ in power and Sweden is yet to come.

Massive red pillings happening on a daily basis- Jews totally losing their edge in the information transfer realms due to you and the memes you make and spread. More red pilled people alive today than yesterday, more to come tomorrow.

WW3 didn't happen-
And never will. You will not die for Israel.

You actually did make a difference-
You are so important to world politics, probably hundreds of thousands has been spent trying to derail and undermine the people on this website.

Yeah it's true. But it's bitter sweet. The Bix this week have been edgy. Like, the Bix I work with. Their extra frustrated. Lipschitz are bending reality to stay within their original ideological framework.

>mfw winning

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They know the truth, and every day they will realise more and more that they can't delude themselves.

You mean we're loosing

Thanks to the Jew propaganda macine and our autists and SPERGS here normies are now to a great extent switching back to the left

also the Jews are outsmarting us at everything and our movement is entirely corrupted by CIA niggers

and there's a lot of people that initially took the red pill and then left because of shilling done By CIA niggers

And 70% of the people on our movement still fall for controlled OP lies and are generelally clueless and swallow bullshit

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>whole western hemisphere trending right

I think they'll just get agressive. Europrs Muslims will be the worst. I think there are a lot of hidden kalishnakovs in Europe. Bix in America will also be a hollerin.

And so they will only further our cause, the fact of the matter is that we can't lose, what has been imposed upon the west is nothing short of an irrational act against the natural order, whether planned or not, it could only go so far.

Nah. They only barely control that line. Suspicion is about. As more people public scoff at the bread and circus, people will eventually pay attention to the suspicion.

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It's basically, die in the quicksand or get out and fight the tiger but you have a spear.

It's sad that in years to come when children look at this part of history and recognise the struggles of today and wonder how it was fixed and if there were things going on in the back ground. They will never know of the autists who fought every day for their way of life.

In your efforts to save the world you became the anti-jew, you control history now.

I have nothing aganst diseased snakes but making the holohoax real would be sweet.
But without the masturbation machines or the holocoaster, let's be efficient and put the rats into a big machine just like the one that turns live chicks into paste and find an indsutrial use for their remains so that they are beneficial to Humanity at least once in their lives.

Pic related soon after, traitors constructed a huge database for us thanks to social medias.

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Alright, flatteryman.

Also your copypasta / bin stuff about "ultimate redpill" is a lot of gibberish and poorly thought out woowoo so youre entire foundational is built on a paper edifice

At least jordan p uses enough big words to trick people into thinking hes making a good argument

Wait in quicksand and taunt tiger til he attacks and use the weight of his sinking body as leverage to lift yourself out of the quicksand as you spear through his heart.

Walk into any Wal-mart and you will see nothing but niggers and mutt goblins everywhere. These people are supposed to be our future. How can America be #1 when shitskins are running the show? It can't, it will be an absolute shitshow.

You must understand that instinctually on some level... unless you're one of the goblins yourself.

>hurrdurr muh individualism

Will never be accepted as long as the starving decaying dregs stick around.

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Yeah the analogy is multifaceted. The quick sand is only the enemy if you let yourself sink to fat in but poling the tiger is the way out but you'll still be fighting.

I'm honestly not so sure. They still have a death grip on MSM as well as colleges.

Found the white girl.

We are, which is why it's Mueller's job to destroy Trump by the end of this year by any means possible.

If Trump survives it he's going to come out even stronger.

t. CIA nigger

>Japanese imageboard website composed entirely of autists
This is a Mongolian basket weaving imageboard and we're all mongs. You must be lost.

t. MI6 nigger

>implying that good and evil are relevant things

MSM is dead by demographics. Nobody under 30 watches TV.

kayne will save us and the world and liberals will be a thing of the past

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Most FBI/MI5 folk who post here just derail, if they understand enough to go further they probably agree with us.

kanye would kill you for being a cracka that "spread drugs in his city" and sheeeit like he describes in his rap music


>You'll get shut down just like the nazi's did.
What happens when the Russians are Nazi now? 3 of 4 Nazi in WW2 were killed by Russians on the Eastern Front. That means you're fucked.

Who's going to do the shooting for you?

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> YES MI6 niggers are no threat you don't have to worry about them everybody who posts here has honest good intentions


either you're an MI6 nigger

or you're a really stupid African intelligence service nigger

the trannies and non-binaries and niggers

An averagely intelligent person can discern fact from fiction

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> CIA people frequently post on Jow Forums based shit and laugh with us amirite guyssszz

> this is totally not a lie that you want to believe so you pass it off as being true

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oh so the CIA and European intelligence services of the same government that is raping your country up it's ass 1984 style and bringing millions of migrants in, and selling your country is not a threat or something to be concerned about.

How stupid do you think we are?

pretty stupid actually

I'd be dead before being a fool though you traitorous nigger

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>countries flooded with more and more shitskins
>nationalist parties selling out, unable to push any legislation through
>non-existent birthrate
>domestic shitskins getting bolder and bolder
>zero sign any sort of resistance will ever spring up, the most woke people a giant collection of autistic cowards waiting for magic hitler to emerge and do all their work for them


oh... well good luck i guess

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the fuck

>But you have a spear
A spork maybe

>misery and depressoin
found the anglo

and then look Infeested with CIA niggers spreading their lies and shit

and the consensus on Jow Forums and elsewhere seems to be that CIA NIGGERS are not a threat in our movement
basically assraped

Very black pilled, pull yourself together man, this is the push back.


glad you are bong bro but what exactly are you winning?

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I was speaking to a CIA nigger larping as one of us when I called him out

remember that they work and control you off your fear

so don't be scared to call their nigger ass out

by dog you mean Emu

we already had a wave of liberalists in the early 90s. right after the fall of the soviet union. it failed misserably, like an indian summer because people arent individuals, but sheeple. If you havent figured this out by now youre a fucking retard. the jews know this, the nazies knows this. Its why the world is a struggle for group interests

> le "MI5 is not a threat and post here and laugh and sheeeit"

go away already you dirty MI5 traitor

dirty nigger enabler

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the only thing that is succeding is our entire movement in being 75% subverted

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It's not depression or blackpill, it's fact lol

Be optimistic and upbeat all you want, doesn't change the fact that shit is getting worse and absolutely nobody is doing anything about it. OPs mindset is like a 500 pound fat fuck saying he's gonna lose the weight without going to the gym or changing their diet. Sorry hippies, but positive vibes can only do so much without actions.

Of course suggesting action automatically makes you a CIA m16 nigger on this board so no point talking about it to the wokestars lol

We're in the race war timeline you mongoloid. Most of us are optimistic because soon we'll all be able to neutralize shitskins for fun

Read this post again. If you scanned over it, click the thread number and read it.

Thats nice britbong

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What are you on about?

>You are so important to world politics, probably hundreds of thousands has been spent trying to derail and undermine the people on this website.
i'd venture to say easily 100s of millions if not billions.

ffs google is in on it and they have a unlimited checkbook.

>And they know we are.

Well fuck. I don't, what are we winning?

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bump for wins

they are so fucking scared right now.
>kanye going right wing
>america fucking off out of the ME
>wall getting built
>economy booming
>russia investigation completely forgotten
>antifa irrelevent

please Mr Trump, stop, I can't handle all the winning

>Thanks to the Jew propaganda macine and our autists and SPERGS here normies are now to a great extent switching back to the left
top kek mate, top kek


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This but unironically

if we are just trying to kill them all we have to do is lock them up and not feed them, ya know, like the nazis SHOULD have done. way cheaper that way
otherwise I like the paste idea, perhaps some sort of massive grinder? maybe we could use them to fertilize our weed plants

Damn right, OP.

you sound worried

he takes the heat and im forever thankful.

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Nice FUD faggot, now kindly chop your balls off, shove them down your throat and choke to death.

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just won the lottery in fact

ty for the white pill user

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>You are so important to world politics, probably hundreds of thousands has been spent trying to derail and undermine the people on this website.

>You are so important to world politics

>You are so important
Don't forget this Jow Forums. Every single one of you is important. Even if you just serve as an example of what not to do, well, you're still important.

Poopy-di scoop
Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop
Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop
Poop, poop
Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop

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>You mean we're loosing
Nope we're tighting

Thanks man.

>And never will. You will not die for Israel.
the most important thing you can do on Jow Forums is to keep spreading redpills to those military anons who browse here. we don't need to "redpill the normies" because the normies are, by definition, brain-dead retards who refuse to look into this shit on their own.

spread good info and you will have an effect on powerful anons who browse here, as well as the more disadvantaged men who enlisted in the military and are now basically property of their respective gov'ts.

simply by being charismatic and "a bro" to the military, Trump has won the support of all branches in the military. the same cannot be said of the deepstate cucks, hillary and other neocon faggots who just want endless war in the mideast for israel/saud interests.

Amen, brother.

massive graves make great compost for growing crops. if the holocaust really does happen in the future, there's going to be lots of fertilizer.

Aussie. Here take this (You).

Still not tired!

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afraid of guns

>non binaries
afraid of guns

Will probably only land 1/100 shots considering that they don't know how to hold a gun properly

wwg1wga tbqh

>they don't know
The absolutely do. They refuse to do it properly because that's how whitey does it and they ain't gonna be no oreo.

Please be right user. I'm going to fight on and pray for a solution that can save us, Europeans have survived much worse and we will survive this newest Islamic invasion. God be with you. Gott min uns.

That makes them even dumber than my original estimation

get out

Are we really though?

I really can't tell these days. Everything is so confusing and chaotic.

Supposedly white millenials are dropping the DNC? That was a poll done by National Review though so maybe it isn't that accurate. We seem to be getting sympathy from celebrities here and there though... I dunno.

Also, Richard Spencer and everyone Unite The Right are being dragged to court. The kikes are trying to make an example of them, and nobody really seems to be doing anything.

Are we really going to win 2018 elections? 2020? What after Trump? What are normies thinking now?

It's so confusing lads

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>Richard Spencer and everyone Unite The Right are being dragged to court.

they cant stop us once we have enough popular support