
#IfSlaveryWasAChoice is now trending worldwide on twitter. You can thank Kanye for starting this. The entire thread is fucking hilarious.


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i dont understand this hashtag.
nigger humor i guess

#IfSlaveryWasAChoice wed make sure massa's chicken had some seasoning on it am I right senpai?

Black twitter really makes black people look dumb as fuck.


ur bloody right m8

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can't wait to hear about how even though I'm a mulatto I'm responsible for my ancestors enslaving blacks and how I'm more privileged because I'm mixed.

>blacks call whites racists
>meanwhile, they have a lightskin vs. darkskin dichotomy

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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It's our psyop to turn niggers against eachother

>HRC Comms team

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nigga this is the only timeline you have ever seen.

The past, present, and future are happening simultaneously and I have seen what other worlds hold.

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that ain't the past, present and future, just your ass getting high as fuck by using drugs.

it literally is. lots of minorities or indigenous people were oppressed and killed, but most of them fought to the death instead of being slaves





>HRC Comms team

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Kanye west was on tmz live this morning and said slavery was a choice because it lasted 400 years, implying his people chose not to fight back, hit all the trigger words, jews holocaust blacks slavery liberals trump free thought simulation echo chamber and a bunch of others

If you can laugh at something it loses power. To laugh at slavery helps shake off the final chains that blacks still cling to for identity.

Can i get a full pic of diana and charles

They don't want to lose their chains, moron. They'll never "laugh them off" because they like them.

Liberty or death.

Debt peonage is sort of a choice, in that the alternative is usually starvation or violent death.

how about we meme that blacks were never slaves and that they're simply lying.

use their logic, say its 'black propaganda'

it wont work but they'll get incredibly mad and it would be pretty funny

Implying that they aren't dumb as fuck irrespective of twitter

>Army Vet
And its suddenly become clear to me why we've been losing wars for the last 50 years

this how dey sposed ta get reparashuns from whitey without white guilt

good luck getting those BASED NIGGERS
stupid fucking reddit scum magaspergs

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Hahahaha do it! Also nice digits;)

kek this

>Hehe, I posted a hashtag, I'm an activist

Meanwhile, nothing changes and people are placated as they believe they've changed the world.
Just same old bullshit.

>I hate these people
>Let me give them additional publicity by sharing these terrible people whom I hate who are strangely getting famous. Why are they getting famous
>Here let me share more about them, why are they so famous god fucking damn it.


Fuck that.

Not sure I understand the humor here but it's always been odd how blackisBEAUTIFUL but they all want to be as lightskinned as possible

What's up with kanye? He's been going crazy since last month?

I think he was in a psychiatric facility not too long back.

yeah it's like a mirror

this is genius

slavery will become a joke and it will loser its power as a political tool

>Implying that they aren't dumb as fuck irrespective of twitter
Where you at nigga? Finna fuck your mum

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it's amazing how dumb these niggers are they don't see that Kanye is saying very simply slavery hasn't existed or affected anyone alive in America today (LEGALLY) and choosing to be a victim over something that has never even remotely directly effected you is a type of mental enslavement.

>Be the victor
>Be the victim

you can only choose one and kanye knows this.

He's always been crazy

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This is why I hold that madness is a matter of incoherence. All humans are a little incoherent and probably believe a few contradictory things, but when your whole worldview and outlook is like that, you are mad. A nazi might be an asshole, but as long as they have a consistent philosophy, they can't be mad.

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Huh, I guess steers and queers come from Texas after all.

No shit, you see any horns?

This, I don't understand why people are taking this shit out of context. Oh wait, yea I do.

put two of them in a room together and they'll turn against each other. they don't even need a reason.

Oh they'll have a reason, it'll be shoes.

oh yeah, never understood the fascination they have with shoes.

t. Jamarquavius the nigger

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>Now the uncle tom claws come out
Let it begin.

the only enemy, the blacks, asians, whites, reds ever had were jews.

If Kanye keeps talking Ray J and Daz are going to bust him up. hotnewhiphop.com/ray-j-wants-in-on-daz-dillingers-plans-to-go-after-kanye-west-news.49125.html

Have you guys read that #Ifslaverywasachoice

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There has been an awakening anons.

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This monkey should know. He high on ayahuasca as we speak.


fuck man that's one woke-ass nigga

Niggers killing each other over shoes with lights on them.
Niggers truly are the women of the mammal species.

he said that people associate the word slavery with black, and the word holocaust with jews, so he'd rather say that we're in mental prisons because that's universal

He is right though. A person chooses to be a slave. America did not want to be slaves to the British so they fought back and became independent. The same thing happened all over the world to every race except the blacks.

no one kills more blacks than blacks, so it seems superfluous to me


dayum woke AF

Checked. What are these ppl still doing talking?

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wecome back my dude

>being taxed unfairly is equivalent to slavery.

It's worse desu.

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alimony is like being tricked into slavery with offers of sex and love.

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I'd just like to add that all none whites in America today are guilty of cultural appropriation. Shame on PoC for not being white while embracing white lifestyle.




It's always nice seeing a black who is well read and doesn't let himself be a victim. Thomas Sowell is like that, too. The politics of victimhood is evil.

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How long did slavery in American actually last ? and I mean real slavery not minimum wage jobs slavery.

is that one of those fish with human teeth ?

1632 - 1864-5. New York abolished slavery in the 1830's (technically), and other states also abolished slavery before the Civil War.

The first slave owner was also a black man from Angola. He lobbied to keep his black indentured servant indefinitely, and won the case. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd reckon he was probably Congolese, since Ana N'Zinga fled south to Angola after the Portuguese started converting tons of Congolese to Christianity. There they subjugated the indigenous tribes and sold them as slaves.

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Early 1600s to until the end of the civil war in the 1860s I believe. So around 250 years.

actually indentured servitude was a thing for a very long time and basically voluntary slavery

Why elf huh?

Don't forget that serfs voluntarily gave up their freedom because the alternative was getting raped and murdered.

230 years, inderesding, I'm assuming it started out as a smaller enterprise in the early years, did they even have cotton plantations in the 1600s ?

>Slavary is a choice

This goes deep if you think about it

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I knew it ended with the civil war but I didn't know when it began, I could have googled it I guess but where's the fun in that

muh 400 plus years. not quite as good as the six gorrilion, but they are working on it.

Cotton and tobacco, and the vast majority of slaves and servants, until the 1670s-80s, were actually European. I was wrong about the date, it actually /OFFICIALLY/ started in 1640, but the slave in question arrived in 1632.

Also, slavery in the Colonies (the ones that'd become the USA) was actually far preferable to slavery in any other part of the world. Far less chance of dying to mosquito-born illnesses, the labor wasn't nearly as difficult (slaves in the Caribbean and Brazil actually dropping dead from exhaustion), they were allowed to breed, form families, and had respectable accommodations for the time period, and could even own slaves of their own when released. Many Americans released their slaves upon death, such as our founding fathers.

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Shitty choice, one of my ancestors escaped slavery after being captured by Oliver Cromwell's army, other who didn't escape were sent to the West Indies to work on sugar plantations.

And also, there are more slaves in India today than there were African slaves over 200 years.

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Well if you think about it technically it was in a norton's fork kinda way since they could always just jump overboard or provoke a lynching or something.
Good luck getting this nuance over to anyone now though, GG.

god i love my country!

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black twitter is grating. they should spend more time fixing their shit communities instead of trying to get e-fame

muh six million is dumb because it perpetuates victimhood. muh 400 years is the same thing, but now ye's turning the tide of discourse around it, it's actually great that the meme has been established as "muh 400 years."

before, it was "we were enslaved for 400 years, thanks a lot whitey," but now it's turning into "we were enslaved for 400 years and too dumb to do anything about it, wow, let's wake the fuck up bros"

if a black person has this mindset, how can someone attack it? "well ACKTUALLY it wasn't 400 years, it was less..." gj, now you're being racist to a black person.

basically what I'm saying is, "muh 400 years" is a retarded exaggeration of reality but if it's being used as a reason to improve instead of a victimhood crutch, how is it anything other than a good thing?

Thousands of slaves escaped. Tens of thousands. It was a lot harder to get them to stay than not. That's why the Fugitive Slave Act was passed. The blacks who didn't want to put up with slavery, by and large, didn't.

It's still an awful practice, but being a slave in America was much preferable to the living conditions one could expect in most other parts of the world at the time. The ones that got beat and whipped severely usually acted out violently, raped other slaves, stole, etc etc.