You boys are doing a good job. Keep pushing the conservative agenda for them with your paltry incomes.
Show those liberals boys!
You boys are doing a good job. Keep pushing the conservative agenda for them with your paltry incomes.
Show those liberals boys!
Everyone just got the largest tax deduction in 35 years. I just paid $1,500 in taxes but next year I'll pay $1,000. Obama raised my taxes through Fica
>being this new
back to Plebbit
Is $103,000 paltry or does that make me a millionaire? Please tell me unemployed shitlib
Wow 500 dollars!
Don’t go too crazy with that.
Voting for either of these kike parties makes one and official retard
103 is middle class.
That’s 2000 a week.
300 a day.
300 bucks will get you a nice hotel for one night.
Well the thread specifically addresses Republican poor and middle class. I make 28k so yeah I will get crazy with that 500. Again the point being that Democrats take away my earned money and Republicans let me keep it.
And don't forget that Clinton signed Doma
Out of the 10 most impoverished cities in the USA, how many are run by democrats?
but the billionaire isn't the one trying to jail him for not baking a cake or using the right pronoun, that's the gays and trannies and liberals. the suspender-man seems on point to me.
What is your job
>be me
>vote republican because shareholder
Sure do love this life user
Use that and move to a sales job. Higher pay or trucking.
No thanks but what does that have to do with anything? We're talking about percentages here.
here, I fixed it
>Implying I voted for any of those jew owned politicians
Its amazing how shitlibs are so disconnected from reality. I almost feel bad for them. But then I remember they want me dead or enslaved and everything I love ruined.
Most Democrats don’t care about tax cuts or tax policy because they don’t pay much in taxes. A large chunk on the DNC voting base is made of poor urbanites.
If you trully believe any of what your selling, set an example by killing yourself and give everything you own to a homeless black person or mexican. They have more right to your wealth then you do based on your ideology. Your death can only make the world a better place, and you might convince a few other people to follow.
I live off $7,000 a year, and i vote republican because they represent traditional values and morality. I have no complaints.
Some things are more import than shekels you dirty kike
Republicans are the ones turning America brown, turning little boys into little girls, and trying to put money into the hands of people who don't deserve it?
You've been very misinformed there shareblue
>attack Democrats
>get called a leftist shill
Both parties support H2A Visas which has utterly fucking destroyed this country. Unless I'm mistaken, there's currently no way to ensure these people get the fuck out of our country once their visas expire.
I don't know man. In the $7k a year guy up there. In dirt poor and only I can change that. The democratic party won't help it. However, voting republican gives me satisfaction based on my morals and values. I say again, I have no complaints.
Fuck off fag!
It's no surprise you make $7k a year since you apparently can't read.
Nigger fuck your Jude mind games. I still fail to see what shit coming from your fathers anal please has to do with me being a poor white republican. Hopefully we can right wing death squad you faggots, niggers, spics, kikes, soon
(((THEY))) vote democrat
why do liberals want more government and higher taxes. im so confused
why do liberals think that giving all their money to a corrupt government is better than not giving money to a corrupt government?
How can a corrupt government continue it's corrupt ways with no money?
Democrats are the only ones that actively ruin lives. Republicans just passively ruin lives by allowing democrats to do whatever they want.
>you're all stupid inbred hicks whose concerns and priorities we regard as unimportant
>dude why aren't you voting for us?
I make 345k a year in Canada and I bet most of my taxes goes to feeding fucking niggers america throws at us
I remember when this thread was spammed literally every day before they switched tactics.
Replace "cities" with localities. Poor inner city areas are Democratic but poor rural areas are Republican.
Do you believe the left cares about you?
>inb4 one post by this id
why do people do this? what the fuck is the point
Probably leafs like you. And they're shareblue, they spam and shill shit all day. They think theyre making a change
>Replace "cities" with localities. Poor inner city areas are Democratic but poor rural areas are Republican.
bing bing bing
The poorest county in the USA (Owsley County, Kentucky) is overwhelmingly Republican.
And overwhelmingly on government relief.