Why does Jow Forums hate California?

It got literally the best weather in the world.

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And the worst fucking people. I would rather live in an igloo with decent people than in a mansion with niggers.

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california is beautiful once you get rid of everyone along the coast and twenty miles inward

>Why does Jow Forums hate California?
Because I live here

>best weather in the world
>smog literally everywhere

And the worst people.

Yep - neutron bomb category. Want to keep the infrastructure just lose the people.

its literally the most communist state in the union

I've only lived here for six months and i fail to see why its so popular

I'm making decent money though. Even with the taxes and cost of living my life is pretty comfy. Also just got a promotion within a growing company.

The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

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It hates itself. No assembly required.

Maybe it's slightly better than Harlem but that's about as far as I can entertain the thought.

Jow Forums is jealous because most of them are poorfags that can't afford greatness that is California

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best high speed chases too. anyone see this earlier? had a bunch of chp whiz past me while on the 99 freeway.

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Warm weather = unproductive humans.

That was pure kino.
Makes living here more tolerable.

>Why does Jow Forums
everybody hates california

my car even came out on the news today, we've had a bunch of chases I think 3 in just one day. comfy listening

Do we even have to say?

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I hate the over taxation, super strict gun restrictions and that all of the state is run by a handful of dicktits that think the whole fucking state is LA. Form northern resident.

I don't hate the land of California, I hate the people who live on it.

There's nothing wrong with the location of California the issue is the people that live there

>Why does Jow Forums hate California?
niggers, mexicans, communists.

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>almost half the people can't speak english for shit
>guaranteed democratic electoral votes
I don't give a fuck about the fucking weather, I'd sooner ship myself to Alaska in a crate if it meant getting out of this shithole once and for all

Lowest quality of life. California is literally the most degenerate place on Earth.

False. Hawaii has the best weather.

>prime military target for Russian and Chinese invasion
>terror and nuke target
>filled with degenerates and communists

Hot weather is gay anyways, at least when its cold you can put on more clothing.

The white people from there are selfish idiots who greedily gobble up resources and exploit immigrants and then leave when they realize they don't like immigrants and "the cost of living is too high," only to arrive at a new place and become very active in local politics, working to turn the new place into the old place they fled, with the same problems. They keep doing it, and they act like they don't understand what keeps going wrong. The whole time they're doing this (living), they are aggressive, rude, ignore laws, lie, cheat and steal, and loudly put-down the locals whose idyllic town they are ruining. And none of them will admit to their own bullshit, or apologize for the devastation they leave behind them.
That's why people hate Californians, and since they're from California it gets some flak.

Letting everyone know that the whole northern rebellion thing is still alive here. Send the state of Jefferson some love and ammo.

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Northern Californian here, AMA

Support this in fucking full. It's 99.9995% likely to never pass but I can dream.

Do you pledge you're undying alligence to the Jefferson rebellion?

Unironically, yes. I go to a lot of their meetings. They're hopeful people, as am I, it just hasn't really gained enough traction to be more than a meme to most.

California as a chunk of land is nice. I lived there for three years. The people there, however, are awful shitty cunts. The only group of people that I've met that are worse are people from New York City. People that live near the Harrisburg area in Pennsylvania come close.

nice land....

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fucked up people

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Yeah. I have gotten used to my fellow countrymen hating me. I will still stand and fight. This I where my land, cattle and gold is. I wish the rest of our country would help save what good is left of this beautiful land.

>all these Jefferson faggots
Go back to Oregon and Nevada you out of state boomer kikes.

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That's literally just as bad of an argument as
>But the food's great!
Complete tard tier.

this is the most retardedly Californian thing to say.

>100 degrees during the World Series
>best weather in the world
pick one. anything farther than 5 miles from the coast is Phoenix-lite

I was watching Ice Posedion, cuz nerd, He made "news" memeing at a protest.


I am a native. Thanks for the confirmation though target one.

I'm literally not a boomer. In fact, by definition, I'm a millennial.
>Go back
What gives you the right to kick me out of my own land? I've lived here my whole life. So have my parents. Make me leave, you sad sack of shit. I'd like to see you try.

Nothing makes you hate lefty faggots more than living among them.
t. Bay Area resident

Define best, and also define California. Outside of the coastal regions of LA and SF it frequently gets into the hundreds. Plus it never ever snows unless you're up in the mountains. Only a Jew or an Arab would think perpetual 115 degrees is perfect weather.

I’d move a bit farther north if SoJ happened.


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Are you one of those poor souls suck by sac?

This also unwilling bay area resident

>I only ever drove a Mercedes-Benz
>It's the best car brand in the world, though!

Also pic related. Wouldn't really call that a best-weather scenario, OP.


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You're all loud, littering, faggoty, atheist fucks. And when you're done ruining your state, you spread like a disease. I think we should let Kim Jong-Un nuke you anyway. A freebee as a thank you to him.

your insults and general hostile manner makes a great point about how shitty we Californians are. Maybe judge not friend.

Blow the AIDS outta your ass in your equally shittu neighbor's hair.

For society to properly function you need all four seasons.
Cuckfornia mind says all you need is food and music. Very african niggerish when you think about it.
Too much sun makes lazy people.

>Why does Jow Forums hate California?

Limousine Leftism.

I didn't know mark twain was from California.

And the sun bakes their brains. Plant some trees for crying out loud.

Never been, but your drivers are painfully slow. There needs to be a lane dedicated to Californian drivers so locals can get to their jobs on time.

checked. Yes I see just how morally You are to us Californians. Is blow the aids out of your ass a common greeting where you are from friend?

I guess you don't keep track of statistics. 1 in 4 Californians can't afford it either but the fags can afford to give spics free shit? Keep telling the lie until you're crying for federal aid that never arrives lmao.

Truth. I was pretty much a mindless centrist/apolitical before I moved to SF. The place can redpill someone hard.

I know that all you know about Is what you see on the news but the real California is where the camera crews refuse to go. We are cattle ranchers, farmers and miners like everyone else.

- A lot of smart people with good intentions moved theres in the 70s, but this created hubris among the whole state, and a wealth bubble that negatively affected the economy
-Despite having the highest cost of living, also has the most homeless.
Really makes you wonder.
-Population is so big that it dwarfs all other states except Texas and Florida in political influence
-Claims to have the best weather but only 15% is nice, the rest is literal desert

Only to faggots who don't know how to vote.

This is true for all of use that don't live in the silicone utopias in the South. Northern and western roural people are being choked out by the cities taxes.

LA does the same to you, but in a different way. Not only are you close to (((Hollywood))) but you also see how fake all these people are, absolutely disgusting.

No it doesn't.
In the North its rainy and shitty most of year.
In the South its mostly kill-you hot during the summer and then cold and rainy in the winter.

California sucks climatologically. And the beaches are fucking gross.

I live in NY it's a great piece of land, some of the best landscapes but i hate NY state because landscapes don't dictate how much money corruption festers into my politician's pockets.

Most of the cities are dumpster fires and the state laws suck pretty hard, but I put up with it for the towns. I sometimes go for months without seeing black people. It's pretty nice.

Personally, I'd like to stay here until the state becomes completely unlivable. I suspect we have 10~ years left, so I'd like to enjoy it while I can.

Burn it all
t. NE Californian

How should people vote. What kind of a democracy is it where there is a correct way to vote. Also I did not mention anything about votes. What does it say about your state of mind that people only have merit by agreeing with you? that is not democracy.

>85% desert
So youre an idiot then?

>best weather in the world
Can you say that in my face?

The funny thing is I live in LA county (SFV) now for reasons but one was to see the difference after becoming politically aware while in SF. Everything you stated is 100% correct. People in the Bay may be clueless useful idiots for the Left but they generally have a good heart. But LA... is definitely full of satanic twats.

>smells like piss
>highest fag population in America
>degenerate pot heads
>80% of people living below the poverty line
>dirt instead of grass
>full of degenerate liberals

Should I go on?

Forgot this one
>filthy looking untrimmed palm trees

I live in California now. Moved here Rom NY. They are the same state in their legal stances and policy. NY wrote a lot of the laws that California picked up recently like AR restrictions and sin taxes. Almost sister states.

Cali was only cool before raegan fucked up the 2nd amendment forever and when pre-vietnam armalites had "california" on the receiver.

IDK it's not like the rest of the US is a wonderland desu if I had to move away from the West coast I'd rather move out of the country.

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Cost of living, gas prices, taxes, socialism

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That is democracy when you're outnumbered, which is why we're a federal republic, not a democracy because once the masses are dumbed-down and deciding that destruction is good, the wise minority needs to save the day, hence Trump's win.

But more to the point, people need to vote to conserve space as mush as possible. Conservatism is literally goodness.

Too many shitskins. I'm not condoning it but if for some reason 99% of their population got killed through bioterrorism or whatever I'd move to socal in a heartbeat