How do we fix the 1% problem?

How do we fix the 1% problem?

Attached: rich.jpg (1200x881, 147K)

end the debt based usury system and they lose their income

Have an actual free market with closed borders and some protectinism.

Also realize some people will be at the top:

communist utopia, kill them along with millions of people through purges and starvation and give doctors and bums equal pay.

Global communism

Which will never happen

Kill the Jews

By crying like a little baby on a mongolian basket weaving forum

The ideal solution

How do we do that

Start by actually showing the real 1% might be a good place.

Read Siege

They just need more tax breaks and subsides. We're not doing enough to help them at the expense of the middle class!

Gates and Buffet are fine, they give away more money than most people would in their position. Cuckerberg and Bezos need to hang though.

Gas the jews.

Attached: jewish privilege.jpg (927x1200, 231K)

never happen lol. free market someone is always going to come out on top whether it takes 1year ro 50years.

t. antisemite

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First of all YOU ARE THE ONE PERCENT. If you earn more than $389,436 you're in the one percent. If not you still live in america one of the wealthiest countires in the world.

Also, you're showing broke boy billionaires. Show some saudi trillionaire princes, show putin, show kim jong. YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THE 1% are.

He didn't mention Jews user...

Is there something you want to tell us?

>kim jong

The entire GDP of North Korea is lower than most of the net worths in the OP.

Jews are naturally smarter than other races and that is why we must rule. Wouldn't you agree that it is only rational for the smartest to lead?

genetically engineer humans to be equal on a biological level. as soon as infants are born, take them from their families and bring them to schools where they will be fed an identical diets and trained/indoctrinated by identical educational computer programs. kill any that are too much better or worse than average.

in short, remove all circumstantial and genetic inequality.

>Jews are naturally smarter than other races

The amount of high IQ whites vastly outnumber high IQ Jews.

>Flight 1380
44% of the 1% is not 90% of the 1%, your math is wrong in the pic

They are all rich for 2 reasons:

1. Our entire global economy is essentially a pyramid scheme based around the charging of compound interest and fractional reserve banking, in which all banks in the world-wide financial system effectively have the ability to loan money into existence, gradually inflating the money supply via digital minting of currency at the time of originating new loans. Even if the fed didn't mint money like crazy starting tomorrow, the rate of monetary inflation per day would only fall like 4%.

2. The world economy favors financial markets as opposed to actual productive work. (No surprise, the people who make the most money are managers/boards of directors/CEOs, not people who actually lug the load on the ground.) In essence, you can make more money by creating new financial instruments and stock/debt bundles, then selling them to someone else, than by actually making a physical good.

TLDR; the most powerful people in society are where they are because for years and years they have convinced the average person that debt IS money (it's not, btw, but that how we treat it.)

>be 2011
>be a happy merchant on wall street
>see dirty hippies in street
>call goodest goy in media
>tell him to only report on white on nigger crime
>create white privilege meme
kill them

Attached: heavywheezing.png (589x467, 373K)

Why didn't you post the 8 actually wealthiest people in the world?

Attached: Rothschild_family_tree.png (800x1568, 776K)

if there are three hundred million americans
1 percent is 3 million
the top 1 percent has only three million seats
there are 6 and a half million jews in america
44 percent is 2.8 million jews
that only leaves 0.2 million seats for the other 1 percenters to occupy

That's still more than the 2% of the population they are.
Burn down your local synagogue if you want to deal with the 1%.

Pull down the curtains they hide behind and shine the light for the world to see. Get rid of their biggest tool that they hide behind and manipulate from the shadows.

Bernie belongs in that picture

The people running this system are far above the power level of jews. Does Hillary clinton look jewish? What about the Da'beers and rockefellers and Morgans? MORGAN.

Eliminate the jews

It is in flux constantly. People go in and out of being on top. Some may get there for just a year. All you have to do is be smart, conscientious, and a little lucky.

>cannot distinguish totals from percentages

this. there are lots of jewish elites. they are not the only elites though. rockefellars, morgans, fords, carnegies, and all those europeans that have been at the top for millenia now.


>white intelligence

Historically, Zyklon-B has been pretty effective.