The Mormons keep coming to my house

So about two weeks ago two mormon girls prob age 20-24 came to my house and one was cute so I was nice to them and took their book and pamphlet. Since that they've showed up three more times but it was a pair of different girls both times. idk what to do. I feel like they're sending women to lure me into their wackjob religion. Do I just join? What the FUCK am I supposed to do they wont stop showing up

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ya, I showed a bit of interest to a mormon chick from the us once and made the mistake of giving my phone number. Six fucking months of rando mormons asking me to convert! neva again

So OP, you should look up what soaking means to Mormons. Funny shit.

I had this problem with Jehovah's Witnesses.
The solution was to open the door wearing nly my underpants, invite them in to discuss faith with my "husband" (actually my brother) and fake an argument about the merits of child sacrifice in relation to animal consent.
They haven't been back since.

LOL! I didn't let them get that much info from me. I was thinking of showing up to their meeting for the lulz bc im moving out of state in 2 months, but worshiping a false prophet is a bridge too far for me.

did they harass you in any other way? I am just scared that if I'm mean to them theyll slash my tires or some other crazy cult shit

Don't ya have to give like 15%of yr pay check to them?
Don't join

They're mormons not mudslimes, the worst they'll do is shun you so unless you live in Utah you'll be fine.

Convert to their wacky religion in exchange for one of their women and then impregnate her repeatedly and raise like 12 white cult children to save the white race. Do you even need to ask?

I really would if I wasn't already Christian. Big money and good looking women.

next time they come by ask them about the mountain meadow massacre

I think they tithe like 50% , no joke. And they are required to keep something like 3 years of food rations on hand. But ya, they're preserving the white race 6-10 kids at a time, with beautiful wholesome white girls.

Who would answer their door for a stranger?

No retard, they are missionaries. They aren't trying to lure you in with sex.
Mormon girls are either fat or QT3.14 no in between.

Try and convert them to your ways when they come by, invite them in for sex and drugs ( if that's your thing) or books and guitars.

Ill read them Culture of Critique

checked also I just looked that up, fuck mormons

Tbh, Mormons really aren't that bad, I live in Utah, they have a shit ton of white kids so that's positive. If you don't truly believe in the religion then don't join, but just polity ask them to leave. Mormons are not like how the media portrays them.

Pray about it. Its all you need to do.

fuck off those fags come here in Cali and shit up the place, they get radical once they leave the kingdom of mormonism

Had some Jehovah's Witness nutjobs after me for a bit, since a dude I befriended at work ended up being one of them. I didn't immediately tell him to fuck right off with his weird beliefs, so he decided I was a potential convert.
A few of them kept showing up so I eventually just said "I'm disfellowshipped" and they fucked right off. Thankfully never got anything in the mail. They aren't allowed to talk to people who get booted from their little cult, so at least the publishers will stay away from me.

Kinda funny, a lot of Witness practices (the governing body garbage, differences between religious and legal divorce, etc.) are closer to UK Islam than they are to vanilla Christianity. Not sure about the Mormons, but yeah, they're all out to just convert you and eventually get time/money out of you.

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>Mormons really aren't that bad
having grown up in southern Nevada I would 100% disagree. But after making a few friends from southern Utah and spending some time down there, I have definitely softened on that stance. now i see it as a mixed bag with half holier than thou, and the other half literal give you the shirt off their back and just happy to help.
As much as I grew up hating Mormons, I am seriously thinking about moving to Utah.

You'll have a horrible time if you just pretend to accept something as serious as a religious faith just because some dumb whoremongers keep coming to your house.

Here in glorious yookay the salvation army are especially bad for this, they aren't as terrible at evangelizing as some of the others but once they get people in they take all they can get, unpaid work, shitty accommodation, borderline serfdom, then they dump them when they hit 60.
Really fucking funny to witness though when you get salty old cunts who gave their church 40 years and got absolutely fuck all out of it.

Fuck off nigger, we're full

You can crash in Idaho if you want.

Just make a physical sexual advance on one and they'll never come back.

When I was in high school I saw a sign outside of the nearby church of Scientology that said "now hiring", so I naively thought maybe they literally just needed like some mindless position to be filled or something so i thought i would check it out. I said to the front desk guy I was there to find out about the job. He went and got somebody and that guy led me past this fucking wall of L Ron Hubbard books into this room with a TV and told me to sit there for just like an hour or so and watch some videos. That was when I had to say, yeah I have somewhere to be and fucking left that insane asylum.

They don't give up.

propose you will join the religion in exchange for sex.

That's what made me laugh pretty hard at Jehovah's Witness groups. People can be in it forever, and all they really get out of it is a boring life, isolation, and fear of other people kicking them from the herd.
Depending on where you are in the US, if you're born into the group, any leadership will be significantly easier on you over time. If you're a convert, they make it retardedly difficult for you to actually get baptized. Multiple years of Bible study, preaching, etc., and different people are held to different standards depending on how well you're seen by authority figures. Doesn't help that they force everyone to self-report a huge timesheet of what they did while preaching to people during the day.

>say you're a scientologist.

Just did, very funny thank you

southeastern ID is a fucking shithole

Sorry guy, I already have a written invitation.
moving to Utah wasn't even my idea, so you can blame the rest of your U-tard buddies.

Take the time to call the local Bishop, they're woke to a "hard no" in joining the Anglo-Slave Club to Israel.

These guys are half the time born and raised outside of the church til later in life, (((they))) will leave you alone after.

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Do you want a woman that is brainwashed by a group that says "make white babies" and "be faithful"


Do you want a woman that is brainwashed by a filthy jew that says "suck random cock in a parking lot you are so liberated you fucking slut" and "get likes on jewbook by posting slutty pictures."

hmmmm.... reall tough one there.

You can be a mormon, without believing anything. I go to a baptist church with my family - and don't give a fuck. Besides, you can do worse than Mormon.

Try and get them inside any way you can. You need to put them down fast once you go for it, people can run insanely fast when they are in danger. Try macing them in the eyes with two cans at once for speed, then take out their legs with a baton. Chop pieces of meat off their thighs and arses and feed it to a dog. You can seal the wound with a hot frypan rather neatly.


Mormons are adept at the 'honey pot' approach.

When I was 15 at my first job as a cashier at Sears, I had one of them invite me to a social dance at their only local church, under the pretext that there would be lots of girls there.

Mormons are a white Christian cult who larp as Jews, trust nothing that comes from their mouths, always doubt their intent.

There are certain mainstream Christian churches this persistent as well. One somehow had campus access and would knock on my dorm room often, all because I took his pamphlet to be polite and let him finish his talking bit. I'm not an atheist by any means, but I don't engage in most of the formal religious ceremonies and services.

If they don't respond to you saying you're not interested, I suggest you stop answering the door. They'll get the idea then shun you.

Alternatively, if you are white and have nothing going for you, you could always start breeding with them.

>took their book and pamphlet.

You just marked yourself as a potential convert by doing that. They will target you especially because of that.

Do mormons have quotas like jehovas? Never show interest, the word spreads.
No one says yes to telemarketer either for obvious reason.

sounds like they have your number.

welcome to the most white religion there is

Leave atheist and satanic pamphlets at their church. I left a whole bunch at a Jehovahs Witness church a month ago after they trespassed on my property.

>jehovahs witness
Nice try, goy.
Convert, have kids.

>When I was 15 at my first job as a cashier at Sears, I had one of them invite me to a social dance at their only local church, under the pretext that there would be lots of girls there.
>Mormons are a white Christian cult who larp as Jews, trust nothing that comes from their mouths, always doubt their intent.
If it would get you off the internet, and get you impregnating a woman to bear you at least 5-7 white children in a stable household with a supportive community, then I definitely don't see the problem

Mormon here. Either commit to an honest and open-minded study of the stuff the missionaries are introducing you to or gtfo. The sisters did not give up 18 months of their lives and travel far from home to date your ass.

That said, dating Mormon girls is a good way to avoid roasties but joining for a sister missionary is beta tier bullcrap.

I've seen enough thirty betas join because of cute sisters for a lifetime- we don't need more wishy washy cucks. We need intelligent men of faith to withstand the lies and filth of this modern degenerate age. Be a man or don't, but don't waste the Lord's time.

As a current member of the Mormon church and a former missionary, the best advice I can give you would be to tell them to that you're not interested. It's really as simple as that. They may keep your name and address in their records, but will make a note that you're not interested. If they come around again sometime in the future, just politely let them know that you're not interested. Just be honest and they'll get the picture. Trust me, I was rejected many many times during my 2 years as a missionary - I'm sure these sister missionaries are too.

Its a wack job religion but hey you get to bange multiple women. Go for it man. You dont have to beleive thier bullshit just say "im a mormon and i beleive this" and take your multiple wives as reward

That's a whole lot of implying there, bud.

I'm a functioning adult male in a stable relationship, I don't need the help of a socially cucked semite worshipping cult to take my free time and demand tithes while being a massive part of my country's political swamp and shitty open border neocons.

Mormons are mixing heavily with spics, stop the 'Mormons are pure huwite Chriostian survivalists' meme.

Mormons are tricky. Tell them to stop coming to your house, plain and simple. They use women as bait to trap you. Don't do it!!

Throw a cup of piss and shit on them. They will fuck off

Ex-Mormon here. They send the girls into white neighborhoods with low crime to try to lure in the normie white males. They send the men to the low income high crime areas in foreign nations. That's where most of the recruiting is done. It's hard to convert middle class white people. Much easier to convert impoverished dark people.

But if you show any interest, you've marked yourself as a target. Most people say no or slam the door. That marks them as definite no's. Some missionaries tell stories of being shot at or having dogs sent after them. You need to be very clear with them if you want them to go away. They won't ever give up. Because those girls knocked on 200 doors before they found you, the one guy who seemed nice. Now they won't ever go away unless you tell them to fuck off and stop calling.

So just like every other religion than.

How to get arrested the post

Get out while you still can. They’ll ask you to give up your soul in order to save the soul of an atheist in Africa.

>a woman
they're also brainwashed to accept men having multiple wives. Seems like they got something good going on over there.

they keep coming by but you never ask to fuck.

Just ask them if your boyfriend can join as well?

The quick and easy way to avoid getting recruited by fundamentalist Christians.

>tfw the mormon grills stopped coming over

I kind of looked forward to them coming to my house every 2-3 weeks, it was nice to actually have someone else bother to visit me. I think they stopped after they realized I wasnt interested in their religeon and was just lonely.

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They exist here alright and are infamous for the unrelenting evangelism, in every city and every borough. Not very numerous but they are omnipresent. Just ask any Bongstani who doesn't live in rural shitville/muslamic ghetto and they'll say the same.
Also lots of Afro-Caribbeans with them for some reason.

> It's another episode of fat mutt knows more about a country than the people of the country despite having never owned a passport

Top cuk

Up to you. Its a lot of jumping throught hoops for that pussy thought. I would do a cost anylise if worth it.
Other then that no You are ultamitely joining something just for sex

Catholic confession is creepy as fuck. Why do people tell their secrets to some paedo in a dress, when God knows already, because omniscient?


Just tell them in as sincere a tone as you can to fuck off, and that you don't want to be a part of their cult. And yes, it is a cult.

It's 10%. My ex was Mormon.

its not much different than therapy