Is feminism in the US spiraling out of control? We are in for a huge ride of chaos and disorder any day now my friends

Is feminism in the US spiraling out of control? We are in for a huge ride of chaos and disorder any day now my friends

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same tired thread with same tired images jesus this is sad, sage

forgot to actually option it

>Roasties create a sexual marketplace where 80% of the females will only date 20% of the men

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>MGTOW thread was pematurely closed, better take 2nd image posted and try reposting

fuck this, I am taking over this thread

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You want her mutt niglet kid to be born?

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It's their naive asses fault desu. You should know that marriage is futile with modern white women. Best case scenario is go full nigger mode, impregnate roasties without telling them your name and hope your genes propagate.

>You should know that marriage is futile

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Well done

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Dzieki polish dude

Degenerate slutty women, and degenerate beta men who go along with them. It's really not hard to understand. Men and women enable each other.

You know that you're long post the border of sanity when the cover story is more batshit insane than the truth.

I mean, obviously she only claimed it was rape so that her provider didn't figure out she was cheating, but that cover story isn't doing her any favors. If they keep up with this, everyone will know that rape is a female's favorite thing, taking the fun out of rape for those of us who learned it a long time ago.

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>not instantly dumping rape victims
They're damaged

no prob Briton

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Sure, and goyim are at fault for being slaves as much as kikes are at fault too.

This is the most depressing thing I’ve seen so far

I find that more enraging. Meth is evil shit.
The shit about women being evil shit are more depressing.
There's a lot more women than meth-head degenerates.

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>"rape" aka had sex when drunk and regretted it
>now has sex sober to get true experience

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the state of humanity has me lost for words. what have we become?

Probably just didn't want to look in the mirror. Would have been easier to smash her mirrors.

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we have became nuhumans, destroyers of ourselves

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these are the broken ones, sometimes genetics gives you that. if she were any other species she'd blind herself and either be killed by a healthy female competitor who sensed her weakness or eaten by a predator.

we shelter our genetically broken so they can continue to exist and sometimes even breed. its a huge problem

The guy was a bit over his head here

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She's a fat ugly bong so nobody cares.

At this point, maybe just stepping back and letting it spiral into the ground is the best course of action. Like a diseased forest, a cleansing fire is the best thing for it

Honestly, gotta admire the hustle

Fucking roasties with out a condom..

They had it coming

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Fuck I hate women. As irresponsible as niggers and jewy as kikes.

how so? he just dropped gold digger roastie cause she was obsolete to him

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that's smart desu but niggers don't have money

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BF is trying to normalize porn and make it seem "cute" after decades of feminists saying it exploited women (everyone in fact) etc. so you tell me.

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>"rape" aka had sex when drunk and regretted it

They can cry rape for about anything and the whore jurors will play along, I can guarantee you it wasn't even they, she just felt dirty after eating that guys ass hole so it's rape

That's not what I would call a gold-digger, honestly. She dated him poor sap for 10 months. It's just that time is running short for her, biological clocks are ticking, she needs to think about family and children, and here is that guy who's happy with his current situation as it is.

Not like this is a true story anyway, probably made up by someone.

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there was 2nd part where she meets will and his new gf on party and cries like a whore
I'm with Will on this one, you either love somebody unconditionally and stay with him/her or you dont

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>you either love somebody unconditionally and stay with him/her or you dont
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

>breaks up with a perfectly good guy because she thinks he doesn't have enough wealth potential
>not a gold digger
Alright, white knight.

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tell me where I am wrong, and if I am right, why star wars remark?

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Women jurors (especially over 40) are much less likely to convict in rape trials. I wonder why hmm....

Blame the beta cucked white-knight faggots for sneezing in the direction of a woman being considered rape.

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>let me rent your 2000/mo. apartment for a week at a rate of 1400/mo. so I can get drunk and throw an orgy lmaoooo

>Stein and Zimmerman.
Uh huh

>who is behind everything for 100$

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What if a person you love is fucking around? Let's say you're in love with a girl, but turns out she's a drug addict. What would you do?

>good guy because she thinks he doesn't have enough wealth potential

no, it is because he was some degenerate pothead who she thought was just using her for sex

she literally wanted to start a family, it wasn't about money it was her biological clock telling her it is fucking time

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I wouldn't be in love with a girl because I'm not a stupid kid, and I wouldn't be dating a drug addict because I'm not a stupid kid. What's that got to do with anything? It's completely irrelevant to the story we're discussing. Bitch is a gold digger, by the definition of the term, and you're a dumb liar for defending her.

>What if a person you love is fucking around?
in perfect world? murder
If she does not love me she will love nobody and will become worm food
>drug problem
love, support, and firm, hard action to stop krokodyl abuse
also, a lot of church and staying in rural places, away from drugs

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>she literally wanted to start a family
what stopped her? not having money for her jewellery?

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>women can't ever be in a position of power
This dude is fucking sexists and the worst thing about it is that he's probably the lapdog of the relationship.

Women unironically need to be replaced as a gender.

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the fact that her boyfriend was a lazy fucking degenerate who just wanted to eat canned food and play video games for the rest of his life

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you read the story? It's clear as day, and she literally gives that as her reasoning and is then upset when she learned he had money.

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is this supposed to evoke pity or disgust

i swear i've read this exact same fucking back and forth on here before.

you tell me, dude proves that normalfaggot talk about being yourself and trying hard enough is all bullshit
he would've been happier as MGTOW
so what, he had enough money to support his lazy degenerate lifestyle
nothing wrong with that
updated version

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Feminists believe their biological role of child bearing in reproduction has held them back, so Feminist would be more than happy with that development.

women are already redundant.
IVF, donor eggs and surrogacy has already made having and offspring without a women possible.

many gay couples i know are already having kids via surrogacy without the need for a wife or mother.

Was he? I think he was in the right here. Yeah he was a cheapstake even while he was rich, but thats just the way he is and you'd think if that girl really loved him she would not care about his financial situation. And the fact that she's upset that the guy was secretly loaded means she was after money(or rather, financial stability maybe?) more than a romantic relationship.
In any case I admire the guy for sticking to his principles even after getting a boatload of money. Many people would probably start wanton spending it on bullshit.

no OC on Jow Forums for a long time, go bother them about sad stories

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roasties are the pajeets of gender

"Why didn't my rich ex want to treat me like a rich princess that I am?!"

Fucking cunt. Dating ten months? That's not even a long time. You want a hard engagement type of commitment after ten months or else you're flat done? Did it occur to bitch that maybe he wants a girl to make it to at least a year before he tells her that he's loaded? And what about your ambitions bitch? Wanting to be taken care of and "treated" isn't supposed to be the life goal.

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>this thread

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Thing is, in her opinion that guy was fucking around. Watching documentaries and playing guitar is cool than you're in your 20s. But it won't be cool in your 40s when everyone around has family and growing children. He saw her "in the future", my ass.

And I guess that fag was thinking the same shit you are, "what a gold-digging whore, dodged a bullet right here, she lasted only 10 months with my lame toyota ass, that's not a true love".

LOL no

they are scared shitless

women know that they inferior to men in every way except for reproduction once the lose that advantage women will become obsolete

Az was the fucking best RIP.

>hing is, in her opinion that guy was fucking around
>in her opinion
her opinion, her problem, she dun goofed

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Haha, thanks.

You're adding things to the story that weren't in it. It's a straw man, but it's a retard's version of one because the story is written right there and can be reread to see that you're making shit up.

The obvious question is: if she knew he had that money, would she still have left? If your answer is no, she's a gold digger. If your answer is "still yes", then you're a lying shitlicker or a naive douchetard.

was? he ded?

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Don't know why this retarded thing keeps getting posted, the girl is 100% right in this. Any wife material woman absolutely should be concerned about your prospects, especially where it comes to providing a secure future for your children. Only emotionally stunted shutins would support this guy out of a misguided need to blame women for judging them by standards as a potential father, caretaker or provider.

no, she's just greedy and making excuses.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH roasties eternally BTFO

>t. Beta male about to get divorce raped
A women who is not married to the man she is (((with))) has no business in his financial affairs

>faith in roasties diminishes to a near minute level

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>You're adding things to the story that weren't in it.
You fucktard, tell me, what exactly I added to the story what wasn't there?

>The obvious question is: if she knew he had that money, would she still have left?
The whole point of her leaving him was about finding a partner she could have a future with. So, no, she probably wouldn't leave him. And no, it doesn't make her a gold-digger. Or we're calling every pragmatic person a gold-digger here?

AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA what an absolute fucking mad man!

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