EU budget to be increased to 1.25 trillion euros

And the guy in charge of the budget at the EU commission is ... a German, Guenther Oettinger.

WTF is the EU doing with this money? Nobody knows anything about what the EU uses the money for except hand it to Africa and the Middle East and Asia for "refugees". Well of course, what the EU is perfect for is wasting people's money on burdensome bureaucracy such as the GDPR or the old "cookie laws".

Why is the EU such a fucked up monster? How did it all get to this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hans woke up, phew !!

>WTF is the EU doing with this money?
Vast majority goes back to member states.
At least type a word or two in a search engine before you make such stupid Anglo threads.

literally the first fucking hit
Now be useful and go elect someone less shittier Kraut

More money for rapefuges is a fact.

>Hans woke up, phew !!
I have realized the EU is a monster years ago when I had to work with their capital markets laws. You cannot envision a more fucked up bureaucratic, non-function system than the EU capital markets regulations. It is pretty much a "ohhh let's take the US regulations, strip out the stuff that makes sense, put lots of bureaucracy and formalistic bs in their and make it non-functional with making state authorities in their different languages responsible for enforcing it".

I hate the EU with all my heart and I just don't know how this monster developed. My guess is this evolved out of bureaucratic madmen's dreams.

Attached: TBTFdrawing.png (1020x767, 170K)

>Vast majority goes back to member states.
Actually, the money goes back to individuals and mostly corporations in the member states NOT to member states, mate. Also, the money does not go back proportionally to where it comes from - and I am not talking about states, but regions. If you look at regions, my region, Bavaria, is the cash cow of the EU. We pay in a shitton and our Bavarian nationals don't get back shit nothing. All the while, we are burdened with the most ridiculous legislations and regulations from EU bureaucrats who then "pledge" to reduce bureaucracy by creating even more bureaucracy.

How is that fair?

How come it's always the Germans complaining about the EU and it's financial position when they are the ones profiting the most out of the EU and €? How come? How fucking stupid are you OP? Get out of your enclosed space inside your head, open a book or two, or a blog, go out more and listen to people that actually have some knowledge on a specific subject.

You, the Germans are profiting the most out of the whole political system, called the EU. The whole system is made to benefit YOU, and you are the ones who complain and whine the most. Really, whenever someone is complaining about the Euro, Eurozone or anything related, it's always a faggot with a German flag.
Either educate yourself or an hero OP. Srsly.

>when they are the ones profiting the most out of the EU and €?
There is a study saying with the German mark, Bavarians would be 40% richer just from the stronger currency. Even more so, if Bavaria were an independent state (we have 12 million people), we would likely be even richer, as we also subsidize Eastern and Northern Germany.

So how do we profit from the EU and the Euro? Through trade? We trade with countries OUTSIDE the Eurozone way more than with the Eurozone.

>listen to people that actually have some knowledge on a specific subject.
As I said, I have worked with the EU regulations and laws for years. If you had done the same, you would know how fucking stupid the people in the EU are and how much they destroy with their bureaucracy.

>The whole system is made to benefit YOU
This is an extremely narrow view of things. You are saying e.g. Poland doesn't profit from the EU and free trade? Of course they do, just as we do. But what I am saying is that the EU is creating unnecessary bureaucracy and programs and wasteful spending for no reason whatsoever... I am 100% for no tariffs in the EU and equalized industry standards and even equalized standards for services as long as these rules are sensible and non-bureaucratic.

But why should we pay money and then get burdened with bureaucracy costing billions to comply with?

>There is a study saying with the German mark, Bavarians would be 40% richer just from the stronger currency.
That is a complete bullshit. You'd be poorer. A lot. There's a reason why there are a lot of countries with the € when they shouldn't be because their economies are to shitty. But they are. Why? To keep to value of € DOWN. Low value of currency benefits export based economies, which is the EU. You profit from €, and you profit the most, followed by countries that have close economic ties with you (including us); countries that don't produce shit get fucked.

>I have worked with the EU regulations and laws for years
Here's your problem, you worked with regulations and laws so you don't have experiences how these laws have an effect. To a common person most of these laws and regulations don't make sense and are useless, but they are not only usefull, but even needed for business. Common market with common rules and no customs benefit companies more than you can imagine. Shitloads of bureaucracy dissapears because the EU and it's "Eurocrats" take care of it instead.

>You are saying e.g. Poland doesn't profit from the EU and free trade?
No, I'm saying the system is made to benefit you the most. Of course others benefit too, some more than others, but it all revolves around you. And partially France.

>But why should we pay money and then get burdened with bureaucracy costing billions to comply with?
You would pay this money either case, even more of it, see above.

oh boy the slovak EU shill is back

I guess they are trying to bankrupt all the members

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I absolutely love the EU and I hope to see pic related in my lifetime.

Attached: eu superstate.jpg (800x420, 64K)

go back to /ptg/ faggot

>and you are the ones who complain and whine the most.

Only on Jow Forums, like any other poltard, really. Most Germans in real life are glad the EU exists.


who buys your cars, faggot ?
who keeps cheaper cars out of the EU ?
you get yours back, with lots extra.

>Here's your problem, you worked with regulations and laws so you don't have experiences how these laws have an effect.
I am lawyer, so I know exactly what the effects of these things are.

I am not responding to the rest, because you are just reiterating your points without putting any more substance to it. Again, we are not profiting from a low euro, because we are producing specialized products which compete on quality, not price. Hence we mostly do not worry about the euro exchange rate, we were able to export at 1.60 to the USD and at 1.10 to the USD. We were poorer at 1.10 than at 1.60.

>who buys your cars, faggot ?

>who keeps cheaper cars out of the EU ?
I don't know, we do not produce or buy any cheap cars, we exclusively produce luxury cars.

>you get yours back, with lots extra.
No, we do not. We exported our cars before the Euro too.

when the ones who actually benefit from it complain more than the ones who had their economy destroyed, you know its bad

He's slovenian you idiot

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>Why is the EU such a fucked up monster? How did it all get to this?

because germans.

it is literally all your fault.

>I am lawyer, so I know exactly what the effects of these things are.
And I'm deeply in economic waters and I know what the effect of macroeconomics are.

No, that's just typical German uneducated whining fueled by German politicians and their whining (who just like all other politicians say things to get votes). Just look at OP, a lawyer who's debating economics.
Germans just want to shit on others even more and benefit even more.

why do you both have personalized russian flags?

yes, and with that german mark no one would be able to afford your products. which are already expensive. and vw et al wouldn't be able to farm off labor to the cheaper east, no the cost couldn't be mitigated by moving production.

the euro crisis kept german exports affordable.

>fueled by German politicians

With the exception of AfD, all German politicians are pro-EU to varying degrees.

Hitler lost WWII, which pretty much led to EU and the Jews dominating the world. You have to awake your inner Hitler and start a third reich. It's the only solution to the nigger and jew problem.

It's a Slavic flag

>kek implying german people voted for oettinger

Attached: 1522814674039.png (209x155, 70K)

>You have to awake your inner Hitler and start a third reich.


Attached: germany poland.jpg (1024x2836, 500K)

>white, blue, red
Are Slavic colours, All three countries are Slavic and a lot of other Slavic countries use this colour combination too (in full or just partly).

>Vast majority goes back to member states.
ARE yoU Retarded Slav?
Most money goes to the Big EU oligarchs and to their corrupt puppets into politics.

EU is kleptocracy.

Fuck off faggot . We are against the EU as well! WE give MORE THAN WE RECEIVE ! All these shitholes from the east get more then they give . The first EU was the best : FRANCE-germany-italy - benelux .

Wow I never knew france and the netherlands were slavic.

>export economy
>doesn't benefit from low valued currency

holy fuck, this is like economics 101 you tard.

germans, no hint of self-awareness and they are always right BECAUSE THAT IS ZE RULEZ

I hear nonsense coming out of German politicians (German Finance minister, Governor of your central bank, etc) all the time. Shit that makes absolutely no sense and is a direct opposite of things that would be in line with economic growth, recovery, etc. All that shit, just to appease German voters.

How can the EU economy possibly function into the future, even the very near future, when the extreme overwhelming majority of investment is made with credit from banks? Won't countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, and slowly France, become crippled with insolvency crises that all the money in the world won't solve? People look to Deustche bank as an apocalypse waiting to happen, but isn't it really sort of the best-case scenario at this point? Entire countries should be foreclosed upon, there isn't enough welfare to pay off the debt, and European banks are so fucking insanely stupid with their lending laws that you can avoid delinquency with a partial payment every 270 days. Can anyone PLEASE fucking explain to me where the EU thinks this money is coming from? Why isn't the general public freaking out about this?

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Nobody cares about Muslims.

>you get yours back, with lots extra.

>implying that HE is the owner of BMW


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Are bulgarians green russians?

>All that shit, just to appease German voters.

What politicians say is rarely what they do, you should know this by now. German politicians aren't pro-EU enough for my taste, not by a long shot, but their actions (including the voting pattern of even conservative MEPs in the EU parliament) show a pro-EU stance, albeit a moderate one.


>The first EU was the best : FRANCE-germany-italy - benelux .
If you didn't benefit from expansion, there would be none. So fuck you too faggot and thank the Germans for their EU expansion pushing.

they are secretly building a huge army to do another blitzkrieg .
you didn't hear it from me

>What politicians say is rarely what they do
Yes I know, the examples I gave are exactly this. They (politicians) say stupid things to appease German voters, but don't even repeat what they said or try to push their ideas to fruition.

As I said before, Germans fall for it and are the biggest whiners on the subject of all flags here.

>all flags here

Yeah, on Jow Forums. Poltards are retarded. Why does the obvious even have to be stated.

>WTF is the EU doing with this money?

kickbacks, offshore tax havens, enormous pension plans, corruption etc.
All without any democratic accountability.

the EU is shit and it must end

>WTF is the EU doing with this money?
Importing niggers and sandniggers

>oy we gib you shekel listen up goy
>takes away your borders, currency and guns
>elect who we want otherwise it's not democracy and you don't get the shekel goy
>dismantles all your laws that make your nation what it is
>if we don't sponsor your NGOs and oligarchs you won't have roads nor electricity and basically a black hole will surface in the center of your nation and hell will break lose goy
>imports shitskins from third world

Attached: d5c.jpg (600x737, 68K)

wrong color, make it browner, and turn the stars into a crescent moon

>WTF is the EU doing with this money
Importing boatloads of nuclear engineers and rocket scientists of course. Don't worry Hans, they will pay our pensions

>If you didn't benefit from expansion, there would be none

there are things for which i love the EU. but holy fuck, do those get overshadowed by the shit the krauts and frogs come up with to maintain the hegemony over other states. the migrant shit is inexcusable.

on one hand EU politicians are hammering about the industrial automation and the need for UBI in the next 10 years, on the other hand they're importing on a massive scale hordes of uneducated barbarians in hope that they might benefit the lower layers of economy. i mean what the fuck. they are literally put in ghettos, they do not integrate, there are no functional integration programs, just giving out massive gibs and hoping for the best, despite the cultural clash.

tl;dr the EU was a mistake

>>implying that HE is the owner of BMW

go google who owns BMW.
Then figure out if dipshit Hans is a Barvy taxpayer.

You'll understand.. somday.

>And the guy in charge of the budget at the EU commission is ... a German

Of course he is, of course

Investment in infrastructure to boost GDP growth.

Spoken like a true 90iq Turk rapebaby.

1.) The americans made a "show-window" out of west germany, especially out of Berlin during the cold war with the Ruassians meanwhile the occupied East countries were robbed, destroyed and built full with those buildings

2.) You have 6 million guest-worker from Turkey. They are selected, filtered, educated and from a westernized and secularized (back than) country. Not fucking 2 million sheepfucker isis fighter you just unleashed on us

Unironically kill yourself, Hans... or Ahmed... or what the fuck you are

This, west Germany and most of Western Europe was rebuilt by burgers

What you have to understand my German friend is that the EU was set up by the French and the Belgians. As such it runs on the Franco model of budgeting. Also known as credit combined with dodgy or no accounting. Most of the major expenses with the EU such as pension are not actually budgeted for the future. Therefore, the budget for the EU is destined to always increase. They will increasingly keep fudging the numbers until one day it all falls apart like all the other pyramid/ponzi schemes have in the history of the world. Enjoy.

>Why is the EU such a fucked up monster?
Germans want the multikulti. Germans want the bureaucracy. Germans want the control over other EU memberstates.
Just fuck off and leave the rest of Europe alone. Germany in the EU was a mistake.
I want to Italeave.

>t. flaggot

>go google who owns BMW.

Literally forth generation scam masters and obvious EU shills.

>Not fucking 2 million sheepfucker isis fighter you just unleashed on us

We took them in from YOUR country. Why did you let them in? Traitor scum.

>west Germany and most of Western Europe was rebuilt by burgers


Nobody gives a fuck what these countries do.

Your leaders invited them you fucking germ
too bad americans nuked the wrong country

Of course you're happy about gibs if you're slovenian, receiving more than you pay to the union

Personally i'd rather not have these gibs

Uhm sweetie...they were already IN Europe. Italy and Greece let them in.

As usual, Germany cleaned up the mess created by other countries, because we're literally the only adults in the room.

germany has destroyed the eu, mong

Personally I'd rather not my country be part of this complete shitshow at all and instead watch shithole countries like slovenia burn without the gibs

Oh look. A fat, hairy mouthbreather spouting Jow Forums memes


oh look reddit spacing lmao

ur moms clunge has reddit spacing lmao

Do you live on Jow Forums m8? Give me your money so I can give it back to you while telling you what to spend it on.

please god make the EU faggots do it, please...
this will redpill so many normies in will be glorious..even intermarium will become a possibility, when spain/greece/italy get more gibs from structural fonds than v4 with their 1/3 avg salary of southern Europe becuase they have "correct" "liberal democracy", people in v4 will be super pissed.

trust me, there is not a single member state that gets more out that it puts in,

>Also, the money does not go back proportionally to where it comes from
Would be utterly pointless then, wouldn't it?

>Germany profiting the most out of the EU and €?
We don't profit from having a weak and shitty currency. We have climbed the value ladder with the strong DM not the Franc or the Lira.
The free trade in the EU or its predecessor is good for us but our exports mostly go outside the EU.
The EU is good to have a counterbalance to Chyna and the US but we could do with a lot less centralism.

>The whole system is made to benefit YOU
No, it's made to benefit France. France set the Euro up, they just didn't manage to use it as good as we did.

>There's a reason why there are a lot of countries with the € when they shouldn't be because their economies are to shitty.
And the reason is that Kohl tried to prevent Greece from joining the Euro because he knew it wouldn't work. But France and Italy pressured him and Kohl had to agree because France could block reunification.

>Why? To keep to value of € DOWN.
Nah. We could devalue the DM as much as we wanted. But we didn't. Because we don't want a soft currency. We want hard currency.

>countries that don't produce shit get fucked.
That's universally true and doesn't have anything to do with EU, Euro or whatever.

EU is a giant scam to milk taxpayers for money while building cuck sheds to imprison them in.
If you are not a giant land owner, member of a large corporation or a globalist politician you will get nothing but scraps

A Federal Europe of laws and regulations local and federal taxes is the best model for a strong and stable Europe, Tax corporations 3.5% EU Fed Tax. A small tax can give to needy in Europe.

Because Slovenia and Slovakia are both rightful russian clay.

you watch inbetweeners?


>another shitty kike run socialist ((((((((((((((union))))))))))) collapsed from corruption.

imagine my utter surprise!!!!

Attached: eu sink.jpg (450x332, 49K)

Yeah, we're probably gonna leave. They want to increase our payments to up to 40% and we're the top contributors along with Germany.

Expect Swexit in the near future.

Daily reminder that Germany has about the same productivity as France. The difference? France did increase wages as usual, while Germany did not since introduction of the Euro. Germany became cheap! Other EU countries can't devalue their currency anymore to counter this madness. While Non-EU countries have to trade in Euro with Germany.

Conclusion: Germany is a currency manipulator. And the best part, nor german politicians, nor the german public, nor the vast majority of other EU countries understand that. Our new minister of finance wants to keep goverment surplus and invest even less, which in turn means, foreign countries must make even more debt for us, because that's where our surplus is coming from. France wants to become like Germany, which means nothing less than destroying their domestic market.

Germany is bad for others.
Germany is bad for germans, because while we have goverment surplus (which now goes into refugee care taking etc), the domestic market has next to no growth - remember the wages don't go up like they should.

Germany is the problem!

Attached: Tütengold.jpg (354x700, 172K)
yeah you know, some get money, others get rapefugees, correct?

That's pretty much my position on the EU as well.
>they do not integrate, there are no functional integration programs
When will you dipshits learn?
Integration is the worst that can happen. It's much less likely that someone who got integrated gets deported.
The problem about immigration is race/ethnicity, not culture or integration. It's their bad genes that we must worry about first and foremost.

True. Integration is truly ethnic murder. This level of segregation is unsustainable though so we have to deal with the hordes in one way or another. So far, they want to do their own thing in the ghettos.

>read a book
suck a dick faggot

Which parties are for an exit?


As for the establishment it’s quiet, but as SD gain more influence and power, they’ll be pushing for an exit even more.

It's not about the gibs, the EU destroyed Eastern economy and uses Eastern States as consumer market
In Romania for instance, all of our supermarkets are either German or French, besides Dacia, you mostly see vw, bmw, Audi, Mercedes, even our agriculture got destroyed by lab-made vegetables coming from the west.
The EU made us relient on it, the gibs coming from it ultimately go back to Germany

Yes but time is on our side with the integration part. The incompatible gets sent to jail and cant procreate and the obedient pass on their genes. Deportation is probably cheaper in the long run though(and nicer).

>i'm too stupid to bother looking up what the EU does with its budget so obviously they don't do anything other than gibs, that's why they're one of the world superpower alliances

>Would be utterly pointless then, wouldn't it?
Not really. The EU would bind all member states to do certain shit. You pay in, so that highways are built across Europe. But why shouldn't Poland pay more in than now, so that the money they get out is level with what they pay in?

>You, the Germans are profiting the most out of the whole political system, called the EU. The whole system is made to benefit YOU, and you are the ones who complain and whine the most.
Perhaps some German corporations profit, I doubt OP profits much personally.

Also there are more important values than material comfort so OP doesn't have to like it at all

>The incompatible gets sent to jail and cant procreate and the obedient pass on their genes.
Spoken like a true Swedecuck.
Sweden has one of the best gene pools in the world. Any, really any non-germanic, non-finnish/baltic admixture is a net loss for you. You're on the very top Sven. They all sully your country, not just the ones with nigger behaviour.

>>i'm too stupid to bother looking up what the EU does with its budget so obviously they don't do anything other than gibs, that's why they're one of the world superpower alliances

I know exactly what they do with the money. I just think what they do is fucked up shit that nobody wants.

A. 40% of the EU budget goes into agriculture and "rural development" (aka agriculture disguised as things like forestry subsidies etc.).

B. 35% for infrastructure

C. Rest

The true fucked up shit is that they use funny line item description to disguise what is what in their budgets. They do that so nobody can point to a line-item saying "this is agriculture" or "this is gibmees for roads" etc.

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