If weed isn't addictive, why do I scrape my pipe and smoke resin when I run out of bud? Hm?

If weed isn't addictive, why do I scrape my pipe and smoke resin when I run out of bud? Hm?

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Cause you're a faggot lmao


maybe you think weed is funny but it will fuck your live up
its not worth it.

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Becuz u can. Question is what do u do when the resin runs out?

what state do you live in?

If chewing tobacco IS addictive... then why am I able to enjoy it occasionally, and in moderation, a few times per month?

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a state of faggotry

You have quite the sweet tooth

Because your a poor degen that doesn't live in a recreational state. ayy lmaoo

there is no such thing as mental addiction, you're just weak minded


your not op , 7sTEw2VI

Because it is addictive

then just buy more weed with your ID. wtf dont smoke resin like that will fuck up your throat 100X worse

Anyone who says the shit isn't BOTH physically and mentally addicting is either a child, someone who uses recreationally, and/or has no idea what they are talking about.

Addictive substances have actual physical implications, withdrawal. I smoke like a fucking chimney. when without for a week, first 2 days, night sweats and thats it. That is not very addictive. And personally i dont give a flying fuck about 'mental' addictions because it really is subjective. like for me and you user.

See your like a fat ass that thinks chips and soda are addictive just because you cant get enough of it. But ultimately you just have a problem with gluttony and hedonism. Hey Im a hedonist so i wont exclude myself from this. but i dont call out addiction just because im weak.

What about when you run out of resin****** and then you cant sleep***** and every little annoyance becomes unbearable?

Wrong. Resin is actually good for your throat, it has a high concentration of anti-cancer chemicals.

Withdrawal symptoms.

>smoke weed in pipe
>cop catches you with pipe
>get a paraphernalia charge
>resin has thc, get a possession charge

papers all day

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resin scrapped from a shitty pipe? doubt

Right, right, right!

Life sucks when you have to come out of the cloud of THC saturation.........

It's a 30 minute drive to the nearest dispo. Sometimes I don't feel like going.


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>doesn't smoke weed
>isn't a degenerate trash loser retard
>doesn't have to worry about the cops

Cuz you're poor...

>not elements


Yeah this is what I did when I was underage. Very wasteful though with the passive burning.

It's just weed concentrate, no big deal.

>be le smug non smoker.png
>doesn't smoke weed
>isn't a degenerate trash loser retard
>doesn't have to worry about the cops
>gets shot anyway

It's not addictive, you're just a fucking loser looking for excuses.

Some people get addicted to the emotional relief they feel when they pull their eyebrows out. Some people get addicted to masturbating in public. Does that make them victims of eyebrows and masturbation?

I remember scraping my pipe so clean,,,,, I smoked the brass shavings along with that AWESOME resin......

What flavor...... Then a Marlboro Red and some more resin.

I thank GOD I got off all that!

You're very aggro. Here dude take a hit.

>gets shot anyway
>brag in the afterlife about how I didn't smoke weed

I used to smoke buds all the time in my 20's. They would pick me to roll the blunts, it was great gravity bongs were the best. It is not physically addictive it is psychologically addictive. If you can't afford it you go without it, no adverse affects except you want more, you won't steal for it. Called jonesing, you just want more. I had back surgery once, got this stuff called Lortab. Realized I was getting addicted because started taking six a day when i was supposed to be taking two and had no pain in between. Called and told them to get me off of it. Woman on the phone said to throw it away. Asked, so I can stop taking it all of a sudden? Sure she said. Felt like I had th e flu for about a week. Really really sick. My pill buddy said, ya you were kickin. Now THAT was addiction.

you never smoked much weed if you didn't get the "kicking" symptoms then, kiddo
with me it's insomnia and profuse sweating when I'm starting a break

probably because you're 19 and a NEET that lives with his mom

your day goes as follows :

>wake up @ 4:20pm
>take a bong rip man
>6:00pm mommy made you some tendies user
>7:00pm-4:15am shitpost on Jow Forums
>4:20am smoking resin
>4:22-7:00am jacking off to trap and cuck porn while dragon dildo in anus
>7:01am-4:19pm sleep

we all know its what you do

Reality is aggro. I'm trying to help wake you up.

I need it to stay numb until I have enough money for my varg farm

This. Weed ruined my life.

>t. marijuana addict

it's mentally addictive not physically addictive

>fuck your live up
learn to grammar, nigger.

Because you're a loser.

I can answer this. You smoke too much and became so used to the feeling of being high it became the new normal for you. So while you're not addicted physically (if you run out of shit to scrape, you'll throw a hissy fit, but you'll live after all), you're doing it wrong. My advice: cut down on your usage, take a t-break, will save you some money, that's for starters. Secondly, smoke with your friends and relatives only, you know - "good vibes" and all that shit, it's really a drug best enjoyed in a social setting. The older you get, the more you realize just how lame toking on your own is, it's pointless. You can watch all of them documentaries sober senpai, they'll still be interesting. And "wake and bake" is utterly retarded, because once again, if you make it the norm, it's not even as enjoyable anymore. For you:

>t. been there, done that.

>If weed isn't addictive, why do I scrape my pipe and smoke resin when I run out of bud? Hm?

And you are frugal. CONGRADULATIONS!

having an aneurysm from withdrawal is what real addictions do you faggot

Im 45 ;) But ya i did have some insomnia maybe, but it is nothing like quitting opiates from my experience. Maybe that is normal for some people (profuse sweating) but I've never heard of that from weed. I did have panic attacks later but we were doing acid every weekend for months so who knows.

Liking something and wanting to make efficient use of it doesn't mean it is addictive

Came here to say this. Fpbp.

i tried quitting weed a few years ago and it turned out really bad for me desu
i had weird pain in my face, turned out i had nerve damage and i just didn't know about it cause i was smoking weed everyday.

Id slap that nasty shit out of your mouth because you are such a faggot

what. you shouldn't be going through withdraws if you stop smoking weed.

i've talked with so many people who were chronic pot smokers. they will straight up tell me they initially used pot to cope with anxiety, with insomnia, but now they smoke because they have to. because when they quit smoking, they become a million times more anxious than they ever felt sober. and they can't sleep at all.

but these people never seem to express their experiences publicly. so whenever the topic of pot comes up online or in public, 95% of the conversation is blind praise from teenagers who've only been smoking for a few months/years and haven't had time to develop problems.

it bothers me tremendously the information disparity. everyone knows cigarettes are bad. everyone knows alcohol's bad. everyone knows meth, heroine, etc are bad.

but kids don't get an accurate representation of pot and its risks. they just see all this stoner culture and no public figures are around to present the other side of things.

Fuck up bitch, you're about to die if you don't get off the site.

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>I need to stay high to save money
>gotta spend this money on weed to stay high so I can save money and stop smoking weed


> can be criminally charged for weed


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How can someone that uses something every day not know what they're talking about? It sounds like you are the one with a child's understanding of such a simple thing.

I love how twisted up you authoritarian queers get over a plant.

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Because you are a faggot. I bet you smoke stems too because you have no self control.

Mate I can smoke all day for a week and put this shit down no problem, maybe I have a little bit of trouble getting to sleep the first night that's it. Sounds like you have weak willpower and lack responsibilities.


Smoke resin. How ghetto.
Get yourself some friends with dank weed faggot.

He's in Colorado, he can get it easily. The problem is 100% in his/her head. Thankfully it's something that can be fixed with relative ease though, just need a fresh outlook on things.

Because you’re a fucking degenerate drug addict

I scrape the inside of my lungs with a coat hanger and smoke the resin.

Christcucks and bootlickers are ruining pol.

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You sound like a weak faggot. I smoked several times a day for two years straight and quit cold turkey with absolutely no Ill effects.

Checked and rekt.

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Don't blame weed for your faggotry. If you lack self control, it's your own damn fault.

>If weed isn't addictive, why do I scrape my pipe and smoke resin when I run out of bud?
Weed is like chocolate, if there's none in the house you go to bed and wake up tomorrow.
If weed causes anything other than paranoia and the giggles you should put it down.

fall into an absurdly savage state of depression for about 2 weeks.

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My father is addicted to weed, he turns into a monster if he goes more than a couple hours without smoking

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bahahahaah, try 10gs a week for 10 years

no its not at all anymore

its like $5 buck a g now, $12 for 3.5gs and that's with tax at the store

and half the time now you get free samples from some dudes wearing golf shirts with their new blueberryXpurplehazeXhybrid

>drinking rum
palatelet detected

It's legal, so you don't have to constantly stay in the loop by hanging out with drug people. If you needed a tobacconist friend to buy it from you'd have to use more often to keep relations. You know the tobacco store is going to be there next month, so there's no urgency to get more now even if you don't want to.

What a pussy, only faggots read poetry

>thinks morphine and cocaine are good for you
It comes from a plant bro, why should regulation exist?

i bet your one of those people drinking gin. it tastes the way pine-sol smells

Common sense?

Because you're a useless faggot without the means or know how to keep a steady supply.
Please just eat your resin. Don't smoke it. Makes you seem like a crackhead