I am Jewish

And I wanna know how can we the Jews gain your trust.
Any suggestions?

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This is not helpful.

for what you need my trust? To fuck me over later? Very smart but i won't fall for it


>To fuck me over later?
That's the point we have no such plans

Thanks for your contribution

Accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and savior

Repent or be destroyed.


It would be very helpful

Do like the man in the picture did.

How about when you dominate positions of power, you don't turn the original structure of power into a flaming socialist wreckage of what it once was.

Or, alternately, let's see some jews calling out the jewish-led institutions that are doing the most damage to the people?

Those wouldn't do much, but they would be a start.

Show us where you’ve hidden your gold...

Barricade a synagogue and light it on fire while it's full.

Abandon Judaism and become like Bobby Fischer

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But we don't believe in Jesus
Can you be more specific? What do you believe we did wrong?
You can't be serious
Ummm I can't see how
So you like Bobby? and why you guys hate the rest of us?
I think you fell for some dumb concspiracy theories

Its the only way tho

No. I'm done talking. Your time is nearly up kike. If you don't know what you did than you are as good as dead. /Thread

> So you like Bobby? and why you guys hate the rest of us?

Because you're not doing like Bobby. Do like Bobby.

Nuke yourself

First things first: Do not infiltrate MSM, law, science and politics. Wait, you already did? Sad for you guys.

You're not funny at all
This is very rude and disrespectful
Why can't you respect my traditions?
No slide thread. Genuinely interested.

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gas yourselves

You dwny what everyone else sees, so how could anyone ever trust someone like that, pretty much do everything in this thread.

Did you even try?
Please enlighten me.
You came here just to say that?
Again, you being misled by false accusations

Stop subverting the values of your host nations.
You have your own country, do what you want there.

For you

Stop tricking the USA into fighting your wars for regional expansion.
Stop setting off False Flags to get the West hating your enemies that YOU created thru your greed, arrogance and thieving.

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literally everyone on earth would directly and immediately benefit from the sudden extermination of ALL of you rat kikes

Except for neocon boomers that rely on pissrael pandering to maintain their shill careers

I pray every day for the sands to be wet with more heeb blood

Don't go off topic.
So you trust a "report" from Haaretz when it suits you narrative? no kidding

Eh, we just need to calm the media down a bit and banks need to stop fucking us with the entire horse dildo. It's a shame neither of those things will ever happen.

Get the fuck out of my country and leave it alone.

you can't
my suggestion is to gas yourself

Stop dodging the ovens

Nope. I will simply exterminate your kind.

>Ask what you can do to gain our trust
>We give suggestions
>whaaa are you kidding me? it's anudda shoah

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So this just happened. I think it's a sign.

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the real question is why do you care so much about "gaining our trust" ? Nobody else is out there trying specifically to do that, unless they have ulterior motives.

Again very helpful. NO
You're going too far
Useful discussion could lead to great results. at least we could try?

Because they know we are about to genocide them.

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>I think you fell for some dumb concspiracy (sic) theories
And that right there is why you'll never earn any trust.

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I mostly read death wishes. where are the so called "suggestions"
Like you guys needed one
I just hate being mistrusted for no reason is that really hard to believe

Kill yourself. That'll be enough.

Nuke Tel-Aviv

Lies always lying

1) Don't associate with Americans
2) Don't associate with people whose IQs are below 100 (90% of Americans on this board)
3) Profit

By sucking it up and stop trying to gain our trust.
That question is quite eerie desu.

That's very intelligent from you
>The Jewz did it
Did the Jews start ww3?
I'll pass but thanks for your input

>I just hate being mistrusted for no reason is that really hard to believe
Who is mistrusting you? Give me a specific example.

>hello goy pls tell me how to gain your trust so we totally wont use you for our kike buisnesses

answer this, kike

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go back to israel. you kiked us into setting it up for you. theres no reason for you to remain here.

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>Who is mistrusting you? Give me a specific example.
I can just feel it from non Jews. Hard to put my finger specifically

start with art.

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By helping my people survive. I'm an Upper Caste, belonging to the bloodlines of the Vedic Aryans. My people have been reduced to a small, rapidly disappearing minority in my homeland. We're hated by everyone here- the Lower Castes, the Muzzies, the Communists, the Abos etc. We probably can't fight and defeat all of them, especially when we're so disunited.

The Jews have faced a similar set of harsh circumstances before, perhaps if our two peoples allied together we could save each other and dominate the world, while removing kebab from the face of the earth.

Can you not fucking read, kike?
The pic clearly attributes Ma'ariv reporting on a public speech.

>Did the Jews start ww3?
WW3 hasn't started yet. What are you planning, Mossad?

Look at this Eternal Anglo thinking he's better than Americans. Don't bring a spoon to a gun fight faggot.

Stop pushing multiracialism, abandon the banking profession altogether, and stop lobbying our congress

burn down a Synagogue with you and your extended family inside, you filthy fucking kike.

There is literally 0 justification for jews to cling to their own identity if they are in western countries

They need to breed into the population and become a part of it. They will make an ideal elite class, but this whole thing where they pursue their own ethnic interests is an absolute horror show, and needs to be ended. It causes far too many problems in the world.

A nation is intend to procure the furtherance of a specific group of people. Everyone needs to sign onto that project if they want to be a part of that nation. If jews want to have their own identity, they need to go to Israel

I unironically like Jews. I think European Jews have contributed immensely to science and art, and some of the historical figures I respect the most are Jews. It is a fact that they are over 10 times over-represented in almost every aspect of society from culture to finance and from politics to academia. This is why they are a small subset of people who hold, on average, much more power than any other demographic subgroup - whether it is due to their higher intelligence or tribalism is irrelevant. Having a greater ability to project their influence, when a Good Jew does good ironically remains unnoticed by Jew-haters, but when a bad Jew like Soros or Weinstein does something bad, it immediately 'confirms their suspicion' of Jewish conspiracy.

Listen. It's likely you have no idea why everyone hates you and all your life you've heard it's because "muh antisemitism". I don't think all jews are involved that's silly. But it's not just lies, please start reading and keep an open mind. There is a lot of evidence on this not just speculation, read culture of critique and think.

i know it's not a serious thread but jews are fine. Jow Forums are a bunch of retards not worth your time

I'm 3% Jewish and I don't trust myself.

you cant, youve destroyed so much of what is good and harness the world with your grubby usury and disdain for nature

fuck you

easy, I'll explain it in 3 steps:
1.Open the oven
2.Go inside the oven
3.Close the oven, I'll do the rest

I think Jews catch the heat because they are smart and successful. The real enemy has to be someone else, Israel knows we are the only thing that lies between them and destruction.

tldr, jews not the enemy

>Like you guys needed one
Actually yes, I was about to jump in here with some constructive criticism but I saw that right before. But really it comes down to:
>encourage all jews to come to the homeland literally created for them, considering people died to make that happen including your own
>disown degenerates and weasels
>don't make excuses, own up

Not so fast, curry muncher. Jews are our best friends, not your's

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I am better than Americans.

>tldr, jews not the enemy
>t. jew

>jews catch heat
Yup, they certainly do


Greater Israel will never happen. We will exterminate all Jews.

Call off all the debts your tribe uses to enslave others.

>wether it is because of high intelligence or tribalism is irrelevant

Is it irrelevant though?

Shut up pajeet

Convert to Christianity.

Fight the bad Jews

im not jewsish, just someone who is trying to figure out who the enemy really is. Russia, saudis, iran, ???

Decapitate all zionist on film, upload it to internet, and ill consider it.

The Jew you're talking to hasn't done shit to you. You know the kind of Jews that invest money in 'diversifying' Europe don't usually come on Jow Forums trying to gain the trust of some Jew-hating weeaboos. Stupid mutt.

You're not better than my AR-15 fruit cake

i dont see a problem with this. but i do think we'll have a hard time convincing average people that genocide is the way to go.

>im not jewsish, just someone who is trying to figure out who the enemy really is. Russia, saudis, iran, ???

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The whole chosen people thing doesn't help. There are too many jews who believe they are better then everyone else and actively undermine those who they percieve as their biggest competitors (Europeans). Your religious doctrine is rotten to the core, so I don't think jews can ever be trusted.

What would it take to gain our trust?
Abandon your nepotistic cult and start working with white people, instead of against them.
You are great chameleons, so it would only take you a few generations to become us. Genetically some of you already have so much European admixture, that you are pretty much indistinguisable anyway.

You can't.
All abrahamic religions must be eradicated.

You have to aknowledge your jewish priviledge and work with PoW (people of whiteness) to end it.

why would israeal destroy their strongest defense?