Ok Jow Forums how do we fix Venezuela?

Ok Jow Forums how do we fix Venezuela?

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Halliburton audit

Drop a nuke on it and start over.

Stage a military coupe to overthrow the corrupt regime. Then dismantle the military and allocate every resource into rebuilding and restructuring your economy.

By letting them starve

simple,remove all commies

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New pinochet

poor parroto ;_;


Real question, why would we fix venezuela

>Brazil elects Bolsonaro
>Reinforce military at the border
>Venezuela tries to invade guyana
>Brazil and Colombia invade Venezuela, buttfuck commies and get some territory

let them die off. socialist nonsense deserves to see its reckoning.

They did this to themselves not our problem

free helicopter rides

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Remove sanctions, make a massive campaign to return the economical refugees (that just took their money out of the country devaluating the currency)

Stop claiming the reason they fail it's because they voted for socialism and instead respect their sovereign decision.

We don't. It was shit before the cpmmies and it's shit now. The only reason you cucks care about this 3rd world shithole and not the gorillion others is because MUH EBIL GOMMIES strawman.

WE don't.
The Venezuelans probably will themselves when they have an election later this month.

SPBP. Nuclear fire is the only way to fix Venezuela.

> make a massive campaign to return the economical refugees (that just took their money out of the country devaluating the currency)

Yeah just put tons of ads saying "come back, your money is safe bc stuff and shit".

Remove the CIAids from Central and South America

Nah we just chimp out until everyone returns to where they came from, isn't that what /pol wants anyway?

Neutron bombs

Remove the government.

America would have to invade and bring them Freedom. We have enough problems though fuck off. Maybe Mexican cartels can invade and bring you heroine based capitalism.

increase minimum wage, print more money and tax corporations more

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Why would they ever return to a government that has a track record of stealing shit? The entire point of the government it so you can have an economic system. Turns out people who actually work dont want a system that steals from you arbitrarily.

Lots of helicopters

tfw another shit thred on pol is comprised of 33% classifiable dimwit republicon true believers, 33% ambivalent trolls who really don't care either way, and 31% retards arguing on the internet.

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incite a coup

Just turn it into a glass wasteland by dropping as many nukes as possible.

People in vzla always look for someone else to fix their problems (the US, the pope, the un, etc). They need to unfuck
themselves and linch all communists. But that will never happen, they are as dumb as rocks... even with the current state of affairs they do party and celebrate shit, while people just die everyday for lack of medicines, equipment, etc.

I left that place shortly after Chavez won, things were still somewhat ok then.

>Venezuelan expat in tortillaland

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We had helicopters and they murdered the national hero who rode it, because the guy was doing a stunt, and he didn't use real ammo on Maduro.
>YFW Venezuela could have already been saved.

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Because they are Venezuelans, no matter how shitty the government is, they still like their homeland and their friends and family.

1. Make PDVSA great again. This is the most important step. Without oil Venezuela is dead no matter the type of government. Turning Venezuela capitalist will not fix anything if the oil production rate keeps falling.
2. Make realistic budgets with lower spending. Make the central bank independent again and stop printing money to finance debt. Big boys can play with the money printer, Venezuela can't. There is just not another choice.
3. As spending is controlled and inflation is brought down, let the markets set the exchange rate wrt. $, with the central bank only intervening for emergencies and to achieve the macroeconomic goals
4. After doing that there is no reason to control imports/exports, so the economy gets to work again

After all that, they could even do China-like socialistic policies.

Apparently not since they left. And the moment they get the chance any family they left behind will go as well.


>Ok Jow Forums how do we fix Venezuela?
Murder every Venezuelan for starters.

i think second post is the best post

Massive military intervention.

Every people gets the government it deserves.

Civil war. The right needs to round up all these libtard communists in the government to the teachers. Otherwise this shit will just repeat all over again.

You think Brazil and Argentina are fixed? The disease is still present just waiting for an opportunity to take over again.

Make them immune to being attacked in the runescape wilderness so they can sell gold IRL unhindered

>we fix Venezuela

"We" do not, Venezuela got the "socialist paradise" it wanted.

You don't fix shit. Venezuela is a huge source of shame for lefties worldwide and we should keep it that way.


Buy their oil instead of the Middle East. Two birds, one stone.

Turn Chamozuela into a sexual tourist country like the Philippines. Most of them are coming here anyways working for cents, so why not reactivate their economy with it and make the service transactions with their shitty crypto currency project.

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