Why do shills try to undermine Richard Spencer by pretending he has a conehead?

Why do shills try to undermine Richard Spencer by pretending he has a conehead?

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Because he's controlled opposition you thick little cunt.

His wakanda is Israel

cant argue with that

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Nothing wrong with any of this

>brainlet cant see the parallels between zionism and white nationalism

"it is a sign an educated mind to be able to entertain thought without accepting it."

The alt right failed/didn't even try to become organized. They target other right wing people for not being alt right enough in whatever way each person defines the label alt right. Problem is NOONE decides what the alt right is. At most the only qualifier is someone who is against the SJWs but that can be easily bent as well. They will suffer the fate of the athiests. The label will be worn by spergs who will then ruin the entire thing. That is if anyone is allowed to garner anywhere near a good amount of followers. The infighting ensures "the alt right" is segmented and weak.

nobody cares about that CIA Nigger

There's that "STOP TELLING ME TO NOT WATCH GAY PORN" phrase again.

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Because that haircut seriously looks like shit on him.

Fuck off with your CIA plant

The Alt-Right was a stupid idea to begin with. Why make a special little club with a catchy name when you can just say that you are a normal person. One sounds fucking gay and attention seeking and the other is a sign of maturity and lack of vanity. Anyone who unironically supported the Alt-Right was just an attention seeking, faggot.

What purity spirallers think "purity spiralling" means:
>Salt right: Duude, we need more based black trannies and degenerates in our ranks!! That's the only way we'll get power! Trump's okay most of the time!

What it actually means:
>Smart nationalist: We really don't have time to be rejecting people who are perfectly laudable and upstanding members of society because they won't post edgy Totenkopf memes and wank over SS uniforms all the time. We need to appeal to the public, and the public doesn't give a shit about the tenets of paganism versus Christianity.

Honestly you people are insufferable. We get it, go LARP somewhere else fag.

Spergcer may say reasonable things,.but he is a piece of shit. While being a millionaire, he recently begged for gibs for his another lawsuit.

To make him seem ridiculous. It's psychological manipulation. It's been one of the most, if not the most, obvious subversive campaigns.

Titchard Spencer

He does, he's the lite/diet soda of ethnic nationalism.
You're both the big gaye, and don't belong on Jow Forums

>any smart nationalist would have a beer with Netanyahu
What in the actual fuck
The state of israel is literally propagating the primary stage of mass migration through regime change

>The jews should have a homeland
Also no. Then Jews should be allowed their own unless its for containment.

>Understanding the impulse that drives Zionism
I'll agree with the impulse towards Zionism but his comment after that is basically just pandering to the jews

>Isrealis should finance the far-right
Also yea i dont want the movements that are going to save the european continent and north america from demographic suicide to become Controlled Opposition
So dont mind me if i dont what the Jews to finance the movements that are supposed to be in reaction to these atrocities.

I kinda understand the holocaust comment. More understandable than the zionism comment

>Race mixing isnt that big of a threat
Well think about it this way - when and if whites become a minority in their own countries, and if race mixing is not taboo, their destruction will be inevitably sped up. Sure its not a big threat but it shouldnt be dismissed so mildly

Thanks for the context on the Homosexuality comment tho.

Spencer still seems to sound like some kind of controlled opposition

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They get paid. They don't care about the motive or effectiveness of shilling.

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He was a joke from day one, brah. Have you seen any of his talks? He is in the running against Jeb for least charismatic political figure of the last decade.

>The infighting ensures "the alt right" is segmented and weak
Which is why subversives keep doing it. It was always them starting the fights.

Shill thread is shill thread.

ally with israel so antisemitism can't be declared

ally with white gays to get the gay vote

racemixing is a very small % of people and a healthy breeding population of an ethnostate doesn't need to control what their people do

It was never a club. It was a description for the white awakening and desire to have their interests represented, which the mainstream "right" keeps failing to do. Hence the term "ALT-right."

That doesn't mean anything. Yes, the guy is eccentric. That doesn't mean he's a villain to anyone. My point is still valid. They try to make him seem more goofy than he naturally is, to instill that impression in your mind so that you won't support him and will even attack him.

If spencer is controlled opposition, we need more controlled opposition. He's put his name out there and gained us a few yards.
But aussies seem to be more triggered by gays than burgers, and he seems like a 'poofta' to me

Spencer has been a huge villain ever since heilgate and #punchanazi. He's the best recruiter antifa has ever had, and his antics have gotten hundreds of his naive supporters doxed.

>ever since heilgate and #punchanazi
He was hated by anti-whites before that happened and the assault meme is irrelevant to this.
>He's the best recruiter antifa has ever had
The anti-white propaganda everywhere is what's causing anyone to identify with Antifa.
>his antics have gotten hundreds of his naive supporters doxed.
His "antics" were simply speaking in public and trying to engage with people on both sides.

Because no advocacy is ever good enough, once he's gone they'd go for the next one in line. They do not want a movement, nor do they want any living leaders. Hitler and GLR are ok only because they are dead, if they were alive today Jow Forumsbergs would call them contr.oppo. too.

Ive said it since day one, he and his whole altright meme is a psyop

Everything is a psyop, including you.

Came out of literally nowhere in no time as "the leader pf the alt-right" weird connections with the cia and government, strange choices when comes to group speaking.
If he’s controlled opposition then he’s just a terrible leader, either way I don’t support him personally because it seems too sketchy, he hasn’t done a single thing to gain public trust, which would be what you expect the leader of a movement to do, instead he has been alienating white supporters as a cult.
Don’t have anything against those who follow him, I just think they’re misguided.

>Ok, Dickie, define who's white.
Persons of indo-european descent.
>Are Iranians therefore white?
Uhm, well, no, becuz they are culturally not European, therefore not really white white.
>Who is white then?
People who's who's ancestors had been living in Europe for centuries.
>The jews lived here for centuries, are they white?
Uhm, ummm, ye- no, they have this rootles identity, not really white.
>What about one of the first setlers in Europe - Albanians or Bosniaks?
Well, they're muslim, so they can't be white.
>So, are you saying islam is a race?
Well, uhmm.. no, but there is more to white than just skin color.
>So what you are saying is race isn't to be biologically determined, but also culturally?
>Therefore it is socially constructed?
Wait, wha-? Yes,.. I mean n-no!

>Define white again?
*rambles more contradictory nonsense in valley girl accent*

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Everyone hates incompetence.

He’s also a pretty terrible public speaker

oh shit

It reminds me of reddit humor. "OMG funny head haha alt right btfo"
>came out of literally nowhere
This is how you spot a shill or a retard. I have known about Spencer since atleast 2015 but since YOU only heard about him recently he must be controlled op. Go visist other sites besides pol my dude. Its like someone saying "Who is this jared taylor guy? I only now just saw a meme of him on pol he must be cia."
Yeah I cant argue with that. Spencer should not be a figure head but someone in the background to give input every so often.