Why did he marry a literal tranny?

Why did he marry a literal tranny?

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he had a white gf who was getting MULATTOED as a young man but broke up with her because it was bad optics for a political career

look it up

How does this explain him marrying a transgender though? Did he suddenly become gay or it's part of some kind of contract while the marriage is mostly a charade? What political ties marrying a tranny secures you innthe first place and why couldn't he just marry a normal nigress?
I doesn't make any sense.

Have you been living in a cave for the last decade? He is a homo. Search “Larry Sinclair”. Three homos from his “church” that were “close” to him an heroed just as his faggotry was being uncovered.

Look at any video of him. Have you seen a more effeminate black man?

Look it up he's a frogman and everybody knows frogs are bisexual

nobody except poltards believes this

Attached: Melania trap.jpg (600x1055, 98K)

>Have you seen a more effeminate black man?

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True. It actually looks like a model marriage, unlike the current president, whose marriage looks like a bad deal with a whore.

Attached: Obamas.jpg (469x664, 27K)


Most Trump supporters were at work that day.

You're a naive idiot.
Melania is a woman you retard. Look at the hip bones. trap hips are never located like this.

Nah, it's true. I feel nostalgic for the days when the role of president and first lady actually had some dignity and class. Does Trump and his first whore even care about poetry, creativity, music, or the arts? Does he even have a muse?

Attached: Obama Hamilton.jpg (960x640, 203K)

The meme flags are mad because they can't meme and obongo is a tranny chaser.

Everything Obama did was in preparation for running for president. A black man needs a black wife - a white wife alienates both the white constituency and the black constituency. Same reason why he became Christian, a community organiser and an adjunct professor. Obama could very easily have made bank on wall street and been fucking white twinks whilst snorting blow.
So he had to get a black wife who wasn't retarded but also didn't mind that he was faggy, which gets you Michelle.

Because he's from Chicago (and Kenya)

>Everything Obama did was in preparation for running for president. A black man needs a black wife - a white wife alienates both the white constituency and the black constituency. Same reason why he became Christian, a community organiser and an adjunct professor. Obama could very easily have made bank on wall street and been fucking white twinks whilst snorting blow.
>So he had to get a black wife who wasn't retarded but also didn't mind that he was faggy, which gets you Michelle.
You typed so many words!

Attached: Alex hat.gif (360x202, 1.58M)

>a bunch of shittily photoshopped pictures prove his wife is a transexual
>implying him and the left wouldn't have been screaming it from the rooftops to show how progressive they are if it was true

please go back to screaming about birth certificates you absolute nig memeflagger

Big if true

sorry but michelle obama is a 9/10

because he is a fag

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Oh, it is true. Soros paid megabux to cover up 0bama’s past. 0bama being a fag was just a small part of it. His Indonesian passport was another. His forgery of his draft card another. His fake SS number another. I could go on and on.

he's a psychotic moloch worshiper who was willing to purposefully lie about his identity for massive power and bribe money why the fuck wouldn't you think he's a degenerate nightmare

"She" literally has the straight back and hips of a man. That's basic anatomy you wastes of oxygen, not everything is your ad hominem cospiracy.

Big if true

In a tranny pageant she is up there. For sure.

what about this?

This. How did he have two children with a tranny

Why is Obama a Christian? A smart guy like him should know it's bullshit. He wasn't raised a Christian, he only found God when he realised it's the only way to interact with the non-degenerate parts of the black community. He constructed his entire persona. He planned to run for president back in the late 80s.

Attached: genevieve-cook-barack-obama.jpg (420x315, 19K)

>"She" literally has the straight back and hips of a man. That's basic anatomy you wastes of oxygen, not everything is your ad hominem cospiracy.

Attached: Retard potato.jpg (625x389, 53K)

>Why is Obama a Christian? A smart guy like him should know it's bullshit. He wasn't raised a Christian, he only found God when he realised it's the only way to interact with the non-degenerate parts of the black community. He constructed his entire persona. He planned to run for president back in the late 80s.

Attached: hat protest 2.jpg (1200x800, 811K)

>if a person doesn't have a tex avery hourglass figure and an ass the size of a watermelon they're obviously a man

get actual proof or neck yourself, nigger

Check it out for yourself. Start with the porn shoot 0bama’s mommy did for Frank Marshall Davis. In 0bama’s own book he confesses his “grandfather” intoroduced him to “Uncle Frank” who taught him to sniff his own underwear. Sick people.

See if you can find a picture of a “pregnant Michelle”. Pro tip: you can’t.

>"She" literally has the straight back and hips of a man.
>straight back and hips

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It has nothing to do with hourglass figure you retarded monkey. Even some men have a pseudo hourglass figure and wide hips. It's about location not size.
Also your fucking proof is goolgle images if you aren't a raging retard. I won't do your job.

Not a conspiracy. Obama loves being worshipped.
What you've got to realise is that Obama didn't have any real plans or things he wanted to change in office, which is why he was so ineffectual. The sole purpose was to be president and to be loved. He pulled it off perfectly. He's the smart, non-threatening black man it's okay for white people to like, but he's a Christian with a bona-fide black fire breathing pastor with a proper slave heritage black wife to satisfy the black base. In reality he's probably an atheist, wasn't particularly attracted to Michelle physically or intellectually (she's smart for an black woman, but not that smart, read her dissertation), and Obama probably couldn't give a shit about most issues like healthcare or climate change or the middle east.

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>Not a conspiracy. Obama loves being worshipped.
>What you've got to realise is that Obama didn't have any real plans or things he wanted to change in office, which is why he was so ineffectual. The sole purpose was to be president and to be loved.
He pulled the economy out of a massive hole -- the biggest since the 1930s, you tard.

Even when you're an autistic narcissist (such as yourself), political decisions don't always have to be about personality and self-absorption.

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You seem upset.

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How about the national debt under king nigger? Roughly $10 trillion over the course of his two terms. And yeah, Snopes says $848 billion because they are only counting the increased debt as a result of his direct executive orders, rather than deficit spending as they do with every other president.

Attached: obama-adds-pork-to-hurricane-sandy-aid-bill-national-debt.jpg (550x319, 55K)

“...pulled the economy out of a hole...”

With a $10 Trillion dollar Fed tow Truck your descendants will be paying interest on for at LEAST 6 generations.

Nah, I just enjoy pointing out obvious truths.

So fucking close to superior digits.
Yeah, US debt is a massive problem now. It's growing too. But at least the economy has had nine years of consistent growth after the Bush catastrophe. Just stop starting wars already.

Attached: Who wore it better Trump Obama.jpg (480x480, 41K)

>Economy grows after a massive recession
That's called the business cycle you retard
>Obama lover
>telling others to stop starting wars
Now I'm not sure if you're being serious or b8ing

>bush catastrophe
>nigger lovers honestly believe this
I don't even like George Bush but the housing bubble was largely due to loosening of banking regulations putnin place under the Clinton administration. At worst, Bush is complicit for not reversing these decisions.

>I don't even like George Bush but the housing bubble was largely due to loosening of banking regulations putnin place under the Clinton administration. At worst, Bush is complicit for not reversing these decisions.
Nah, he wasted trillions on stupid wars that shouldn't have been fought. The administration was fully captured by hawkish, self-serving neocons.

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He is a libtard. Nuff said.

Who were Cloward Piven? Why was Piven there when BJ signed the CRA(P) Bill?

You need to realize the kike media has lost it’s ability to cover up the Rat corruption that has been going on for decades. No one believes them anymore and the entire charade is just collapsing into a smoking dumpster fire.

>having so little understanding of economics that you blame Bush's wars for crashing the econony
Ah, yes, war is so terrible for the economy. Like how WW2 finally brought America out of the great depression once and for all. Assuming you're not just baiting, Bush's wars were fucking retarded but only served to increase the debt and line the pockets of government contracters, while killing filthy goyim for Israel if course. There's no connection to Afghanistan and Iraq and the housing bubble and market crash that followed it. After all we are STILL in fucking Afghanistan. (Hint: Obama promised to end the war )

So much retardation all at once! Bush was obviously incompetent and mismanaged the economy. And yes, wars that drain the national economy to enrich a few neocons are terrible for the nation. This isn't hard, anons.

Attached: Bush dogs.jpg (638x425, 55K)

He's gay. Forget what you've heard around here. Trannies/traps are gay.

Bush was a fool for letting the kike media rape him in public. Trump is no fool. The kike media is dead and you kike loving dead Enders are on your way down with them.

>Trump is no fool.

Attached: Trump retardation.jpg (750x548, 81K)

This video makes it difficult not to believe that (s)he has a dick in there

If you all cross hand, you can't shake hands correctly. Mr Blur Suit Orange Tie is being the retard.

The way his mom was, that would have turned any male child gay.

Cause he likes cock but wanted to be the prez.. duh

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PS -- that's Mr Trumble

gif won't post properly. Don't know why.

Attached: Trump Bibi handshake autism.webm (640x360, 1.75M)

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She is all woman!

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Damn. It is a field hand in a dress.

That is the way 0bamma likes them. Chock Full of Nuts.


Looks like a god damn Chicago Bears linebacker in a dress and make-up.


Attached: Retarded.jpg (300x300, 56K)

How courageous

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Hohoho, Kekistani faggot has a small penis! How cute!

Leftists love to show the picture of the crowd from an hour before the inauguration and pretend it is a picture during during the inauguration.

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Obongo was with reggie love for years and years. Moochelle is just his beard.

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>literal tranny
you mean physical tranny you dumb fuck

Where's the modified version of (pic related)?

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hahahah small penis

Attached: poltard kek.jpg (2160x3600, 781K)

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Post the pic of 0bama on a bicycle. That fucker is PRICELESS.

How is that search for pics of pregnant Michelle going? Sure seems to be taking you a while.

Thanks user. Have a (You).

I hope you’re shitposting and don’t seriously think a few unflattering pictures of Michelle’s dresses are evidence of her having a penis

the bush administration tried multiple times to change the rules and regulations surrounding the most toxic lending practices - they were rebuffed time and time again by the dems in congress (specifically barney frank's committee) who claimed to the cameras that the repubs were being muh racist - seriously, that's how they knocked down reform

Try helping your buddy with his search for pics of a pregnant Michelle.

any proof though? i can't find anything, but google isn't specially impartial

This is photoshopped. Nobody was there.

Nobody supports dotard drumpf. He won only because russian's voted all over the world.

I know, it's crazy. I can't believe alt-right CNN is still archiving that fraudulent giga pixel image. It's such a massive lie.

Dude, I have talked to several trannys that say her dimensions are tranny for sure.
Joan Rivers said she was a tranny several times in an interview and she died 2 months later during a cosmetic surgery.


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Plenty of proof. The kike media squashed it. For one thing take a look at 0bama’s “Birth Certificate” that he provided and the kike media lapped up. How the fuck is a pdf image proof of a birth in the early 60s?

The first three numbers of an SSN are tied to the state you reside in when it was issued. 0bama’s is for Connecticut, a state he has never lived in. SSNs are unique, never reissued yet 0bama’s is the same number issued to the guy that invented the SSN system. He did produce an image he claimed was his Draft Card but it was not in the actual database of actual draft cards, a total fraud. He was a “foreign exchange” student at Occidental and in his book admits to traveling to Pakistan at a time when a US Pasport would not get you into Pakistan. He transferred to Columbia (he says) but no one at Columbia ever had a class with him or saw him on campus. He was admitted to Harvard Law on the recommendation of a Saudi Royal where he was elected President of Law Review without a vote and in spite of never having published ANYTHING. Like i said, i could go on and on.

9 or 10 inch dick? No wonder barry has such a funny walk

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And you can’t refute a single word of it.

Standing on a box in that pic.

Her Name Was


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