>be top tier british spy
>need a licence to kill
Be top tier british spy
Would need a license to own a gun or knife. His womanizing ways would probably get him arrested for "hate speech" or some shit.
pierced bun burger?
>shaken not stirred
>why yes i do have a martini license
Q predicted this
holy shit im fucking ded
thank you user
Audible laughter
Kek good post
Last night I silently pierced your sister's buns.
The brits always shake their martinis to get around spoon licensing laws.
He also has a licence for being a patriarchal madman. Women are commanded by royal decree to just lie back and think of England.
Double-O sandwitched!
he is just some brainwashed guy given the identity of 007. odds are they loose more than a few per year. with that kind of turn over its kind of expected he needs a license to kill so you can revoke it if he isnt working out
thats how you can have a spy who every one knows the name of (james bond). cant really conduct espionage if people know who you are. each movie its after the new one is brainwashed and has done enough missions that his identity is revealed when its a new guy playing him. sean connery survived the longest i believe followed by roger more
>a world without licenses
kek, you got a license for that post bucko
Not bad memeflag, had a chuckle.
bantz of the week, even though you're a memeflaggot
> Tens of millions of abbos
Wow I never knew that digging up lizards with a stick from dried mud could sustain such population densities. Agricultural revolution btfo I suppose.
Oi you got ya free speech license cobber?
Oi! 007 m8, where's your LOISENSE
>be 007
>licence inspectors knock on the door and ask to see whether you need to renew your licence to kill
>quickly hide the body of the Russian spy you offed the other day so you don't have to pay the fee this month