>whites are the superior race
WRONG we are clearly second place.
Whites are the superior race
whites produce more geniuses
IQ isn't everything.
You need IQ along with creativity and a bunch of other shit.
How you can tell these stats are made up: each of them is a perfect normal curve.
Then why is it that Europeans ruled the world just one or two centuries ago instead of chinese?
>what is normal distribution
This is how IQ is distributed.
How about you take a basic statistics course, dummy.
And yet we built the civilizations that took over the earth. Really makes the noggin work.
Nothing is ever perfectly normally distributed in nature. In fact it's impossible for IQ to be perfectly normally distributed, since you can't have IQs below zero and the normal distribution extends infinitely far left and right.
theyre curves generated based on measured parameters
>we are
Nice one Mr. Shekelberg
>Ashkenazi Jews produce more geniuses
אמור תודה
>What is manipulating results
>What if jews manipulated the tests?
Just look at Asian countries and ask yourself it they're really that superior.
Nothing in maths is a complete representation of reality you fucking nonce.
it looks more like this
>every race has an identical bell curve
I see an error in your meme
>maths isn't real
That's not even remotely true. There aren't enough jews for that
the "normal distribution" is just an approximation of pic related
At the endpoints of the distribution (such as 0 in this case) it morphs from a Gaussian into the Poissan distribution
This is relevant to my point.
A real (measured) distribution is
a) lumpy
b) probably skewed to the right, since below a certain IQ level you can't be alive (50?)
But Jow Forums doesn't have creativity :(
The cope in this thread if Indians weren’t lumped into Asian iq also the East Asians would leave the whites in the dust intellectually on this graph.
How much does the difference change a society?
Heard about the criminality "sweet spot"? thats between 70-85 IQ.
Then what about, people on avarage being smart enough to lie but not forsee the consequences of their acts beyond immediate benefits?
You need both simplicity and intelligence on the regular population, otherwise you get your avarage layman cheating and lying and feeling nothing like the bugmen.
pic related, you can see the Poissan morphing into a gaussian
Yeah but I can drive to the store without being a hazard to everyone else on the road.
Bugs cheat and are clearly always playing catch up to Whitey.
NO ONE is sneaking into asia like they do America, retard.
I wish this board learned that enviroment molds a race and not ''niggers dumb just because hurrdurr''
think about it, worst biome to start in is desert or jungle. first has little to nothing to fullfill first tier needs (water, food and shelter) and without these you aren't going to exploit all these precious metals in your soil.
Niggers bottom tiered by this idea.
then there are rainforests. filled with over 600 caricnogenic toxins and alot of competition. Diseases flourish, hispanics, unlike niggers, atleast were able to create empires as the amount of resources is extreme.
Now we got the chinks, they are literally too good. One giant landmass, temperate, easy to flourish in. Population density goes kaboom and alot of bloody wars and plagues result from that overpopulation. Plus the whole earthquake thing and the ring of fire.
Finally there is Europe, white homeland. natural disaster proof, got it's plagues from the chinks, temperate, very safe but not too large or too rich to get Asia problems.
Bonus: both the poles got no people as there is NOTHING for you to use and the extreme cold makes short work of anyone.
The Asian century is approaching and white People will be immigrants to Asia soon and will be reduced to selling drugs and whoring their woman the same as how blacks are in white countries now.
East Asians have higher IQ but less individuality, creativity, and bodily strength.
They can't invent but they can surely copy and improve. For evidence, look at any invention the West has created and compare it to its Japanese or Chinese counterparts.
Much of the recent rebalancing of power has come from a shift from a more spatial reasoning-oriented industrial economy to a more purely theoretical software economy.
nah, the average asian is a bogan
Most tech like games systems and the like are Asian inventions.
asians cheat like hell at tests
The most played games in Asia are Western games you absolute moron
I said games systems
If they still come out on top what does it matter?
Well that kind of happens when your ethnicity experiences a huge population loss the past two centuries. The smartest get to survive at the end of the day.
Console sales have been declining since forever you absolute moron. Especially in Japan
How does that change the fact they invented them? The Asians are obsessed with creating consumer gadgets.
It's not the same shape of bell for every population. It's not the same for women and men either.
You dumbass. Equatorial climates have no winter and endless rain, which means there is an endless supply of plant based food. All you had to do to survive was lounge around your favorite fruit tree patch and ward off competitors while chasing the occasional gazelle.
A desert is somewhat similar but has a smaller carrying capacity in terms of the amount of life it can support, so the competition is more vicious.
Contrast these with ANY environment that has a winter. If you have a winter you need to be able to think using abstractions, specialize labor, identify and anticipate crop and bloom patterns and animal migrations, and maximize the efficient use of resources. All of these require a society containing people far more capable of advanced thought.
Surprise sur-fucking-prise, Africans are retarded and have no sense of abstract thought, sand niggers are the same but way more vicious (see: the Middle East), and whites and East Asians have more advanced societies that have greater efficiency and specialization of labor, less internal violence, and full of people more able to use abstract tonight and pattern recognition to shape their environment as opposed to simple reacting to it.
actually life in africa was the least harsh, they were never concerned by lack of food. they never developed civilization because they just didnt give a shit other than basic needs. Europe was one of the harshest places to evolve in, lacking as fertile soil, large animals to eat, cold weather requiring clothes, sparse vegetation in many areas to gather from. Thats why they developed civilization, they had to in order to survive. The ones that couldnt died out.
Under what circumstances are the pdf's equivalent? Protip: none
Yes, they are specialized machines devoted to improving on the processes that originate from PC gaming invented by white men on white invented computers
Japs didn't invent consoles you dolt. Do quick google search. Jesus Christ I can't believe how idiots like you can end up here
Makes me wonder how the fuck we survived the first winter
>muh whites invented everything
You are as stupid as the niggers who try to claim everyone including Mozart was black
>second place
aren't you forgetting someone?
Iq is unidimensional factor like history have proven time and time again
Or is proving right now if you compare nordic countries with the top asians
5 iq points is nothing compared with the love for adventure danger and glory that chscterized europeans
Our achieviment are a much better proxy than that
you do know i also accounted for species that compete with humanity? The plague loves it warm and wet. So do musquitos, compounding the problem.
The my invented Sony and the PlayStation, I’m not trying to claim they invented all games consoles just the best ones
Second place in IQ. But it takes more than that. Western Civilization is the greatest achievement of human history. Whites went to space. Whites invented the automobile, the telephone, the polio vaccine, etc. Asians have a slightly higher average IQ, but it's not even a standard deviation higher, and it didn't result in actual, well, results.
You know Sony's headquarters is literally located in America, right? You're so stupid it hurts
You are so fucking retarded that you dont even recognize the the strenghs that characterized europeans
Yeah, dipshit. Everyone knows they had to slightly adjust it to make it aesthetically pleasing to the masses. But the curves themselves are so close to accurate after the aesthetic adjustment, that the point is still true. Asians are SLIGHTLY higher on average, and blacks lag WAY behind everyone.
Because it takes more than IQ.
It was invented in Japan and relocating to America because it’s the worlds financial capital doesn’t change who invented it.
europe is far richer geographically than east asia, having more coastline and riverine valleys.
the only thing that beats europe is north america, but westerns got that too
And Arabs were the most important before whites just like East Asians will be most important soon
I haven't heard that word in a loooooong time, a long time. (Dummy)
Most of the people who work on playstation consoles are white, it's only owned by the Japanese. You should've said Nintendo because their consoles are actually made by Japanese people
Nogs still losing. Kek
And even on iq if you compare to the natives of europe the diffrence is nearly zero
but it was full with ooga boogas living in leather cones before we came.
how do you do, fellow white man?
It's irrelevant for national socialism though. Even if we were the dumbest race we should still have our nations.
>we wuz
you are the ooga boogas, jaan
Don't Jews have the highest IQ amongst all ethnic groups across the world?
The microchip and PCB were invented by whites, the x86 architecture was developed by whites, Motorola (68000-series) was white, etc.
The Japanese have made tremendous developments using white technology, there is absolutely no disputing it, but the foundation is white tech nonetheless.
bullshit, these curves are completely made up. Probably only the mean is accurate.
What reason would a Jew have to attack whites over Asians? Whites are far more cucked to Zionist beliefs due to white guilt, Asians are proudly racist.
On a per digit basis, yes. According to their own studies.
On a per population basis however, they're woefully inferior. Jews like to boast about their superior IQ, but the truth is there are over 6x as many white geniuses in the USA as there are Jewish geniuses.
Probably we learned from Neanderthal
No, only European ones
If you can split Asians up to create higher average IQs, then we can do the same for whites. Cut the Romanians and Albanians out, cut out the "white hispanics", cut out the Russians since they're all heroin addicts. If you can cut and paste Asians, then we will cut and paste whites. We'll cut and paste whites until we are left with Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein. And we don't care that they're dead, because their achievements will live forever, unlike Asians.
that's why the Northren tip of Scandinavia and the South tip of South America has space-faring people, yes?
>Albert Einstein
You had to name a Jew to bolster white intellectuals hahahahahahaah
The Chinese have been historically conservative. I'm unsure of the reasons why (maybe dynastic rule) but this conservative mindset prevented them from taking America as well as exploring other facets of reality.
Nogs been in society for long enough not to be savage animals. Yet...
Likely by allying with or mating with neanderthals, accelerating speciation
Not only are those diseases less of a hurdle than starvation, they can be overcome or defeated by means that do not involve abstract thought
Dumb murrifat
Global warming
Except that one of the most fertile regions on earth, China, still outclasses whites when it comes to IQ. And don't come with "but they fake the tests", I've never seen evidence for that.
Nope. We were already told that once, and the Japan's sham of an economy collapsed in the 90's and they're still paying the piper on that. China is going to do the exact same thing, and it'll be even bigger. Their economy is built on forced manipulation of currency and fake principles. Cheating, basically. It's a house of cards. Granted, there is a little bit of tape here and there, but it'll all come down soon.
Jews are as white as Greeks and Sicilians. Picture related.
IQ isn't everything, Europeans produce more geniuses, and every race thinks it's the best. The most important thing is that the races separate to avoid problems and to preserve their existence.
Tesla then
well, I wonder what happens if you spread them out forcefully. Require each nog family to be surrounded by 20 white or asian families. However, that's ''unethical'' so it will never be piloted. Despite it may help them. Group pressure is real guise.
So it's not about IQ but "creativity"? Then you shouldn't mention intelligence when it comes to accomplishments.
>muh winter
it had an effect but not the way you think. winter to spring creates meltwater, which becomes a flood in a river valley.
civilisation happened around river valleys which flooded in the spring, which could only be exploited by a centralised state.
The game engines are designed in Canada, Europe and the US. Consoles and systems are one thing, but the engines are where the magic happens.
pic related is what the math looks like for two overlapping normal distributions
Assuming there are 30 times as many jews as whites in the USA, the integrated distributions will overlap at an IQ of 154.4
This means that above an IQ of 160, there are more jews than whites
above an IQ of 130, there are more whites than jews
but there are an equal number of whites and jews above 154.4
Asians cheat a fuck load, China uses its top schools to represent its entire country raising the Asian iq average.
>civilisation happened around river valleys
nah desu senpai
Nogs in africa have to walk 10 miles to get to the nearest river.
Iq isn't everything buddy. In fact blacks have higher average testosterone than other races... something that blacks have that other men would like.
status quo only believes in Iq, psychologists worth their salt believe in emotional and social intelligence too. emotional is empathy, social is how to behave like a civil person. What all of you lack. Then there are the PhD's that believe there are 7 intelligences, idgaf as it's dumb so look it up if you want.