Wtf happened to black people in america?

Wtf happened to black people in america?

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They were freed.

The Civil Rights Movement freed them to be their true selves
which apparently means 75% illegitimacy rate and 60% fatherlessness

(((They))) convinced them to become wild animals.

This, the black community was not degenerate before civil rights. The only way a multi racial population can exist in relative Harmony is a hierarchical status of patronage

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gibs destroyed any incentive for them to further themselves

redlining and jim crow kept the black community in line. Nothing could be more disastrous for American blacks than having to make their own way int he world.

Civil Rights is a contender, but I personally think the toxicity of Hip Hop culture, and the fact it was promoted as a "black" thing was the nail in the coffin.

(((Civil rights))), (((welfare))), and (((the music industry))).