Bulletproof/niggerproof stores

Blacks can you explained why your neighborhoods have bullet proof stores run by Asians and Arabs? Its not white or systematic racism. I have never seen a bulletproof store in any neighborhood but a black one.

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Desegregation. All competent blacks live in white neighborhoods.

They need it for protection, blacks/bantus are literal animals with no higher level thinking, its muh dik, muh chicken, and muh sleep.

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Because when dindu dont do nuffin it gets expensive and deadly real fast.

I love going to Detroit and visiting the bulletproof everythings. I also used to live near a ghetto where they didn't bulletproof anything and it was the funniest thing being the only white guy in the area going into a Church's Chicken with all noggers working there. It look like 10 minutes to get my food because they were all high as fuck in the back lmao.

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Not even the worst Mexican barrios in Phoenix bulletproof their shit; it’s only in neighborhoods with noggers

Once I was in the ghetto(the neighborhood is next to the museum) I went to a corner store run by an Indian or Paki. He was behind glass and he seemed so happy to see me (I am Mexican, just visiting Ukraine). He seemed like oh my God, an actual human bean. When I left a crazy homeless guy asked me for a quarter. When people ask for a specific amount of money like that I just give it to them because I think they are just a quarter short for something specific. Black neighborhoods like that are really odd.

Can anyone that knows Russian help me by the way? If I am using вы to be nice to one person and use the past tense do I still make it plural? As in do I say "вы гoвopили" or "вы гoвopил"?

Also, the city of Philadelphia has apparently passed legislation to remove bulletproof glass from all stores. Any thoughts on this? Seems like a very poor idea, given prevailing crime rates in that shithole. Probably gonna be a lotta dead Asians and Arabs

They don't even have these in mexico, except near the borders.

Why would asians,arabs,mexicans,and indians open shops in ghetto neighborhoods?

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Because they can’t afford opening one in white neighborhoods.

I went down there recently and every shop was the slowest service I've ever experienced in my life.

Black here, grew up in an upper-class black suburban setting and never seen that in my neighborhood but I know they have them in the worst areas of inner cities. 90% of Jow Forums's experiences with blacks seem to occur in inner cities.

>Niggerproof glass
One of my favorite conversation points with leftist.

The city I live in has several "nigger areas" and almost all the stores and banks have niggerproof glass at the registers. Tell any pro-nigger leftist to go to a store/bank in a white area and then take them to the nigger area and show them the niggerproof glass. They will inevitably get upset and claim the stores are some form of racist or discriminatory. Be sure to have a few local news stories of robberies in the area with mugshots to put them over the edge.

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You go on using plural.

I always find it funny how they can't even figure out how to run businesses in their own zoos. Most liquor stores in Oakland are owned by Yemenis of all people.

This, desu.

Thanks friend

Daily reminder that you should all subscribe to CharlieBo313 on yt if you're curious about what goes on in dindu zones but are too white to make it out of there alive

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after a worker gets killed and insurance has to pay the family the business will install bulletproof glass in order to having to pay for more

Because of the poor environmental factors, employers are trying to protect their most important commodity, their employees.

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lol, ive never seen this anywhere in canada
does canada have the best negros?

Can you imagine, these greedy businesses hate black people so much they invest money in bullet proof glass just to make them feel bad or something

I visited a corporate branch in Florida and the local petrol station near the plant had a bullet-proof glass. It was run by Asians but all the customers were meth-head type white people because it was rural Florida.

Maybe black people came through there for holiday? Idk.

I think we do

I went to a Taco Bell in Memphis and the fucking drive through had bullet proof glass. No shit, they have put your food in the bulletproof container and spin it around. Got my credit card skimmed there too.

Low as fuck rents

>employers are trying to protect their most important commodity, their employees.
Wasn't there a recent thing where a city council forced people to remove their protective glass? What came out of that? Hopefully employers/employees fought back

Eats food prepared by blacks when he's the only white for miles. I bet that food had every bodily fluid imagined on it. HAHAHAHA

They get to run the place tax free for five years, when that runs out they give it to their brother. It's a stepping stone.

They banned bulletproof windows where I'm at because muh racism

It's really shit, it's going to fuck over a lot of people. There's an armed robbery every other week where I'm at in North Philly. I imagine as this goes on more and more stores will get guns and shoot niggers if they try anything which is good I guess.

No sign of shopkeepers leaving? That's what I'd do.

I've been assaulted by nigs several times. Fuck you.

The ironic historical context is that only the asian convenience stores were open to blacks before segregation ended.

Same fucking reason they keep gorillas in cages at the zoo.

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>implying i dont eat negro jizz for free

Thanks. I like peering into stuff like this. That's why I subbed to Prison Talk with that giga nigga Big Herc.

Evaluate this claim:

In the age of the underground railroad, only the smartest, fittest, fastest, and most motivated slaves would successfully escape.

And of those, only the most fit and motivated would go outside the minimum distance to a free state, to out of the country all the way to fucking canada.

>does canada have the best negros?
Not if truedau has anything to say about it.

There is inner city areas with Asians and Mexicans also. Don't see glass there.

>...and this was the last post made by user before he died of severe food poisoning.

This might as well be a screenshot from GTA San Andreas.

>mfw they even had to make the thermostat bullet proof.

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>upper-class black suburban setting

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Weird how I never see them in little "foreign country here" unless part of it bleeds into blackville

Christ, I've ran PSD contracts in fucking Iraq and I wouldn't even go near some of those places in that channel.

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>I have never seen a bulletproof store in any neighborhood but a black one.
i've been to one in a white area.

Thought that was Baltimore

PSD contract? Civilianfag, sorry.

Well, in all fairness, there were plenty of unemployed people who could provide security services for a small weekly fee. This protec... I mean, security, money would protect those businesses better than some glass.

No you haven't. Fuck off shill.

Personal Security Detail, basically making sure the one guy in a convoy who shouldn't get fucked up doesn't get into a fight with an RPG and lose

How to fight RPG and win?
Asking for myself


That seems to be the trend with America's worst cities vs. anywhere else in the world.

That’s because that’s where 90% of the countries niggers live.

Dat trigger discipline
Dat stance
Damn bruh

Git gud

I'll flip the switch

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At least on the East Coast you just have Black loyalists and middle class FOB Africans.

>Giving money
You fucked up. Now they know you have money. You should always say, "I don't carry cash, sorry."

Somalian truck of peace'd my fucking street

But then they pull out their smartphone and card swipe

There are neighborhoods, believe it or not.

What do you think of Eastern Europe, paisano?

wtf not even most bank counters have glass.

Brother serves under a LT who swore to everyone that would listen to his bullshit that he caught an RPG like a football and threw it back.

The first bullet proof glass in a store I had ever seen was in the Esso at the corner of 52'd street and 17'th Ave in Calgary in like 1987.
I am not sure if we had many black people at the time, that glass was definitely there for chugs.
probably not for actual gunshots though, probably more to stop menacing of the cashier in general.

Wow. You really showed us how progressive you are

We have these barriers in the UK but they're probably not bulletproof. Usually places like bargain booze.

The bulletproof store phenomenon is pretty interesting, especially since some people get so pissed off about it.

The owners can bulletproof their store and stay in business providing a service which probably 90% of customers are glad to have available and likely understand why the store is bulletproofed.

Or they can run the store with no protection and once they're robbed enough go out of business, not to mention all the while endangering employees and customers.

But SJWs don't want to offend anyone, most of all themselves.

nah, they just flip it and say whitey forces them to be violent. can't blame them, etc.

Central axis relock is pretty standard in ccc.

A few years back a friend of mine was going to college in philly and his apartment was in a shitty part and eeeevvvery single store around his place had these bulletproof partitions and a vast amount of nigger heroin addicts

>probably not bulletproof

Understandably so. Probably knifeproof, tho'..

nah, they are mostly somalis with names like muhammad muhammad. A kid went to my school with that name, fag was always trying to 'borrow' five dollars from me

BTW- All stores should have these,
Blacks are everywhere!

It’s literally a matter of life or death. I think a lot of people will close up shop and leave. Then the same moron who passed the law will complain.

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I like this channel and it might redpill some normies who live in a 98% white college town, but I hate it because it shows how fucked up huge swathes of our country are. Camden can be used for a “10 years after the apocalypse” zombie movie with no changes but it can’t because you’re risking your life by doing anything vaguely productive there.

I do the same they ask for change I give them change, usually something like $0.37 I have floating around my pocket in nickles & dimes. 20 years ago they would have been happy but now "change" always means a couple dollars and they'll give you that air-sucking-through-teeth whiny "come on man". Nope take your $.37 or leave, they usually just leave.

>does canada have the best negros?
oxy moron bruh sheeeeeit

A local government in the US somewhere recently legislated that these bulletproof plastic wall things are no longer allowed because they're used more in black neighbourhoods and are thus racist.

I shit you not.

>Blacks mostly sell drugs and kill each other over it, which one hates.
Am not complaining mate, just point out the environmental factoids.

Truth be told though, its more to do with who's got the biggest {craziest} balls. Totally fake, everyone really is nice deep down, ask his girl on a good day.

I have walked into a shop like that here in the UK.
My first though was "seriously WT actual F!"
I felt like I was some extra in some modern American gangster film.
Walked outside, FULL of niggers.. Not even kidding..
And this was way back in the day when I was a bluepill normie.
I was glad I was only working there for that day.
But I guess that for me, was the start of noticing the higher crime rates the darker an area got..
And there was no excuse for it, these niggers lived in a city with access to a lot more resources and Money that I did.
You can take the nigger out of the Shithole, but you can't take the nigger out of a nigger.

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Where? I've only ever seen it once in a chicken shop in Dalston

>ghetto becomes a food desert

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i never noticed that hahahah

Can't they just play classical music? I hear that deters niggers and Muslims from the vicinity.

>Eating fast food
>eating fast food prepared by blacks
enjoy your aids

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>but you can't take the nigger out of a nigger.

truer words have never been spoken. stay safe brother and keep fighting the good fight