As you gentleanons may know, SESTA-FOSTA recently passed the House and Senate...

As you gentleanons may know, SESTA-FOSTA recently passed the House and Senate, and was signed into law by Donald Trump on April 11, 2018. The reaction has been predictable: Craigslist shut down it's personals section; backpage was seized by the feds; reddit closed down it's sex work subreddits; The Erotic Review has blocked USA ip addresses; and so on. It is now virtually impossible to find ads for prostitutes online.

Now, they're coming for the legal brothels. This is the alarm, a call to action. If they stamp out legal prostitution in Nevada, it will not be coming back. It survives on the barest of legal thresholds; only because no one wants to live in the middle of a fucking desert are they permitted at all. And the Christfags are coming for them.

Attached: anti prostitution.png (773x791, 268K)

Should it be illegal to pay this Irish lass for sex?

Attached: alice little.jpg (641x960, 51K)

>Christcucks will support this

pretty much the height of arrogance believing you can stop the worlds oldest profession

control freaks
meanwhile prostitution is still going to happen, but if they win only in uncontrolled settings where the women are less safe

its just dumb

>meanwhile prostitution is still going to happen, but if they win only in uncontrolled settings where the women are less safe
That is of course the entire point of this.

The narrative is all sex work is violence against women. Legal brothels are safe environments for sex workers.

If you get rid of the brothels, prostitution becomes more violent on average, and the narrative becomes truthful.

i can understand shutting down backpage and craigslist. on account of the sex trafficking and such. and anyways those websites were loaded with fake ads, half the women there were either bait and switch or undercover police. no great loss.

but somehere with legit erotic ads, with some kind of vetting process to prove identity. theres one in canada called vipfavours and another i forget. much better places to find escorts that are verified

Yes, she should provide it for free, sex is a right afterall

its like someone is trying to get themselves shot on purpose so they can complain about gun violence. madness

Prostitution is evil and and brings down the humanity of all involved in it. As is porn

>and anyways those websites were loaded with fake ads, half the women there were either bait and switch or undercover police. no great loss.
Spoken like someone who never actually used backpage. I did, and I enjoyed myself immensely. And I can't tell you for infuriating it is now that I have nowhere to turn. If I want to get laid, I have to do whatever normies do, which never worked before and I don't see working now.