If they have the same mother & father...
why don't they look anything alike?
If they have the same mother & father...
why don't they look anything alike?
Other urls found in this thread:
er... their not twins????????
their noses are the same
The elite have a breeding program. They used Josef Mengele and his evil genetic research on twins to push it out of the public mind that it's going on. Only ebil people would do that - and the elites aren't ebil ... right? It's a freak show and one can only wonder if these people - if not a cultural/societal cancer - are even human.
They have different fathers. Look up James Hewitt
They're *
So ... they're David Furnish spawn?
They have different mothers
That would be you, asshole.
Harry looks very much like Charles. I don't know why people are so autistic about this "hurr not related" shit.
William looks like a fucking soiboy though. He needs to shave his head and get rid of that patchy ballsack hair on his scalp.