Why do you reject your humanity, Jow Forums?

Why do you reject your humanity, Jow Forums?

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He's stupider than I am and I'm a fucking moron.

I love how liberals say this when they have never shown me anything but hatred, and I am definitely more open to them than the average poltard

but the second you hold even slightly different beliefs to them, you're done in their mind.

what if I love to hate

Because that's a naive view of humans, Hogg is a high school twat, I had twatty high school opinions when I was his age, but the truth is the people are nasty, egotistical, and selfish; and you learn that in time. The idea of appealing to a greater sense of humanity is great if everyone is on the same page. It's the classic mistake that liberals make, they think EVERYONE operates by the same social contract they do.

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Because stormfags need to cling to their skin color and we wuz as Aryans. They can't take pride in their own accomplishments.

Why do they think this person matters?

>Hate is not what makes us human, it's love.

David "Butt love" Hogg.

Can he squeal like a little piggy?

some guy shot a target of him at a shooting range and nobody important even covered it as a story

not even the MSM care about him anymore

>"Love Trumps hate!!!"
>As we burn down this city and riot and make fun of and insult and physically assault anyone who doesn't agree with us

This is coming from a movement that not even a full two years ago was unironically advocating for people who identify as animals and magical creatures to be declared the newest oppressed group and were having meltdowns over books and movies assuming it's audience were humans.

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Because I have dehumanized myself and faced to bloodshed.

David Hogg is a moron who's opinions deserve to be disregarded, as he has often proven by opening his mouth. Why does anyone continue supporting this coward who was literally not even present at the shooting? He was at home that day.

People who think love is the answer to anything are short sighted or ignorant

holy fuck this nigga is stupid
does he really think that humanity is naturally good and loving?
religious beliefs aside, just pull up a TOR hidden service directory and you immediately see that humans are fucking monsters.

Liberals are the ones that preach hate, they want our women to be whores, our children to be transexual freaks, etc.

liberals are the most hate filled people in the world


Revolt against the modern world

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Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, one doesn't really work without the other as fuel.

boss hogg is back. hide you dogs and cats. this guy does bad things to little animals, disgusting things.

Also this

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This is Jayden Smith tier shit.

this sort of pseudo-gnostic christian derived love worship is very appealing to a certain sort of mind but it is 100% bullshit

>immanentizing the eschaton in 2018

>physically world




This is the operational logic of most liberals

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neither love nor hate are exclusive to humans therefore they can't make us human, faggot

Entropy?! What does entropy have to do with relationships, hate, love, and humanity?! Just because you can make a vague connection doesn't make you smart. In fact, if hate is needed to cause a change then the change is non spontaneous and therefore does not cause an increase in entropy. Fucking liberal morons thinking that if they use scientific terms it makes them sound smart. It just comes off as pretentious and insulting.

Yeah this. It's the leftists who are so butthurt they will try to ruin your life because of a disagreement.

And with posts like OP quotes it is unverifiably shown that they are massive hypocrites as well

I want her to do that on me benis

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Hogg is just stupid tool to gain one step to ((them)) in their plan.

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He's starting to sound like Will Smith's kid.


honestly, though hate is unique to humans......

>trying to ride kanyes wave
>sage this you faggots stop dickriding 15 year olds

Without times of war we will never truly know peace. Without hate we will never know love. Without fucking stupid leftist animals we would never know logical arguments. For humans to experience the joy of living they must also understand the pain in existing. This is balance.

Queen Nasim slayed Hogg's memery ghost, she now rides eternal in the realm of free ideas; while Hogg wallows in stale psyops.

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Putting physically in there instead of physical was good. Very organic feeling. Are we supposed to assume he typed this on his phone? Probably while laying flowers at his classmates graves. God bless.

>Spread love not hate!
>Tries to further divide the country and get people to hate each other and fight/argue through his media shilling

These virtue signaling cunts have no fucking shame, man.

Bullshit. If anything entropy is increasing more due to long-lasting relationships which result in successful offspring. An unsuccessful human from a broken home won't consume nearly as much electrical energy as a successful, well-raised human with a good-paying job and a house full of devices that he can afford. The universe would be farther from a heat death for a single fraction of a second if we were all just drug addicted degenerates living in poverty.

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>we liberals are the tolerant side
>you voted for Trump? YOU CAN STOP TALKING TO ME

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Fighting Jewish influence is an act of love.

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Love is the most discriminatory emotion you can feel. The more intense the discrimination, the more intense the love. The broader the target group for affection, the more inauthentic and artificial the love.
Who loves everyone, loves no one.
Who bonds with all, bonds with none.
Also lmao at suggesting a human is made human by anything other than a fully fleshed out, all-encompassing gamut of human emotion. Min-Maxers were a mistake.

not an argument

>what if I love to hate
And why doesn't he love guns/The second amendment?

what is it with the love nonsense on the left as of late
i don't need some random faggots who don't know me to tell me they love me
insult me as you always did
i am literally addicted to it by now
its how i keep growing stronger

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this kid has only ever spewed hate, its his entire platform.

The core of what he's trying to say is true - a system should strive towards order to prevent the rising entropy, but hate and love have literally nothing to do with that. If he wrote something like "we should prevent the administrative entropy that we have accumulated over the years by focusing on restructuring our country instead of expanding our system's entropy bounds by increasing our influence in external affairs", or in other words, "lets finally fucking turn isolationist after a whole century of non-stop wars and fix our own country for once", sure, but throwing love and hate in it is simply retarded, especially when you're trying to make it sound logical by throwing entropy in it
Other than that there is a huge entropy when it comes to the US administration, legal system and the economy which is basically a series of rusty pipes that weren't entirely restructured and replaced but rather had their holes cheaply sealed so yes, entropy needs to be reduced

"the physically world"
Too bad he wasn't shot to death by Mossad at Parkland.

Jesus christ, what a fucking retard

He's a fag

Jaden 2.0

>hate seeks to increase entropy
i get while some dude wanted to shoot him

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I do take pride in my own accomplishments.

I haven't fathered a child out of wedlock. I haven't committed any crimes. I have a job. I uphold Western values.

I don't reject my humanity.

I reject yours.

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>Who loves everyone, loves no one.
>Who bonds with all, bonds with none.

I'm probably going to quote this.

>I uphold Western values
Bullshit. Western values = liberalism. Always has been. Democracy, republicanism, and liberalism are Western values, and you are opposed to all three.

humanity is holding us back

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I hate when people abuse the good name of entropy for political gain.

They way he use entropy is improper use of grammar, looks like someone needs to go back to high school.

Even an infant attempts to speak in words it has learned but can not fully comprehend or control. No man can tame the tongue and the words of a finger are forgotten in the face of the greatest dictator. So long as men die. Liberty will never perish. Glory TO Astrokzka

Isn't that the guy who asked reddit for dating advice because no girls would date him?

this is why i hate everyone, conservative and liberal
in my experience, only moderates and libertarians can be reasoned with

You are incorrect. Western values = imperialism. Oppression, exploitation, and colonization.

both of you are cherrypicking. western values are indefinable and arbitrary.

He should show some love to NRA, none of it's members has been a school shooter

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That's all civilization's values you low IQ dumbfuck, that's why there's Han chinese in singapore and arabic is the liturgical language of much of malaysia. All civilizations are imperialistic. Not cheering for your own team makes you a cuck, and if you're a non white or a non-human jew, you should kill yourself with absolute alacrity.

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What love did your people show to Nicholas Cruz?

>Hate is not what makes us human, it's love.
No... it's both. We are manifestations of the eternal Chaos. Duality, look it up.

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That explains the mess it's in, now.

agreed with a cautionary note about Rand Corp-branded libertarians

read locke, kant, rousseau, madison, jefferson, de toqueville, and john stuart mill if you need clarification on any liberal-democratic values

> Glory TO Astrokzka

Mein Gott, there's another Dorf Fort fag on Jow Forums, I thought I was the only one!

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How do you love something without hating that which seeks to destroy it?

agreed. i think i spoke without really thinking lol

>I’m in high school and this is deep

ahahaha bro entropy is inherent

I sure love paying taxes for all those Syrians loving each other.

>the physically world

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Fucking meme flag

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Then hatred’s victory is inevitable and final. Why fight against it?

Hogg is barely literate and probably a little soft in the head. There's no way he wrote all of that without ruining the spelling or the grammar.

For reference, here's a tweet that he wrote himself.

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Shit. I’m so glad I am not in high school. I’d make a shameful ass of myself to a degree that I’d never shake. I said and did dumb shit back then, but there’s little to no record of it.

That's what we've all been waiting for.

Looks like someone was paying attention in Chem 12

reference 2

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actually scientisits think humanity was created by crime.

See you have good stealers, then you have people be better cops. Then you get better stealers, then you get better cops.

or even you had great cops stopping caveman crime then a great criminal had to think up ways around them, in caveman terms. Wooo!

Antagonism and hatred, and guile, and COMPETITION grows a people.

interesante, people can have properly organized brains and make their beds and still h8 the fucking globalist scum. WOW, news, so much, at 11

Read it again there is a grammar error.

What the fuck animals kill each other over stupid shit all the time

Is this the new Jaden Smith posting?


Even if there is, it's not nearly as bad as anything Hogg himself has written.

His IQ is below that of Andy fucking Warski.

A pencil neck twig boy "saving" lives.
Delusions of grandeur much?


this one also looks fake, like the hillary tweets trying to gain sympathy

See the love in my face? See it you ignorant old cocksckers?

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Well, um, in the physically world, with the entropy and like, all the hate and stuff, the one thing we are, that is the human thing, that makes order, therefore love.

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It's almost as invisible as his lower jaw.

i can´t believe i am going to say it , but woke hogg

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