Well known reputable Scientist gets show on Netflix

>Well known reputable Scientist gets show on Netflix
>Talks about how gender actually is on a spectrum
>Conservatives get BTFO
He is right you know

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but my stormfront memes said that all science is wrong

>Bill Nye
>reputable scientist
Nice b8.

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>talks about how 4 year olds have the capability to decide their gender.

>Bill Nye
I bet you are the type that believes NDT is a scientist too

Agreed, but this is bait

If you think this is science it's because you have a mental disorder that's makes you want to fuck hairy asshole. How does your brain project that out like it's the world's problem to deal with...guess what? It's not faggot...

Nice bait, but conservatives just laughed at Shill Nye for selling out science to a political agenda.

We're a bit smarter than you people that think there are more than two genders.

kys op.

>Well known reputable Scientist

"gender" is a bullshit social construction created by academic Marxists to continue their slave revolt in morality. Actual scientists use the terms Androphilia and gynephilia because they apply to all 9 million species, rather than just one branch of faggot sapiens.

The man who litteraly taught me and a lot of people my age about the XY chromosome is now telling me i am wrong about the XY chromosome. Wew lads.

>reputable Scientist

If I need someone for some airplane engineering with an expertise in 30 year old commercial planes, I'll be sure to give him a call.

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>muh Marxist boogeyman

>Well known reputable Scientist
pick one

Boogeyman? Tell me then, when did man evolve from amoral animal to moral egalitarian human? And what scientific evidence do you have for this?

>reputable scientist
>only has Bachelor degree

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"Honorary" scientist

I love how lefties think there is a gender spectrum but believe that race is ot a thing.

ahaha. imagine being this fucking retarded!

>evolution isn't proven

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The problem is he said 'like sex'.

Biological sex is bimodal.

Gender/Gender Identity you could say has more leeway, since it's about how someone's brain expresses their 'gender'.

> Bill rides onto stage on a tandem bicycle alone
> Crowd laughs
> Crowd says "YAAAAAASSSSS"
> Adam Savage from Mythbusters is in the background throwing vinegar into a paper machine volcano with a disco ball spinning above him
> Bill cracks a glowstick
> Audience begins clapping and says ooooohhh
> Adams volcano stops erupting, his smile disappears and he looks worried
> Audience in unison goes "awwwwww" in disappointment
> Bill looks furious with Adam. This isnt the first time this has happened.
> Adam looks scared, has bruises on him.
> Bill walks over and starts beating the shit out of Adam Savage from Mythbusters
> "Folks there is only one thing I hate more than CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS" he says in between open hand slaps
> Crowd is nodding their head in agreement
> "I fucking HATE bad scientists!"
> Adam Savage is uncontrollably sobbing under his desk.
> Bill Nye lights a snake firework on the stage and the audience claps furiously while chanting "BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL"

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> Sneaky music comes on
> Bill tip toes out from behind the curtains around the stage.
> The audience says "Huhhhh??" in a collective gasp, not knowing where Bill is.
> Bill is in his Nyddler outfit, what could he be up to?
> Tip toes behind little 8 year old girl in the crowd.
> Bill taps her on the shoulder and she turns around
> "ITS SCIEEEEENCE TIMEEEEEEE!", Bill says as he punches the little girl right in the nose, breaking it
> The audience gasps as the girl screams, blood splurting from her nose
> Music suddenly changes, whats happening? Bill is transforming
> Bill rips off the Nyddler outfit and reveals his classic Bow Tie outfit
> "Ooops! Looks like my body was merely identifying as the evil twin, The Nyddler! Science folks, science!"
> Bill begins to laugh and the audience laughs with him and begins applauding
> Electronic dance music comes on, and Bill dances his way back to the stage
> Record scratch, cut music, zoom in to Bill's face
> "Lets get serious!", Bill says as he turns his head sharply towards the camera
> Bill pulls out out a torch and lights a flame
> "This may look like a fire, but its actually a result of a chemical reaction!"
> Biiiiiig ooooooohhhh from the audience
> Electronic dance music comes back on
> Bill freezes, then throws the torch to the side
> Bill begins dancing, as the torch lights part of the set on fire
> The crowd gives standing ovation as they chant "BILL! BILL! BILL!" (The little girl still bleeding)
> Members of the audience begin to catch fire and die as Bill is dancing away in the back
> The audience, despite being on fire, continues to clap and chant Bill!

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> Bill holds up an Erlenmeyer flask. The audience ooohs.
> "Now this might look like water, but it's actually an aqueous solution."
> Audience starts clapping
> Electronic dance music starts playing
> Adam from the mythbusters comes out on a scooter with colorful beakers and a lab coat.
> Bill and Adam start dancing with beakers, audience cheers
> Record scratch, music abruptly stops
> Zoom into Bill's face, "Now let's get serious folks."
> "Can you believe there are still people who believe in God, and not climate change?"
> Audience erupts in laughter, more applause
> "... and do you believe there are people who still think there are only two genders?"
> Audience is now dying of laughter...
> "Folks we have a very special guest here today to tell you why space is WOKE!"
> Neil DeGrasse Tyson comes out in a space suit
> Audience furiously clapping now, can barely contain themselves
> Tyson: "The potential for life is everywhere in the universe, Star Trek and Star Wars could be real!"
> Audience hands are now bleeding from all the clapping.
> Bill: "Well that's all the time we have today, join us next week when we tell you more about why science rocks!"
> Electric guitar solo, audience starts chanting aggressively "Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!" Their claps are now full repetitive nazi salutes.

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Thanks for clarifying that its all some form of mental disorder.

>Genetic variability in non-superficial traits is pseudoscience
>Commie propaganda is hard science because a TV personality who calls himself a scientist in spite of not actually having any science qualifications says it is.

Really makes you think

People who get their bachelor but not a master or PhD are a complete joke. Maybe the only branch where this is acceptable is Computer Science because of the cozy college level jobs.

It pretty much means the university wants you to fuck off because your GPA is shite.

TFW I pissed in his cup while Nye and everyone around him was totally absorbed watching last years total eclipse in Nebraska.

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You’re wrong

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>Thinks that climate change is not real
>Thinks the earth is flat
>Thinks the earth is 6000
>Believes in talking snakes
>Thinks the idea of gender on a spectrum is far fetched
Cry me a river of tears

Nice deflection

>posting in a meme flag thread

>Thinks racial differences are real

Bill Nye has never written a research paper. He is not a scientist.

This bait?
You serious?

>denies evolution

>Well known reputable Scientist

He was a children's tv show host. 'Was' because no one should let their children watch the leftist smut he panders now.

Bill Goy

You should permanently stop talking


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That’s after he failed as a comic
Watch this KeK

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>sex is on a spectrum
u wot
>sex and gender are two different things, both on spectrums

a couple decades ago anyone saying that would have been laughed it. people would think it satire.

im sorry, you can can be male or female depending on your chromosomes. and gay or straight or bi. thats it

>believes in jewish fairy tales like egalitarianism

bill nye is not a scientist

Try this one

When did he say he believed any of those things?

> commie brag
> commie flag

Checks out, we have a commie fag

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>a couple decades ago anyone saying that would have been laughed it, people would think it was satire
Except people were saying it way back in the 70s and nobody cared

>OP is a kike shill


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And what genetic markers are there to identify the genders? According to nutbags like him, each person is his or own gender. 6.5 billion people, therefore 6.5 billion genders. Making the term completely useless, and just another example of stupid people pretending to be smart by saying things which are ridiculously untrue.

>picks the worst of religious fanatic boomer conservatives to debate against
>declares winner
no shit dude

It's like winning a karate championship against the elderly

why would they care, its just some fucking stupid morons. they probably its not like its going to become widely accepted as mainstream fact or anything. people arent that stupid. only it turns out they are that stupid

>What is a strawman.
2/10 had me reply.

I'm 100% sure that "reputable scientist" eat babies or do another some shit like that.

I like the way how he cherrypick already flawed studies as a prove for whatever shit the degenerate kikes wants to impose in society.

Liberals believe evolution is real for all species except humans. It's actually quite easy to get them to eventually say that we were "created" equal.

>Well known reputable Scientist
You mean the "Bill Nye the Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering guy?"
He's not a scientist, and his field certainly does not cover biology.

good job sticking up for the freaks. keep this up and you'll end up with one

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>>Well known reputable Scientist gets show on Netflix
LEL you moron

i completely agree
There is nothing more pathetic than people who does not understand that feminism is extremely healthy to the mental state of females

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People have known this for a long time, it was the religious Conservatives who made it into an issue

>reputable Scientist

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Gender is a thing used in grammatics. It has fuck all to do "about how someone's brain expresses their 'gender' ".

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If you are not going to contribute anything logical to this thread fuck off

Roman reigns is right. Gender is binary.

"Well known reputable scientist". Please provide links to his peer reviewed publications OP. He is a television character, a paid mouthpiece, not a scientist.

You mean Bill Noy the Science Goy?

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They think they're intellectuals.

>Well known reputable Scientist gets show on Netflix
>Bill Nye

Are you even trying anymore, ShareBlue??

>reputable scientist
the guy is an actor

i hope children who get tranny shit pushed on them grow up and fucking hang these kikes after realizing what theyve had done to them and how they have nothing left to lose


except he's not

You're so wise
There is of course no differences between people and their cultures. Same goes for genders.

A black man cant run faster than a white man, obviously. And people dont evolve to suit their enviourment, i am WTF are we, animals?? lol

Only idiots believe we evolve and that the environment we live in has anything to do with all the fake differences doctors pretend we have.
I mean wtf, they say females have 1 rib less than males, crazy right?
and that people in colder climates store fat differently in order to not freeze to death, pfft. only birds and animals do that duuuuuh. We anarchists dont believe in such idiotic science.

No, the world needs to be open to everyone so that we can become culturally assimilated so we can compete with the extra-terrestrial aliens and the ufo's
damn people are stupid..

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Explain the context pls

>reputable scientist
Please name a single peer-reviewed scientific study he has ever published. You won't find one because he has a bachelor's in mechanical engineering and never even was employed in that field, he is a fucking children's television actor. That is it. He has as much credibility talking about science as, well, me, and I'm a fucking mechanic.

>climate change
What happened to global warming?
>think earth is flat
Treating memes as real
>thinks earth is 6000
Only parts that matter.
>Believes in talking snakes
Takes everything literally.
>Thinks the idea of gender on a spectrum is far fetched
No, it's just false. Not far fetched.
>Cry me a river of tears
Eyes are dry last couple weeks or so. Been using drops to get them going again. Think I might have eye strain from reading retardation like yours.

It doesn't need to be proven. There just needs to be a better theory. The scientific method is only the "best current answer", it's never settled. So if you have a better theory, I'd love to hear it

>Believes women have less ribs than men
>In 2018

How does it feel with your head shoved so far up your ass

"race" is a bullshit secular humanist term as well. For every other living creature, we use the word "species". These marxist kikes think the laws of nature apply differently to humans because they have god-complexes, that's all.

If men fucking men is natural and just love, then is the desire to rape and beat women into being property also natural love?


>there are no races
>whites are racist

Pick one.


lol, the only reason your worried about climate change is because your a fucking brainlet.

>is the desire to rape and beat women into being property also natural
Yes. That's why we evolved to be monogamous.


literally me

What a coincidence that mental illness is also on a spectrum

>reputable Scientist
i'd need a source on this.
being out of the field for 40 years kinda disqualifies you being reputable

I'm pansexual with children and every child needs an orgasm and it's ageist to hate this

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Man, leftypol has gone to shit these days.

He's a mechanical engineer.

Honestly, calling him an actor is stretching it.
>pic is a real actor

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FTFY, slide shill kike!

>Hey everybody, it's Bill Nye the Sketch Comedy Guy!
youtube.com/watch?v=r4Fa7B3a0HsThe science guy character was one of dozens he played on a Seattle based local comedy show.

You're retarded. Discrimination based on PERCEIVED racial differences doesn't mean that those racial differences are real or actually matter.

>Bach Degree in Mechanical Engineering
>Reputable Scientist
>Obvious trolling/shilling