Its Happening

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Top kek


I dont get it D:

I'm so torn on Shapiro. I often listen to his podcast, and I like a lot of what he says, but on some topics, especially anything touching on Israel, jews or religion he becomes completely blind to reason.


>live shot

Shapiro is Jewish. What do you reasonably expect? He cares nothing about white American and European culture.

Oy vey didn't you know the nazis all had lamps with lampshades made from Jewish skin?

Im fucking crying rn

I wouldn't trust Alex OR Shapiro to be honest.
Both have red flags and smell of controlled opposition.

Alex may or may not be the real deal but I'd suggest to keep both eyes open around him. Too many red flags.


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Alex don't do it bro!
(wtf do they have to debate about exactly?)

poring bosts

Liberals get destroyed by Republicans at debates even when they have all the questions, a team behind an earpiece and a rigged audience. Someone better make a thread if this goes down lol

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Ben Shapiro is a Jew who shills for Israel constantly. He occasionally comes up with witty one liners.

He can't say anything bad about Jewry because his whole life is wrapped around Judaism. His idols are Jewish and he refuses to believe that they got such a social status from corruption and underhanded Kikery rather than blood, tears, and merit.
Too bad he might debate Alex Jones. Had he debated Bobby Fischer or David Irving, God rest their souls, he would've had to accept the truth of Judaism and probably kill himself.

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Alex is an entertainer. He probably believes part of what he says, but not at the intensity he says it.

I'm also quite certain Shapiro isn't controlled opposition, his stances on everything are quite clear. He's just massively biased towards Jews and Israel, for obvious reasons.

>Alex is an entertainer
I don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand this. He's most certainly a little crazy, but he's putting on an act. It's supposed to be humorous. Bringing attention to actual issues via absurdity. Good post leaf, you're one of the alright ones.

Who is supposed to go on Alex's show that the kike won't let on?

It's like people believe that because it's on youtube and not on TV, it has to be more real, more true. But to become popular you have to be entertaining, and no one is as naturally entertaining as they are if they put on an act, even if it's a light act close to reality.

Even that fat fag Sargon obviously puts on a act sometimes. So how could anyone believe Alex Jones is always completely serious?


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