What are some essential red pill books?

What are some essential red pill books?

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Under the sign of the scorpion by Yuri Lina

>Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder
>The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

Reply amen to receive your blessings.

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Hamlet, Foucault's Pendulum

We should get more organized redpills threads, or less organized, we are stagnating.

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Is a translation available for this one?

Being a kike slave is far from redpilled. Go be a good goy elsewhere.

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Only one answer

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>Protocols of the Elders of Zion
>proven fake
>essential redpill
there are numerous proven, tried and true redpills against the kikes user, don't promote a book which is known to most of the populace as a fake

I sure hope you're not meming me.

How was it proven "fake". You can't just claim things without proof.

>jewish 'intellectualism'
>be a greedy fuck when you have and be a parasite when you don't have


>proven fake
>most of the populace!!1

>no source

Is this the owner of Snopes? kys you idiot.

Confessions by St. Augustine
But Protocols is probably the most red-pilled book out there right now. Everything just fits into what's going on.

T. Brainlets

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Rand was a commie jew. Step up your game.

Thank you for that useful post.

The Corpus Hermeticum

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Thank you for sucking my cock! Brainlet! LOL!

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The left truly cannot meme. Thanks for confirming.

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations.
Sun Tsu - Art of War
Revolt Against the Modern World - Evola
"Attacks!" - Erwin Rommel.
"Get Tough!" William Fairbyrne.

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>as if some retarded neo-nazi could actually read all those words in their lifetime
ohh no no no no

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The New Totalitarians

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Thanks for all these great rec's, fellas. I'll be making a list of all of them.

Extremely unheard of, but Lovecraft wrote extensively and brilliantly on race realism

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The 48 Laws of Power is literally How to Spot Jewish Tricks: The Book.
If you haven't read it yet, you need to do so ASAP. The 33 Strategies of War is good too.

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Possibly the most important that I know of -- explains how our medical system is completely fucked, by design, meant to keep us sick and profit from our illness, while better solutions remain deliberately concealed.

Rockefeller Medicine Men -- Medicine And Capitalism in America

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but user, the best goys are already on this board

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>kike slave
You've obviously never read the New Testament or understood the message that Yeshua was preaching.
Get yourself a copy (it's free) and learn about the life of the first revolutionary who's only wish was for us to be righteously free to pursue our potential and be in harmony with the universe around us.

Not sure how I feel about this one. William Cooper produced some excellent red-pilled but also a lot of space alien stuff.

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another good book on the subject

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righteous choice. I would recommend his "Ride the Tiger" also. Great reading, user.

literally anything but your pic. SAGE

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short and tasty. Anthony M. Ludovici.

Guy ended up being the authoritative translator of Nietzche's Will to power and others. 8/10

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Going to read this book next and the Doctrine of Awakening after that.

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Nice. Guenon is easier to read imo. He ended up becoming a muslim I guess towards the end of his life. Meanwhile Evola was a mountain climber until he was like 70.

Check out the Lightening and the Sun by Savitri Devi


Thanks I'll check that out

Thank you to everyone who has contributed thus far.

right... it was a forgery, but somehow everything in it came true anyway? that's quite a prophetic forgery

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Lmao I've thought the same thing.

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This is the redpill book you guys should read

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I suspect that any claims against its efficacy is just the jew trying to keep the goyim from understanding the truth behind their motives.

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Should read Socrates first, right? Isn’t a lot of the context in those texts?

>What are some essential red pill books?
Even the most hardened bigots know this book is fake. Why don't you?

Excuse while I laugh harder

Sadly no, it's really good.


Have other one from him as consolation.

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All written by kikes. Every page. Old and new. Jews made you their bitch, and you love it.

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Revelations 3:9

okay my man, if that's what you want to believe.
Just remember Yeshua preached that in order to overcome those who enslave us, both gentiles and Jew's MUST unite, all for one and one for all and whatnot.
We cannot be free if we remain divided as the Pharisees want us to be
I mean its not like Yeshua called them sons of the devil or snakes in human skin, but then again you wouldn't know that because you obviously have never read the gospels, other wise you understand this
:^ )
(FYI Pharisees are the Zionist of his time in case you didn't know)

tip harder faggot, your soul is forfeit

don't waste your words on shills, you're a pious men

And anyway Jew is a relatively new and modern term that was not used in the anceint world. Jesus was a Galilean and was ethnically unrelated to the Edomites, who we know as modern day Jews. The twrm Jew became a catch all for the ethnically distinct tribes if Judea only in recent times.

So see you have denied yourself your own heritage because the Jews convinced you Jesus was one of them.


Literally a confirmed hoax

it's not a waste my man, Emanuel came for the sinners and I do my best to follow in his footsteps and preach to them all I know from his teachings, no matter how much they refuse to listen.

>it's true in my mind
Hi stormfag

Pic related

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you're right, brother

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