Why are Eastern European women so beautiful as compared to Western Women?

Why are Eastern European women so beautiful as compared to Western Women?

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>Why are Eastern European women so beautiful as compared to Western Women?

Because they want to be.

Mongook admixture

Just darling

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This. The genghis khan rape genes give their eyes a more beautiful almond shape.

They're not, they're asiatic subhumans. Basically khazars and other turko-mongol groups. You're basically fucking jews.

She's Russian though.

They're not, Western European women are the best but they're all feminist sluts now.

Not that eastern Europeans are any better, they're all gold digging sluts.

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fucking retarded chink lover lol

Most likely Eastern Europeans aren't exposed to awful western diets. Westerners prepackaged processed food is filled with garbage while those living in the ethnostate dine on fresh food from scratch, no fast food, no jew food, just fresh meats and vegetables from farm to table. Simple life is best life.

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slavs in general have round faces while western europeans more squared
so western men are looking better while their women are uglier than ours

Because they're white

>while those living in the ethnostate dine on fresh food from scratch, no fast food, no jew food, just fresh meats and vegetables from farm to table. Simple life is best life.
blah blah blah

they look like shit in fact

white girls in Virginia are ugly as fuck lmao. Ive seen eastern european look more whiter than the anglo

Because they are mixed race. You had Ottomans right up to Poland raping everything in sight and before that Mongolians and before that Huns.

They are completly mixed to fuck, less inbred so more pretty - opposite of Britain.

>Eastern Europeans

Typical burger education.

I'd say it depends a lot. Personally I can't feel attracted to some Russian girls, for example. Not that I don't think they're pretty, but their overall phenotype just doesn't seem to "fit" with mine. Girls of my own phenotype feel like "home"

>This. The genghis khan rape genes give their eyes a more beautiful almond shape.
asiatic admixture in eastern europe is a big meme
>They're not, they're asiatic subhumans. Basically khazars and other turko-mongol groups. You're basically fucking jews.
the same

prove me wrong polack hater

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Anjelica is legit the hottest pornstar ever. Not the best, or the greatest, but she is so fucking hot it is unreal. Too bad she is long retired and only has a couple scenes without that tard gf.
I gotta admit though her bf was a lucky fucker getting to bang her and other hotties while she would only let him fuck her not even other guys in the scene.

there's hot girls in all countries, slavs are meme'd because they have more of them
and let me tell you as a professional pussi slayer, that it really is worth upgrading your life so you don't have to bother fucking with diaspora/migrants
pretty neat feeling when your 10/10 gf knows she should have a job

pics and vids or it never happened

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you think that we dont have supermarkets over here? that everyone is eating food from his garden?

Just google 'Anjelica and Rocco'. I think there is one other scene she did with a different guy but I could be wrong.

yeah from farm to table, no boxxed or packaged food.

The race mixed eastern European is a meme. No man would see that his womans genes had been tainted by the mongrels and actually raise it. It would die in infancy as soon as the man saw that it was of mongrel blood and not of his own. Heres a pic of nacsocs on race.

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The true stuff behind ,,rounder faces" is the proces of baltisation from more robust cromagnid west-balitd types to baltid. Western cromganids are mostly not unreducded becasue ofd better conditions throught ages.


Lmao Canada is fucked

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Everyone is ugly on feminism.
Remove the cancer and eastern european women will go back to their right place, scrubbing the toilet.

you must be really naive

then remove it sven
what are you waiting for?

I think you're right. She's one of my favs and she only ever fucks the mullet dude.

prove me wrong pics or it doesn't happen

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Because western euros have shit genetics.

Her and Caprise being so perfect looking and willing to do what they do make me think they are victims of trafficking and mkultra. Women this perfect would never have to do porn.

There is one of last scenes where it is her and her bf and two other fucking super hot chicks. He fucks all of them and I can hardly even jerk off I am just like 'wow that would be the most amazing fucking thing' I am just in awe.
Russian/eastern europe chicks are fucking amazing. Used to work with a mail order bride from Ukraine. Blonde skinny cultured and smart as fuck. Master in Math from Moscow. Her husband was a cool dude too just older than her by like 20 years. Miss you Anastasia I should have stolen you away.

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Eurasians are the master race.

>implying this is bad

Western women fuck any loser.
Eastern European women will only fuck top lads who can provide for them and their future kids.

Preasu engrish

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look at his flag he's probably a chink lol

Because so many eastern euro males got blown to pieces in WWII, allowing the few men to survive to have their pick of pretty girls

The ugly girls missed out on marriage and kids, so their genes were not passed on

She works as a very high-end escort now.
Saw her in Vegas in January, she looked sad.

They aren’t brought up on drugs and McDonald’s

what about slav bros?

They aren't, you suck.

>>posting a BLACKED model

pretty on the outside, AIDS in the inside

thought so

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>They are completly mixed to fuck, less inbred so more pretty - opposite of Britain.

What do you mean by this? What's wrong with British women?

So cute :3


Finally, someone who agrees.

She's never been blacked..

Who is that?

Krystal boyd/Anjelica Ebbi

winona ryder.

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cute babby!

I will literally fuck anything.

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they are underfed and most of the Israeli has been bred out of them

how is a paid movie whore an example of a good and decent woman?

or is this just about looks?

Slav(e) and mongol mixing.

many european countries still do not have welfare.

Welfare is the killer and creator of femanism.

Countries that do not have social safety nets have more feminine women. And less femanists
When you live in a country with welfare. whats the worst reprecussion as a women than can happen> you fuck jamal and he leaves you, the state pays for your mistake and raises your kid. With free money

when your in a country with no safety net. YOU must raise that kid on your own. So either you become a hooker or do other shit you don't want to do to raise the kid. or you are smart and are responsible and try to find a husband. and have kids later

I want to believe. But I just have to doubt this. Any other details?

because slavs, meds and asians are the master races

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Eastern European girls are very attractive on average, but they're also much more selfish and bitchy than the average Western woman, and that's fuckin' saying a lot. They are notorious gold diggers interested only in your wealth and social status in life, the second you start to lose one or the other, they'll dump you quicker than a sack of bricks.

Obviously there's exceptions, but on average that is how they are. Capitalism has ruined them fairly quickly.

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>slant eyes are more beautiful


Because half the men were killed in WW2. Because there were so few men left after the war, only the hot women got to breed and propagate their genes. The ugly bloodlines died out. My guess anyhow.

Huh, multiple Krystal Boyd threads in one night.

Maybe all the black man's jizz they rub into their skin ?

>more selfish and bitchy than the average Western woman
Is that even possible lel