How can the white woman ever compete with the Big Black Ass?
Stay mad mayo bitches
How can the white woman ever compete with the Big Black Ass?
Stay mad mayo bitches
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I find that image and most black women pretty gross.
The only attractive black women are the ones who look white, lmfao.
found the mayo bitch
thats a fake butt
t. brazillian
I guess by bathing regularly and being able to hold an intelligent conversation...
it's one thing to have a shapely, proportioned, toned ass.
it's another thing to have a giant, cottage cheese monstrosity bouncing around, which is what most big black asses end up being
t. Asslet
By speaking intelligibly when spoken to, remaining quiet when not, and not having ashy nigger skin.
Oh and by sageing slide threads
You doing okay bud? You want to talk about it?
I'd rather a flat white ass than a big ugly smelly shit balloon
we already are talking friend. :)
are you like playing a role right now ? are you the 'woke female mullatto college student' or something ? what's even the point of this ?
??? do you think shit is stored in the cheeks themselves?
Omfg moar
They can't. And black men will never compete with white men
No thanks. I'm fine.
Woman all over the world belong to the huwhite colonizer
well that's new
white women already surpass negroids on every other level
100 percent breed material tbqh
huge ass thicc adult women are the best
pedos are subhumans
sexiness >>>>>>>>>>>> cutiness
Skin color looks like shit
Whats with the stronghand at the end?
Demonstrate ripple effect? Not sure.
Bro... seriously? I'm doing NoFap and you gotta post this shit
>that pic
white women have already won
Get fucked by a Philippino you nigger
someone says RIPPLE?
it's spelt Filipino friend :)
Neither! My wife slices yours guts out and displays for world to see!
>How can the white woman ever compete with the Big Black Ass?
By paying for fake booties
b a s e d
Muh princess
the reason niggers have big dicks is because sheboons have big nasty wolf pussies.
>Flag checks out
Bigger ass means bigger BRAP.
Also, whites have an IQ higher than room temperature.
How can a mayo-American has such nice trips but be so wrong?
Now that's a nice ass, not the abomination OP posted.
Hows your lovelife cuck?
Oh look an Argentinian being a fucking trainable.
fuck off nigger black women on average are disgusting
>Disgusting ass, disgusting thighs
post a picture of her scalp you retarded nigger.
All black women know they have disgusting hair, even if they get they did.
>brillo pad
Asses are for boys tits are for men
tits are for babies. Women evolved to have larger breasts to imitate a big ass.
I got you user.
Beauty is a sign of health you average nigger IQ nigger.
Nasty fat asses and cellulite thighs aren't healthy.
Thats a nice reference you made there my man
>trying to argue with whites who on average have more paedophilic tendencies than any other race.
White men wouldn't even know what a real woman looks like.
Do you live in a fuckin cave? White girls do have big asses.
>Women evolved to have larger breasts to imitate a big ass.
Breasts dont even look like ass unless shes waring a bra, something fucking cave women werent wearing.
And even then if they evolved large tits to attract grown men the how is it for children?
Asses are for shitskins tits are for humans.
is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?
stinky aids cavern.
You know what's autism? Not enjoying both tits & ass.
Normal men like both
>Big black ass
>Not big latina ass
I think the hip to waist ratio is the key isn't it? Big both and like waist is a sign of high fertility as far as I know.
I like this new meme
for me it's le magathot ass
Not a meme, it's a fact of life.
the butthurt on that comment!!
>be me
>have dream job
>can finally afford a house, kids, the whole shebang
>work with 10/10 latina
>she has family ties with the company
>people start asking me why I haven't made a move
>user, are you racist?
they can't
It is. Niggers are too dim understand the concept of ratios unfortunately so they’re stuck on the absolute value of ass regardless of whether or not the rest of the girl is shaped like a potato.
Who in their right mind would make a move on a woman who could fuck with your career if things don't work out?...don't do it, never shit where you eat.
At least we don't look like apes... now how about you niggers get off my board
I don't have a choice
I'm white and I thought about it and I'll stay.
Does it matter? Both they and their black "sistahs" are getting gassed.