/ptg/ President Trump General - Squawking Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump @Natl Teacher of the Year 5/2/18
>Pres Trump/VP Swear in SoS Pompeo 5/2/18
>VP Pence swears in US Amb for OAS Trujillo 5/2/18
>Rudy Giuliani on Hannity 5/2/18
>AG Sessions sending Prosecutors/Judges to Border 5/2/18
>Pentagon Press Briefing on Navy (SecUSNavy Spencer, USMarine Cmdt Neller, Chief NavOp Richardson) 5/2/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump @SoS Swearing in 5/2/18
>Pres Trump welcomes Flight 1380 heroes 5/1/18
>Pres Trump Presents Commander in Chief Trophy 5/1/18
>VP Pence @America 1st event in AZ 5/1/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis w/Macedonian DM Shekerinska 5/1/18
>SoS Pompeo @State Dep 5/1/18
>SoS Pompeo working breakfast w/Jordan FM 4/30/18
>DepAG Rosenstein on Rule of Law 5/1/18
>ComSec Wilburine on CNBC about China 5/1/18
>Immigration Backlog w/Dir McHenry 5/1/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 5/1/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump Presents CiC Trophy 5/1/18
>IntDep Video: Bighorn Migration 5/1/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


okay i'm having fun making these now

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Be sure to make the Left mad with this one!

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>tfw no bf

There will be no non reservation injuns, and no Irreligious Jews left by April 2050.

>tfw no bf

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Hanging version

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>some kike movie that I'm going to have to watch in order to get the memes
>that or I just hope the memes go away

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Post that braphole

i actually wonder now what the next most preferred method of suicide is after guns. overdose, hanging, or jumping?

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>tfw no shart frens to race around the mart

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he cute

>lawyer pays off whore using funds from his law firm
>Trump pays him back in increments as general legal fees, does not know the specifics
>no campaign contributions used

This is the new narrative they're shilling? OH NO NO NO NO NO NO

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MAGAbros I want to talk about this piece of shit Bornstain:


>'I feel raped'

Blatant politicizing to cash in on #metoo, disgusting.

>blabbing to the press about the president's private medical details
>"what gives it's just propecia"
>wanted to be white house doctor and is now whining to the press in revenge

I'd drop my doctor for violating HIPAA so blatantly too. Somehow he's a hero to the press now??? How is this allowed and can he be disbarred from the medical practice for violating HIPAA?

Trump is slowly healing our culture, but is it too little too late?

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>chicken coop of a house
trouble in paradise

*ends your publicity-driven spectacle*

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Been off the liquid jew for 3 days now. Wish me luck, /ptg/bros.

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I thought the narrative would last 24 hours, looks like it lasted 1 hour. Probably because Rudy admitted him and Trump baited the media.

are you a goth girl (male)?

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>autistic canary
>not a shrike
So close to perfect

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Had my last beer tonight, been killing a sixer a day for a week or so. Gonna try to last to Saturday at least

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i didn't even watch that kike shit. i just figured the meme out myself. some stupid capeshit about killing every soiboy's favorite capenigger via using that glove that disintegrates them

Is-is it over boys??? Is the wars over??? Did we win??

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Shit I think rudy has dentures

Newest edition!

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Good luck, brother. You're gonna make it

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What? Lol should I be nicer to Kanye posts? Some people might actually know that I'm not racist... This is kind of a place where people are mean. These posts are coming off really egotistical or something, who the fuck does the poster behind this guy think he is? Me? How do I know he's genuine? He needs to stop trying to be a black version of me. I'll bet his pants are nice and snug when he goes to get his morning paper and everything...

If I can take him calling me a cracker with a HARD R, then.he can take me calling him a nigger with a HARD R... If not, then we're not dragon brothers... Stix and stones nigga!!!

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Gettin' old is a bitch, man.

First three days are the hardest.

t. Been clean for almost 4 years now

To be honest, the American people are just "Trump Scandal" fatigued.
The only way people will care is if he actually did something bad and they had hard evidence of it.
And I mean, actually bad, as in people were hurt/killed because of it.

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Rudy's teeth look whiter these days

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>me and mika share a birthday.
>this is not a good joe feeling

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you don't need luck

you've got willpower and freedom of thought and action

if you fuck it up then try again the next day

just think of how good it feels to be sober

all those headache pains from drinking too much- body aches, sweats, stupidity

it's all gone right now so long as you are sober

it feels good to be sober

Say no more senpai.

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u r luv'd hurrrr!!! fucking faggot


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suck it the fuck up bitch. blame yourself for even getting started

suffocating and bleeding out has to feel terrible

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Yeah but some of those are accidental deaths from people trying to rub one out

I’m so glad that my alcoholism only requires me to drink six beers a week.

>boy scouts forever ruined

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Ah the good old hope rope, ever a classic.

>named the rabbit Melania

This is normal.

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>NPR even running it

Oh know we know the left knows they are good and fucked. Appeasement phase is beginning.

may your children be discovered by hollywood jews

>wait, faggot, no children nm

>>boy scouts forever ruined
Senpai I'm a little upset I wasn't going on sanctioned camping trips with 14 or 15 year old girls when I was that age

This is a real Trump tweet.

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Emperor Xi of China plans to wrestle SK from Uncle Sams grasp.

>“In the spring of 1950 Stalin’s policy toward Korea took an abrupt turn. During meetings with Kim Il Sung in Moscow in April, Stalin approved Kim’s plan to reunify the country by military means and agreed to provide the necessary supplies and equipment for the operation… Stalin’s purpose was not to test American resolve; on the contrary, he approved the plan only after having been assured that the United States would not intervene.

Because U.S. troops had been withdrawn from the Korean peninsula in 1949, the reasoning behind the North Korean invasion argued; “it would be a decisive surprise attack and the war would be won in three days” and “the U.S. would not have time to participate.”

>As part of that strategy, China hopes to decouple South Korea from the U.S. militarily by making the withdrawal of American forces a quid pro quo for a peace treaty and denuclearization, thereby, again placing Korea outside the U.S. defense perimeter and extending China’s sphere of influence to the shoreline of Japan.

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Lay off the juice nigger.

>Heard that a university in Texas has a "proper masculinity help group" to teach college kids how to be men in the way feminists allow

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Yeah, it's so horrible that it can permanently damage you if you fuck up. Best not to do any of this actually.

Dear god which one did that?

>China hopes to decouple South Korea from the U.S. militarily by making the withdrawal of American forces a quid pro quo for a peace treaty and denuclearization
SK already said they want US troops to stay after a treaty, probably for this exact reason.

and the U.S wants to decouple NK from China.

remember guys

blue vipers at the gates

We must then make our effort to make those not the gates of DC but those of Hell!

(((they))) really want to destroy men

>implying camping won't be banned because fire is mysogynistic

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Fuck you

Post link

UT-Austin ofc

Try a bit harder, I think your posts are only 70% buzzwords

This, it's the same thing as "Trump said thing, X is offended!" nobody really gives a shit anymore, the country is too divided for anyone to seriously be swayed by anything short of murder, and maybe not even that.

it was a curse

Calling all potential diversity hires! You'd better act fast if you want to catch onto this legacy before it's history!

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>He didn't? W-well drumpf knew about the payment...

IMAGINE having your narrative get BTFO this hard yet still pretend like you've won

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Imagine America, South Korea and China pumping money into North Korea. It could be the fastest turnaround for a country in history.

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Would you want an openly gay scoutmaster, too?

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Yes but with burger diplomacy over hostile takeover. Who do you think is going to win here? *Hint its not the oppressive Chinks.

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He cute.

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>that picture

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You know what holds the rightwing back? If “the trump foundation” were doing this, lefties would infiltrate it. But when obama does this, right wing people think “oh nah I wont apply for his stupid shit”.

Hiring interns and creating tomorrow's "community organizers."

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Drumpf aight


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>tfw your thigh posting made everyone who should be in bed stay up to last another thread
Well I've been /devilish/ enough tonight time to sack out frens

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>and freedom of thought and action
Freewill is an illusion we're all just bound by the chemical processes of our brains which we have no control over

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Hahahahaha retards don't understand groggy toads cause we're the web and not afraid

Imagine the flood of North Korean flags on Jow Forums.
They'll probably immediately contend for Australia's shitposting title.

Will I ever escape The Matrix?

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Keep going, no matter what

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i fucking told you so


This places an emphasis on outdoors in which men perform better and is also very akin to white colonialization of nature and tribal lands. Scouts BSA has acknowledged the problematic nature of this activity in 2018 and banned.

>knot tying
>anything else i forgot

In their stead, Scouts BSA is proud to announce:

>hair straightening
>weave tying
>identifying STDS
>identifying hemp
>identifying hemp advanced
>safe homosex practice
>cross dressing merit badge


imagine being so mentally ill that you actually believe this garbage

Holy hell she looks a decade older.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is taking its toll on /ptg/'s favorite comedy duo.

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im not a fucking muslim tranny black ginger midget with disabilities. no way the obama foundation would ever hire me.

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