Men in Black

Are they real Jow Forums?

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unironically yes

yes they visit me every night

they wear polos now.
tech got better.

Yes. It's one of the few alium larp things that I actually believe exists in some form.

kids, this is why you take uncle Jim to the doctor to get his lithium pills, paranoid schizophrenia is no joke

Fuck off, Podesta. You're a pedophile and you are going to rot in Gitmo for your crimes against humanity.

Lmao look at those fucking shoulder pads, they’re a bunch of weak basedboys that only win because they have millions of tax dollars worth of equipment. Lowest life of all

are you saying CIA agents dont exist now you fucking CIA nigger

The people who hide supernatural stuff? Yeah they’re real. Idk if they’re just normal feds or serve demon robots though.

I'm saying you're one hell of a tardnugget but yes thanks for proving my point that you're some loon

America had a plan in case Canada declared war on us, and planning for an alien encounter is no where near as far fetched.

Yes and they glow in the dark.

Richard Dotty was a CIA agent specialised into making truth seekers who stumbled onto black projects believe that aliens were real. He drove a man literally insane, as in, sent the poor bastard into an asylum with his stories.


they're agents of satan. they're real

>t. MIB

>Richard Dotty was a CIA agent specialised into making truth seekers who stumbled onto black projects believe that aliens were real.
So every annoying normie in the world stumbled upon a black project? Holy tendies everything makes sense now!

unironically as real as ufos

I believe you btw. I just wanted to take a jab at muh aliumz.

UFO is any unidentified flying object, stealth planes are technically UFOs when observed by other nations.

thats the point


They are hubrids.

The men in black tried to gangstalk me and my wifes son at the mall so I pushed one of them down a flight of stairs. He wasn't glowing or anything but then again it was during the day and was pretty bright inside.

Is that reviewbruh on the right?

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>youre one hell of a tardnugget
>youre some loon
youre glowing fag

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Agents for the government that deal with ayys? Probably. Don't know about the specifics you're thinking though

Welcome to the internet, kid. This was all more exciting a couple decades ago. Try not to get depressed about how underwhelming it is

Or are they the only pure humans?

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Men In Black lives matter.

Nah but niggers that glow are

Y'all should look up BeyondCreepy on Kiketube. Makes videos about cases of Ayys and MIB. Pretty comfy night time spoops.

And now the thread’s not bumping because everyone ran to kiketube. Bump.

> fedora wearing bronies

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MIBs are sliding it.

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Look at Mr. CIA over here trying to talk some shit with his web belt and polo

The BLACKniggers are sliding this thread hard.

Why don't you ask your mother lol

Let me talk to p+52's right meow!

>me and my wifes son
user...I mean, you are a leaf, I expect no less XD

No one believes any of the Men In Black stories nowadays because they all think of the movies when they hear the term. Were the movies made to obfuscate the truth so that any future discussion of the subject would have to deal with the ridicule of being confused with the popular movie?

Wow off the cuff hardcore catty bitch bullying for a two word post. Way to show gangstalking isn't real user.

wizards call em skinjobs


no but, men in black Tahoes? Yes, they are very real.

My favourite MIB story - and it's from a person who never talks much about personal stuff - Peter Levenda.


To believe that a division in some branch of US government intelligence who's purpose is to investigate unexplained phenomena doesn't exist is kind of ridiculous, don't you think? I mean surely we have something that covers that area.

Well, I suppose only they would be able to visit a country that doesn't exist.

take your meds

its majic

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wait do you mean the men in black visit you, or just black men?

They know aliens are fake. Everyone in politics believes in heaven and hell because they all do fucking demonic sacrifices and rituals. They’re litterally carrying out prophecy from a number of holy books that speak of hell as a place and the wars and the genocide and evil shit the bad people do. They’re cool with it

What you wanna know about em ?

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It's pretty likely. Although I don't know if they're aliens or not. They could be government agents, or they could be aliens who have infiltrated our government, maybe to guide our evolution down some dark path. Although another side of me thinks it would be easier for Aliens to just destroy us all, so I'm not sure either way.

Why destroy something you can shape into anything you want?

>implying aliens aren't controlled by jews

Yeah, but they are way more stylish now than they use to be.
The blues brothers look isn't in anymore.

In this case I'd say the Jews aren't even the top of the power pyramid. Just servants of of something even more evil than them.
That makes me wonder too although I'm still not sure. It's hard to understand the motivations of an alien species from an entirely different solar system light years away.

yes but sage and report this shit thread

This is one of the few interesting threads on Jow Forums right now. I want to learn more about the real MIB and how it relates to our current situation.

>put dissidents on psych meds
the soviet union is that way

black projects seep into the grey over time thanks to courageous souls (not you faggot sheeple)

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The Great Rabbi of Jerusalem you mean?