Czech Women

Give me the rundown on Czech mail orders. I want an innocent virgin like this or nothing.

Attached: 125543777.jpg (736x1104, 329K)

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go post this on Jow Forums

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They're sluzzas. If you want a virgin czech girl you'll have to buy an 11 year old from a country farm.

>wants a mail ordered bride
>innocent virgin or nothing
You get nothing fag.

That white whore is not a virgin, nor is she innocent lul.

that has to be a shoop, but if my brunette Czech bride has already been defiled then I want a sweet virginal blonde Czech like this.

Attached: 1555888989.jpg (925x1400, 535K)

>Eastern europe
Pretty sure its illegal to fuck 12 year olds user

>Give me the rundown on Czech mail orders.
>Willing to fuck dogs or niggers for cash
She'd probably fuck you, for enough money.

Attached: FactsAreRaciss.jpg (479x449, 30K)

she looks virginal

Attached: 95ec98e4a5ecaa3553e25a6d7feb0d41.jpg (736x1104, 110K)