A question for whites

you're being replaced, at this point that's beyond being contested. so why aren't you having kids? me I don't want kids or be married. I don't see the point considering how absolutely fucked up most women are. they're literally only good for sex. American culture is purely toxic for raising a family. I have the luxury of avoiding it, pretty sure the world will always have Mexicans. you don't have that luxury, so why aren't you taking one for the race and having babies?

Attached: 1512520494872.jpg (750x751, 642K)

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Q predicted a sharp rise in white birth rates.

The look on the guy's face in the pic.
This is what true happiness looks like...

That guy probably doesn't mind, you know he fucking dives in on those milkies every night and fondles the living shit out them, hearing her moans of pleasure as literally milks her.

Oh God I want a big tiddy waifu so badly...

I'm not attractive enough to keep some roastie from divorcing me. Certainly not until I die. Then when she leaves me, she takes the kids and everything I own. She ends up fucking some nigger and my boys end up gay, my girls end up a coalburning roastie just like their mom.

I have bipolar (with a family history of other mental illness including alcoholism and schizophrenia) and I don't want to risk passing on those defective genes.

>so why aren't you having kids?
Women were never interested in me and no matter how much i work on improving myself the best thing i could probably score are some broken goods in her 30s.

I refuse to settle for that and rather be alone

Jow Forums is too autistic for that

this guy looks like he's on a permanent opium high

not saying it's bad to plan ahead but just reproducing without thinking about it is kind of an evolutionary advantage don't you think?
it's probably the titties