/TBP/ TAKE BACK Jow Forums - GENERAL - Fulfill Your Destiny Edition

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boards.Jow Forums.org/pol/thread/170221758#top
(((They))) don't want us to take back our board to what it was before this current Magapede Civicuck Alt-Lite infestation we are currently undergoing. You can't even have Traditional Nigger Hate Threads anymore due to the fact that incels from t_D get buttblasted and ask the mods purge the threads. It's now racist to say Nigger on Jow Forums apparently kek. This place is becoming a Plebbit 2.0 Colony and we can see the Board Culture change as the days go by. The MAGApede Neo-Boomers create tons of slide threads and Bump their own Based Nigger Circle Jerking Threads to the Front Page. All you see now is them pushing (((Civic Nationalism))) on Jow Forums trying to make us water down our original ideals and become the very same cuckservative neo-boomers that they are. So now this General will become a
>Pro-White Libertarian
>Pro White Anglo-Sphere
Now we are never going to change what's happening around us if we all stay as NEET's.
I'm 20 years old, I graduated High School when I was 18, and for two years all I did was stay at home and not do anything, I became a real NEET. But since January I decided to start working out and I have lost 50Lbs and I can see the changes in my body I feel good and look better than I did 5 months ago. I've also decided to enroll in a trade school to learn a trade instead of going to (((College))). All of you lads should learn a Trade to make good money instead of wasting time in a worthless kike degree. Now what are you doing or what will you do to better yourself and ultimately better your Volk ?
Remember this lads .. "Whatever doesn't kill you, just makes you stronger" - Freidrich Nietzsche

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Q predicted this.

Russian Horst Wessel Lied
French Christian Knocks out a NigNog

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When will Q predict the fall of the Kikes tho

plebbit has been a festering cancer here

Bump keep making these, flood them with redpills to.

Demagogues and shills are injecting hatred into the public square for a reason; they’re inciting hatred betting that rage will keep diverting our eyes from their ultimate goal– dominate all of humanity without regard to identity. Step away from both elephants and jackasses; standing too close to either is blinding us from seeing the solutions.
Both Stormniggers and BLM are a collective hivemind of failed individuals who come together over something basic as skin color. They are losers, and from this resentment escalates racism and other garbage ideologies. I look forward to war, as an upper class citizen, to purge America of whiney losers, both black and white, whom of which have no respect for the work and cultivation that defines the individual.
You guys complain black people are gimme dats.
Complain they are all part of the left.
An influential voice in the black community subscribes to our political views...
We have a chance to make our weakest link in this country better.
Imagine all the black people on welfare who are used to democrats feeding them foodstamps actually start crossing over and want independence. Free from poverty.
Our workforce gets boosted and this is a whole new wave. America raises the bottom and becomes greater as a result.
Republicans are not exclusive to white people, it's a way of thinking.
Many blacks are sick of political correctness and being victims. Trump isn't even racist. This has done more for rightwing ideals then any stormnigger “alt-right” figure has done.

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He predicted that too

never. it's a limited hang out run by the director of the (((NSA)))

Can someone give me quick rundown on Q?

Knew you niggers would make a general!

Q also predicted CivNat's
>"you're a virgin!"
If this is your argument your point is bad

you're obviously new. you realize Jow Forums is and always has been a containment board, not a cuckservative hugbox.

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they did what the kikes failed to do, take down Jow Forums and subvert it from within.
Magapedes are the new Kikes

Its not plebbit faggots. Do you not realize how many nations and think tanks try to shift public opinion/market products through comment sections and message boards???

The ADL was behind the Starbucks retardation a couple weeks ago.

My original post on the topic,

The Starbucks fiasco was staged from the beginning, including the coupons.

Read this article from my country to see how the story is spun.


This interesting bit about the two black entrepreneurs waiting for a business meeting about real estate was interesting to me,

>Nelson and Robinson originally were supposed to meet Andrew Yaffe, a white local businessman, at a Starbucks across town. But the plan changed, and they agreed to meet at the Rittenhouse Square location, where they had met several times before on a potential real estate opportunity.

We find out the reason for their being at Starbucks (without actually buying anything), and also this fucking gem.

>Andrew Yaffe, a white local businessman

So I further looked up Andrew Yaffe, and OI VEY YOU FUCKING BAD GOY GO BACK TO SLEEP!


>Two black men whose arrest at a Starbucks in Philadelphia has gone viral were waiting for a local Jewish businessman, Andrew Yaffe, who tried to stop their arrest.

Then guess who steps in to solve the problem?! Yep, the ADL.

>In the Starbucks case, consider that Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has been brought on asone of the “experts”to develop the implicit bias workshop curriculum. The ADL is a staunch supporter of Israel and advocates against theBoycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which calls for an end to Palestinian occupation.

Are you burgers seriously this dumb?

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What's the status in nordland lad?
How are you guys coping right now ?

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magapedes and kikes work together. Why do you think the "greatest ally" meme has been pushed by boomer magapedes on Jow Forums.

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pretty much, they're just kike controlled puppets.

That knee kink, it's like they want to develop weaknesses.

bump for justice


Fuck off stupid magapede civicuck.
Like I keep saying over and over again.
Nonwhites will never ever leave their Gibs.
It's not that the Democucks are keeping them down idiot, the democucks are using the natural state of the Negro to keep him down.
You have to understand that blacks are like they are by natural instinct. They have never ever learned to build things that will benfit them.
They see one thing that can help them and use it until it breaks down, instead of fixing it, they throw it away and go look for another Gib.
We Whites cannot bring niggers unto our movement, they will only hinder us and drag us down with them.
30 Million of them in this country, almost all are on some sort of welfare in one way or another.
The 'Blacks" that are not in the inner cities or that act like Niggers are mostly mixed blacks who look more white than their full negro counterparts.
>Trump is not racist
When Trump began his campaign, he used racially charged rethoric on Mexicans, calling them rapists and not good people. Everyone was shocked that someone could say these things out in the open like that. But Trump set the dividing line right there and then. He divided Nonwhite America from White America.
White America made Trump win, he got over 70% of the total White Vote, White Americans from all sorts of socio-economic backgrouns voted for him.
The Presidential Election was also a proxy race war.
It ignited White Nationalism amongst White Americans.
But I can't trust Trump 100%, we will see if he will go to war with Iran over the kikes in Israel in the coming days. If he does, then he is a kike puppet and i hope you magatards wake up and stop behaving like a cult.

and checked

he gets comped for leaking us info

Jow Forums never belonged to anyone you retarded newfag shill

We were also flooding adl as a result leaf.

We can't sit here circlejerking about how shitty Jow Forums is since T_D migrants flooded here. The only way we'll ever actually take this site back is if we actively brigade every single /ptg/ or le 4D chess threads. They're not even delusional, they're actual shills that are intentionally subverting real discussion here. Just try asking for one of these Qanon faggots for evidence and watch how quickly they flee the thread. They do nothing but post vague news article images to manipulate the boomers that lurk here. Either we migrate to a new board, or we fight viciously against these kikes. Amazing how quickly this board has been hijacked in just the past couple of months, I mean there's been a /ptg/ problem for a while, but there's obviously a massive influx of slide threads. The only solution I can think of is mass brigading and saging of slide threads and starting tons of /nsg/ and ethnic nationalist threads.

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interesting, they seem to be getting more creative with their false flags.

Oh I know, they probably weren't very pleased with these on Twitter either.

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Just do what Jow Forums did post spidy memes on /ptg/ and finally get the mods to ban it and other slide thread nonsense.

This fucking "ISRAEL IS OUT GREATEST ALLY GOYIM" boomer-tier bullshit only exists since the creation of the C.I Scofield Reference Bible.
In it, Scofield twisted the words of the Holy Bible and created (((Judeo-Christianity))).
This is where we get the "Jews are God's chosen pipow" and " We must die to defend Israel Goys".
The Scofield Bible was created in 1910 and the Anglo-Sphere adopted it. Boomers grew up with this kike bible and have been brainwashed into protecting a nation created in 1947 by kikes that is never mentioned in the Bible.
Biblical Israel =/= Modern Nation of Israel
Israel was a Holy Title given to a man named Jacob who passed it down unto his twelve sons when he passed away, the Lost Tribes of Israel is true Israel.

That was the Canadian version I made,
>here is the American one

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Yesterday: two large NS-demonstrations at different locations at the same time, to prove how strong they have become. It was in Norway or Sweden.

it certainly doesn't belong to you niggerpedes

I hate the Scofield bible too. When you point it out to cucks they just say "Scofield was inspired by God".

But the (((Mods))) are the ones that are letting it happen tho.
They purge threads like these but leave Kanye nigger threads and other fucking slide threads that sometimes have nothing to do with anything.
We need to find a way to take back our board.
We need another good IOTBW meme project to ignite WN in Jow Forums and make the magatards go back to t_D

you retards think you can actually take back a Jow Forums's Jow Forums? god speed to you, but the cancer has already spread and it's too late for chemo. the next step is to find another website

Sieg Heil

the NRM ?

user all of us should consider making one good thread every day

This is true although you can alleviate it by not replying to slide threads. Even if you sage the faggots will reply to you and bump their own threads. The number one rule to fighting board cancer is DO NOT REPLY.

Scofield was a faggot working for (((Them))).
The Scofield Bible is fucking blasphemy and mental gymnastics. It has been debunked but they still made America adopt it, and it replaced the KJV Bible.
If you are going to get a Holy Bible, I recommend getting the 1611 Edition with the Apocrypha, these lost books were taken out from the Bible by the kikes. In it, they go in-depth about the identity of the Lost Tribes and where they went after escaping Assyrian Captivity in 1300 B.C .

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you dont even know my political views you faggot

> find another website
Jow Forums was the last site where we could express our free speech against the leftist cultural Marxist kike media.
There is nothing else, this was supposed to be our last line of defense. And these Magatards have fucked it all up. I knew that getting Trump to win would cost us a mighty price, never thought the price would be Jow Forums .

based Maja Raja

They also link a Jow Forums thread on t_D and call for backup.
This is what they do to shut down anyone who calls them out on their kikery.
They are all faggots.

Yes. 4-500 hundred at both.

It was in Sweden

tell me

Why has no one screen capped it yet?

Damn I didn't even hear about it.
Good on the lads for standing up for Scandinavia.
A lot of people here have given up on Sweden, Norway, Denmark.
Not me, I know one day they will break those chains and clear house. Kikes will be hanging in the streets along with the foreign hordes.

Here is another bump op

And a third bump

I did see a screencap of an user who posted it.
He was lurking in t_D and caught it.
This is why /ptg/ threads reach bump limit so quickly, they flood from T_D .

And the 4th

It certainly wasn't bot /b

Okay any plans on how to prevent it or kick them out?

thanks lad

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This is the cancer that killed /b/

I believe it. There's no way that the amount of /ptg/ shills here is in any way organic. Especially since most of them stand against things most of the Jow Forums userbase has always supported (such as race realism and opposition to Israel).
We need this screencap.

I can't think of anything that will stop the flooding of magatards.
There's too fucking many of them, hundreds of thousands.
Some anons were saying we should go back to posting poo poo pee pee pepes kek .

That doesn't phase them. Gore probably would but it would also get us banned.

I mean doxxing the mods, trolling them till they listen to us or do what Jow Forums does, or have a lot of proxies ready spamming ponies getting it to /mlpol/ again or redpills in /ptg/ threads.

We should embrace why the phrase GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW is spammed we should paint the place with swastikas

this thread or the magapedes ?

I wish someone could post that fucking screencap.
It's someone telling t_D to flood a Jow Forums thread because they are being racist to one of their based maga niggers or someshit like that.

I mean does anyone have proxies to spam gore?

We took back Pepe from the Normies, now we need to take him back from these Magatard Neo-Normies.


Don't listen to this faggot. He's just scared of Kanye and any other black conservatives because blacks listen to them and makes Dems lose votes and seats. It's also fear mongering, D&C, and it takes away attention from the true attempt at a take over. (which even the mods are in on) He words like magapede and neoboomers and spells Jow Forums Jow Forums. There's been an A-list conservative black celeb like Kanye West who's views had been so public.

(copied from my op because I'm a lazy fuck)

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Also this. As well having a router that you can plug off every 10 minutes to generate a new ip?

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I wonder who is behind this post.

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The faggot mods get their funding from the kikes
I saw a screencap of an Israeli poster telling em to purge a thread or they would pull the funding.

Or it could be an ironic larper.

Swastikas seem to trigger them I've noticed
Because in their mind Hitler was Evil and America was fighting socialists .

Just get modding and delete these ptg faggots.

used to work at Taco Bell, now he comps boomers with cryptic references to current events


you sound like a basic bitch newfag that found Jow Forums during the 2016 elections.

also, there are many other CIA honeypots where you can congregate to.

It's still politics

Fucking kek, and now these faggots will try to shut down this general like they shut down the Nigger Hate Threads
You Civicuck Race Traitors are pieces of shit.
Now you will see how magatards come and flood the thread.

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good pic related user

kek could be but I've heard about the mods being kikes for sometime now

I am not going to cripplechan fuck that.

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> basic bitch
> using normie nigger tier memes
fuck off fucking faggot to The _ Cuckold

I've never been able to evade a Jow Forums ban. idk how people do it unless they have dynamic IP's and they're just unplugging their modem's for like a day. It's super easy to evade cripplechan bans though with a free VPN.
I'm sure it will come up eventually.
Sorry, I don't mean to blackpill but I doubt the poo poo pee pee memes will stop pleddit. Those meme's were around during the 2016 campaign so they're used to them. The best way to improve Jow Forums is for us to not reply to bait threads, shill threads and make and reply to quality threads. If this started happening more often the board culture would catch up to it and we'd end up with a better Jow Forums overall.

Meant to say.
>will not stop reddit.

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well, that explains why Starbucks made Jewish employees exempt from the diversity training

It's 12:00 here lads and I have to go sleep to wake up early to go and workout.
Bump the thread and tomorrow I will make another one
Godspeed lads, we will save /pol and take it back from the magatards and kike shills.

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But here is the problem, reddit fags will still reply regardless., Honestly thank god this general exists the more we redpill and more Jow Forumsacks join in we might cause a huge another revolution that is probably a lot bigger than Jow Forums's movement of getting rid off trannies.

>last site
I don't think so. Just look at Silk Road online black market and how it got taken down by feds. Suddenly, dozens of different websites popped up, the most popular ones would get taken down, only to be replaced by others. We can find another, and if not, we'll have to make it ourselves. We are not losing at all, I think ethnic nationalism is more popular than it's been in decades right now. Kikes are creating the illusion that we're losing because they're scared, hence why the board has been flooded just recently.

I'm telling you, the only way we will take it back is by banding together and discussing tactics offsite. Flooding slide threads with red-pills, flooding the board with old-school WN threads.

Go away this includes getting rid off you too commie.

What are you waiting for?

Or nigger hate threads...
Honestly I don't want to go anywhere user, after I seen what Jow Forums had done since the reiko incident, I was impress we are able to this as well on a massive scale never seen before, who knows maybe some /b/ tards will take notes and take their board back as well.

Projection is a bitch, huh

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Yeah maintaining these generals on Jow Forums helps too. If /ptg/ is going to shill Jow Forums with their neocon left wing faggotry we should at least provide a counter to it.

Mean while their insults are

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>using normie tier nigger memes
>instead of using Jow Forums JIDF hiding memes

lmao you want to fit in with this board so bad it's fucking disgusting.

t_d are already freaking out.
also spam /ptg/ with spidy memes and derail it along with race realism graphs or israel's crime.

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This dumb fuck thinks they like niggers in /ptg/, and the worst part is that not even shills would waste the effort on that so I'm pretty sure you're just genuinely retarded

The sad delusional bastards. Do they know nothing?

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