How would you react if you found out you were Jewish? If you were 50% Jewish? 25%? Less than 10%?
What would you do if you found out you were part Jewish?
have a party
Define "Jewish"
Do you mean ashkenazim? semitic-speaking peoples? heck, fucking italians?
Well, that would explain my nose and my habits with money.
JIDF please feel free participate provided that you actually read the rules and stop surveying.
And I am Jewish, and I despise Jew scamsters and Israeli murderers. My background has absolutely no bearing on any of it.
Italians aren't remotely close to Jews
>I am Jewish
What led you to fight against them and do what you think is right?
>The americans asking this
if it looks like a duck is probably a duck
This is the weakest Shareblue derail I've ever seen. Fuck off with attempting to slander oppressed groups.