What would you do if you found out you were part Jewish?

How would you react if you found out you were Jewish? If you were 50% Jewish? 25%? Less than 10%?

Attached: sad merchant.jpg (294x171, 7K)

have a party

Define "Jewish"

Do you mean ashkenazim? semitic-speaking peoples? heck, fucking italians?

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Well, that would explain my nose and my habits with money.

JIDF please feel free participate provided that you actually read the rules and stop surveying.
And I am Jewish, and I despise Jew scamsters and Israeli murderers. My background has absolutely no bearing on any of it.

Italians aren't remotely close to Jews

>I am Jewish
What led you to fight against them and do what you think is right?

>The americans asking this

Attached: LOCKING AND LOding.jpg (720x720, 97K)

if it looks like a duck is probably a duck

This is the weakest Shareblue derail I've ever seen. Fuck off with attempting to slander oppressed groups.