Something lgbtq tards will probably dodge is THIS question. WHY more men want to become women than opposite? I'm sure there is a rational explanation. The stats show a HUGE amount more MTF. You hardly ever see ANY FTM. Its all about chopping off penises versus turning vagina to penis.
...and I'm sure I know why... Clearly its not because your born in the "wrong body" its because these men have fetish sexual fantasies. AND THATS ALL IT IS!!! Excuse my political incorrectness.
First of all, just think about it. Men think about sex and jack off to twisted shit SO much more than women. Men are really high in sex drive, and seek so much more sexual adventure.
It is the weak minded and physically weak men constantly being exposed to porn and shit and they jack off all day to really twisted porn involving all kinds of crazy shit, not only this but they struggle to get any intimacy from REAL women because they are s.oyboys and women don't want s.oyboys. They see muscular men with big dicks in porn all the time, and also in movies and comic books and anime, and because their mind is weak, rather than focus on self improvement through focusing their attention on productive things(like lifting weights) they give up on being a REAL man(which has nothing to do with penis size or being 6 foot tall or he-man). They give up because its too hard to be a real man. So they seek the other route to feeling good and receiving intimacy. They look to cosmetics and plastic surgery and hormonal shit, because you can just buy it, rather than do something difficult to achieve. They feel so "beta" in a world where only alpha men are valued by women. Thus becoming a woman will obtain them love and intimacy because women never seem to struggle to get intimacy. In their porn adventures they jack off to so much tranny porn that they decide its the route to go.
Why FTM trannys much greater in number than MTF?
They become women you can beat
>Forgetting to mention that it's because women live life on easy mode and men who struggle in life want the ease of being a roastie because they know they will always have a use as a wet hole
Because there is a war on masculinity and testosterone levels have dropped off a cliff over the past 50 years.
incel virgin detected
being a woman is easy and fun, who wouldn’t want to be one if you look at it from a childlike POV?
We're on Jow Forums, retard. If there is any way to detect an incel virgin it's our presence here
also Men stand up for themselves which complicates (((plans)))
Says who? The thing is males with tits are attention whores, unlike women with cocks or men.
Part sexual fetish, part women having an easier ride, part being such a fucking failure as a man you think eating pills will allow you to live life on easy mode as a "woman".
Congratulations, you now know why there's an epidemic of these faggots.