
Listen, Jow Forums. I speak on behalf of Jow Forums. We may have disagreed about things in the past, but we may need to call on your support

After the attack in Toronto they're using the term "incel" as a general purpose label for anyone that's a lonely virgin. Most of us are docile and don't even hate normies that much, we just accept our fate and spend our days memeing about our pathetic existence. We don't want no trouble but they're coming after us

They're already calling for the banning of incels.me and trying to mass-flag YouTube channels. It's the same attempt to shoehorn thinking into a little box and taser someone when they leave it that they use on the alt-right

Take care of us and we'll take care of you, whatever that looks like. We can't really do much except meme because most of us are unemployed but I believe forming an allegiance would do us well

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Other urls found in this thread:


Surely that isn't real?


I mean celebrities are calling for miserable self-hating borderline suicidal men to be tortured and killed?

The system has failed you. Stop browsing Jow Forums and incel boards and stay here full time. Eat red pills. When they call you an incel you can smile and tell them to kindly fuck off and that their opinions mean nothing due to their genetic deficiencies, low IQ, and overall pack animal nature.

Welcome to the real world son, Michael Jackson told us the truth, they'll kick you and beat and tell it's fair.

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>receive reddit and reddit terms with open arms
>pay the price
I see nothing wrong with this
In fact, I am still hoping for Jow Forums to get punished for doing the same, maybe then people will learn the lesson

>I mean celebrities are calling for miserable self-hating borderline suicidal men to be tortured and killed?

Check his twitter, it's real.

If a man is suicidal, he has nothing to lose. If a man has nothing to lose, what can a man do?

God, I love, love, love this timeline

Welcome to the front lines of the first spiritual war.

Go look yourself, the vitriol being directed at lonely men right now is insane. Not just by twitter faggots either, it's on the news and comedy shows. Everywhere.

pic related:

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Why the fuck hasn't anyone spoken to him?
Why don't we know anything since he's still alive?

Don’t worry, we are your friends.
Incels are the result of the destruction of the traditional family, something we want to rebuild.
Even if you don’t want to have what was previously considered a normal life our enemies loathe its existence and don’t blame themselves for the consequences.

What's more pathetic? Incels, or celebs who think they're ground breaking or leading a great social struggle by mindlessly attacking lonely men already drowning in their own misery ?

Celebs, incels have a reason to be miserable

You guys had a shitfit when we came to help with that brainwashing tranny. Stay here, we don't care if your unemployed virgins. Just leave the gay shit there, we have enough fags.

If we give you support will you all promise to man up and start taking responsibility for your position in life?

Good. They are only speeding things up. The sooner it all goes to shit the less niggers come to the west

Truly is crazy shit. Seen that Aussie comedian was doing some feminist routine on incels. They don't even understand what an incel is.

Found it

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The most infuriating thimng about all of this is that they believe they hold the moral high ground by doing this.
Incels are already the lowest hanging fruit for yeslife jokes.

You deserve it for constantly shitting up our board with unrelated crap.

if the van driver was a muslim you'd all be spewing vitriol about muslims so excuse me if i don't have any sympathy because some comedians made fun of incels lmao

get laid virgins.... OH WAIT YOU CAN'T HAHAHA

They are really trying to start a total war with the inceldom?

Are they really this retarded?


This reminds me of that time when wizardchan got some publicity from that one whore


I thought punching down wasn't supposed to be funny?

Because incels are an organized religion with an history of terrorism and guerrilla warfare that goes back to the 70s

The normies afraid. I for one welcome it. Fuck it. Stop bitching about it and do it.


Muslims are foreign. Incels are our own, a result of our own failure as a society

It's always funny. They just pretend to be above it, that's all.

you deserve it

You're all bronies and fat disgusting fucks so no

The end is near.

Attached: incels redpill.png (945x542, 65K)

What's next?

Comedians mocking Gen Z skinheads who they find in a pediatric cancer ward?

>Incels are the result of the destruction of the traditional family, something we want to rebuild.

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this, and many have been trained/funded by the CIA. Lool up Ted Kaczynski

Incels are a product of their politics. A human person not having sex is biologically false and would only mean the removal of your genes from the gene pool BUT in the current state of society we can see that these “incel” people are closely associated and there are literal idiots who wish yo radicalize these people to the point of terrorism.

None of this is natural OP, so don’t fear and don’t feel sad. This was the writing on the wall our fathers didn’t see. They gave this burden to us and we shouldn’t do the same and let our children wipe our mistakes.

We are where this all ends OP. You are not a failure but a product of their corruption. Never lose faith in yourself.

The far-left establishment's core beliefs are anti-white, anti-male, of course this kind of thing was inevitable.

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There are also female incels, correct? I understand the vast majority or males but there has to be some females out there who are.

Keep fighting for Mohammad's sloppy seconds.


So because I am voluntarily celibate. I am now lumped in with everyone else and must be killed because a morality compass celebrity says so. Huh funny considering:
>they rape kids
>they eat kids
>they worship satan
>they are crazy
>they think larping on screen gives there opinion more clout
>they push fake propaganda
>they kill science
>they push hatred on males who are generally white
>encourage vile stupidity
>their comedy sucks
Yeah totally good people

Kaczynski wasn't trained or funded by the CIA.

His only contact with them pre-Unabomber was when they put him through MK Ultra.

>honey boo boo's mother has enough sexual opportunity to cheat on her husband...

If homelessness is any indication, it's about 3 to 1.

>Most of us are docile and don't even hate normies that much, we just accept our fate and spend our days memeing about our pathetic existence. We don't want no trouble but they're coming after us
You gotta get tough m8s. Will to power! They won't let you have peace.

It's not some sort of great revelation that people increasingly isolated by technologically prompted societal changes are dysfunctional. Casinos in their various forms (lootcrates, online gambling), tinder, facebook, these are all dopamine sources for the button pushing rat-life that people have been reduced to "living". The swelling masses of homeless drug addicts, the NEETs huddled in basements, these are the human refuse that society doesn't need. Chad and Stacy would just as soon throw them in an oven.

It's almost as if we're more concerned about our own people more than some parasitic invader class formed of arrogant criminal pieces of barbaric shit, you stupid fuck

Why do they hate lonely virgins SO goddam much? Isn't living our pathetic existence not enough painful for them?

I’m sure they aren’t all manlets.

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I have seen tbe nastiest looking white trash and sheboons wirh multiple kids. Even them Abo women getting fucked

Having sex and not having kids is also biologically false. Whatever that means.

That's not a shitty pun, you stupid fucking spic

They hate the idea of the angry virgin, but that's just because they were never in the same position. Elliott Rodger was basically an asperger with rage, but his difficulties conceptualizing how to go about pursuing a relationship are going to be utterly foreign to someone who doesn't have the same sort of mind that he did. If the Armenian talks a bunch I bet he'll sound the same.

Kill them with their own rethoric : Sexism (in feminism VS sexism in Incel). And Freedombof speech.

There is a petition online to ban a woman with "Kill all white men" posted 8 times to twitter, from attending a Suicide Prevention conference (see latest Philip DeFranco video)

and don't simply defend yourselves, there is no defense on the internet.
If someone attacks you/your movement, there is not much you can do or say to counter that, their attack remains visible, and mostly unchallenged as it stands alone. You can respond, create outrage and encourage it to be viewed more on social media if you interact with it.

The only viable defense is to drown out a story, an attack, with another one.

Attack, not women, but "The Matriarchy".
Female teachers in school give better scores to girls regardless of results.

Favoritism is everywhere.

Copy Pasa the Women Are Beautiful Effect Wikipedia article in every comment section you can find.

Start a flood.
A massive flood.
A tsunami.

The beta uprising should go through the internet (I personally don't care, I'm lucky enough to be an alpha in this life)

So the answer to your question is you needbto push back by attacking where it hurts.

We/You need a GamerGate 2.0, but this time, we reverse the roles, the sexism is versus men.

Go rile up the MRA.
Go make create chaos, make the posts that spark that new war. A war for men, a meme war we can't loose.

But you need an intelligent slogan.
A "It's ok to be white"
>IT'S OK TO BE A (proud) MAN

Its ok to be proud as a man.

Pride is important.

We can call it "male pride"
The Boys Only march
Whatever gay, or no homo thing you want.

A homo reference gives us both legitimacy and minority pity points.
Very importnat to keep in mind.

Goodspeed, my beta friends.

Some chads are your allies against the stacies and roasties.


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The Venn diagram of Jow Forums and Jow Forums is just one circle, a circle full of pathetic loser virgins.

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Yeah if you look at the Jewish opinion of goys
>goys are just cattle to be slaughtered for jews
>>wow no way, that's fucked
>if they weren't then why did they walk into the slaughter house. A person wouldn't do that
Be a person and tell these fucks to go to hell

I'm so fucking sick of this people.

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This is exactly what I've said all along. The 2 minutes of hate we're seeing now has little to do with incels and everything to do with controlling speech. Before they would belittle you as being a virgin or having a small dick if you criticised feminists. Now you're potentially a violent incel and your free speech needs to be shut down permanently.

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I agree with this post.
It's okay to be a man.

Why do you think it is that the "poor and stupid" are the ones always complaining about the rich?

It's always some virgin man-child with no job, some trailer park trash, some muslim in a third world shithole, some alcoholic slav in a rotting hovel. Literally nobody else. Why is this? Is anti-capitalism and a lack of success/low intelligence correlated?
Why don't leftists have any charismatic, dynamic, and smooth-talking media personalities? Why are we always spoken for by disgusting looking shutins, white trash, and spergy ramblers?

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nice try cianigger, changed ya flag just to gaslight me didnt you

Welcome to Jow Forums newcommer.

You seem lost, so here, lemme help you:
You will find your favorite section on this site by clicking this
Have a good day, Mr Gay

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I hope someone pushes his shit in

Don't be incel in public for awhile.

Was the incel FB post ever confirmed?

Men don't need any of this. You don't need a fucking pride parade to be a man. Remember that the leftist will not fucking stop ever, they are an unquenchable fire that will not stop burning until everything is destroyed. No matter what you do to appease you will never do enough, and no matter what some sort of latent evil will sleep within you even if you are a fucking saint that plays everything according to script.

What is the matriarchy? A bunch of dried up prunes drunk on wine who can't marry up and are angry at even the pretense of marrying down?

Play the fucking game, make your money, take care of yourself, but identity politics is a dead end road. Men don't need to 'fight' for anything, they just need to outlast everything else. They will eat each other, just keep the truth in your heart and find fellow men to associate with.


>they're using the term "incel" as a general purpose label for anyone that's a lonely virgin.
Aside from the fact that an incel doesn't necessarily have to be a virgin, it's a correct label, user.
However, it's not what they're actually using it for.
They're ascribing (political) ideology to it, which is retarded.

Did anyone else notice that these normies talk about Muslims with as much if not more vitriol than we talk about Muslims? It's interesting. I think there's a potential solution to both the Muslim and incel problem in this somewhere, but haven't thought of it yet. Need more time.

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Don't let political correctness blind you to the truth: niggers and mudslimes only understand violence.

Time to expand Gitmo and get serious.

Gambling is not the problem and isn't inherently degenerate. Nowhere in the Bible is it forbidden and it's actually encouraged. The Jews play dreidel.

The problem only arises when you have strict regulation and government monopoly. Instead of playing house games with friends and family where you win as much as you lose you are stuck playing against the house. It's the removal of the gentleman's wager that has turned gambling into the shit show that it is.

Normies talk about incels*****

Fuck I'm retarded

Yes brother.


It's Okay To Be A Man

I would make a photoshop, but can't am at work, and am firewalled (have to phonepost)

It's okay to be a man.
It's okay to be a boy.
It's okay to be male.


Drown their idiotic message with our own (less idiotic) message.

>normies start bullying bullied incels even more
>all the frog posters go full Columbine
>faggot ass normies need another feels march
>la creatura appears and is assassinated with REEEing in the distance
>Arby’s is shut down because of womyn
Post yfw there will be a literal meme war in your lifetime

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this is accelerationism at work , the beta uprising is coming with USA betas already arming themselves and planning strikes .

we're doing the islam route , attacking the normies and when normies are oppressing us back we use it to indoctrinate more to our cause .

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stop virtue signaling and take up arms. beta uprising when!
also stop being lonely virginfags. get a prostitute to see that the bodily stuff isn't that great.
and the emotional rest isn't that great either. all you miss is a house dragon which makes you walk on egg shells and just adds unnecessary stress and financial strain to your life.

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The problem is systems that take advantage of brain chemistry to nurture addiction in a predatory manner. Modern day gambling is very much this. Obviously playing cards with friends is not this.

>Agitating sex depraved frustrated men even more
Get the popcorn.

I think he was a Muslim; being a Canadian muslim and not wanting to shame his faith he found another group posted a FB message and continued his Jihad. But WTF do I know when was the last time an incel did shit never mind with a van of peace.

Do you have any idea at all how many shitskins are being born in the next two decades? If you think burying your head in the sand will work, do us all a favor and forget to leave an air hole.


Nobody has ever heard of this F-List faggot before. Prove me wrong, you won't.

What accelerationism? One dude, out of hundreds of thousands of sexually frustarted dudes, kills 15 people.

It's not even sex. It's the gulf of meaninglessness that defines daily life for many people. Technology has brought about immense societal change and that has destroyed traditional forms of existence. Some people benefit greatly from this, becoming extremely rich, some people dominate tinder, some people do a bit of both, but a lot of people basically barely scrape by, and if you compound that with social disabilities or deficiencies, you will basically end up with a permanent NEET class who are going to be more frustrated. Most won't be violent, but some will.

they're poking the suicidal bear. all the time they attack people who have something to lose and there's no consequences. but I guess that attacking a group of borderline suicidal autists who dehumanized their out-groups long time ago might be not the smartest move for the media.

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>Men don't need any of this
Stopped there, there rest is irrelevant, because you misunderstood the whole premise.

>Men don't need...
Yes. You're right.
Your phrase is right and your argument is right. But you misunderstood the why and the how and the what the fuck we're talking about.

We're talking about incels being under attack, not about men needing anything.

What identity politics is, is a tool.
Just like a meme like Pepe can be a tool, you can stain that tool.

If Jow Forums wants to ruin identity politics, it could approriate / infiltrate it. Ita would take a year or more but the death would be quick, all in all.

Men indeed don't need to defend their masculinty, I dont care about that.
But stopping the regressive left from advancing is a decent cause to get behind

FYI not all lefties are regressive.
Progressivism will indeed never be satisfied, because it's a constantly moving theme, of moving forward like the name fucking suggests.

I'm a leftie on economics, liberterian on all social issues. I'm not authoritarian, quite the opposite.
Authoritarian lefties are the ennemy, noy all lefties.


This is a decent idea desu, get a bunch of robots to meme for us is not bad


Check out the comments on this video. What in an actual fuck is wrong with them. This is some new level of leftist cancer.

Attached: Angry Mafuyu.png (470x540, 366K)

I think the only practical wat to make that happen is if we go to Jow Forums and shitpost there about politics, and that doesnt sound entirely agreeable

so much this

Jow Forums has the most shitskins of any board.

That image is retarded. Timmy is pure!

Gambling is perfectly competitive service. Anyone can offer the same games and wagers with very little barrier to entry. This means that when unregulated the market takes over; people are free to choose and can choose the best odds.

Blackjack has a house edge less than half a percent and requires a human dealer. Charities used to run casino nights and now all that is left is Catholic bingo. It's a practice as old as time but we didn't have the same problems until monopoly was handed over to the tribes and government.

This. Bullying has always existed as a means of 'toughening up' an individual.

I used to laugh at incels until I took the red-pill and learnt to sympathise with my fellow man.

Incels will toughen up for sure, just not in a way normie society is ready for.

you faggots are too focused on what the r-selected parasites in society think about you.

No. Jow Forums does. Shitskins aren't smart enough to care about technology.

what happened with that boipucci grooming shit anyway? never heard of it again after the few initials threads

I thought these are the same liberal faggots who wanted to close gitmo. now they want to expand it?

Reply: if you want to fight an incel, give him a blowjob

Identity politics collapses upon itself naturally, if you wait long enough, leftists eat each other, that much is obvious, because you can keep breaking up identities into smaller and smaller categories and throw them into increasingly absurd hierarchies.

Why does Jow Forums need to appropriate the tools of cancerous leftists? Just existing, becoming stronger and personally successful, and not being a miserable victimized husk drives a dagger into whatever passes for a heart in a skulking leftist.

Incels are men, maybe not manly men, maybe men with social problems, but they are men. They are 'under attack' because they are an easy target for comedians and because the left has an exe to grind. You want to know how to not be attacked as an incel? Gain some fucking self-awareness. Introspect. That is hard for a lot of incels because some of them have issues with theory of mind, being autistic/aspergerish.

"Progress" is an illusion, it is a mirage at the end of a desert that you will never reach. Leftists chant about it unceasingly but then end up creating far more pervasive surveillance states, conjuring up new thought crimes, locking people into prisons of their own minds.