All of his campaign promises are to be realized before he leaves office. Just to be clear.
He's not going anywhere. He has work to do
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I'd rather the DNC wins the midterms and we all get to laugh when they suddenly forget they promised to impeach him because this is all theater and I'm fucking tired of it
>I'm tired of it
this is bigger than you realize, friend, you better hope he survives or the bad guys win it all
If they aren't actively being arrested, executed, disappeared it doesn't matter.
and what's that supposed to mean, oh sage one?
What's his end goal?
save the world
Unironically this. I think today or friday some great news is gonna come out. I know it.
And deliver it to who?
The meek
The meek already had their shot.
Patience, Grasshopper.
To whom? Who do you think? What are you? Sorry, not to your tribe or nuclear armed blackmail state, but to the good and righteous, the corrupt will no longer reign.
Those words were written 2000 years ago.
Look at the state of the world today.
No he fucked up with the daniels thing. Liberals will have his BLOOD because he committed the cardial sin of paying in instalments while also being a political candidate
I'm not part of the tribe.
I support everything that's currently happening.
But it's important to temper your emotions especially near victory. History proves me right.
only if you let them, friend, only if you let them
what a coincidence that pompeo was in israel short before kikes began hitting on iran, you think they could do anything without trump approving it?
trump the kikelover will drag the US into another war, israel and saudi arabia are very happy about that.
an iran war will be way more dangerous than the iraq war, russia and china could get involved.
>draining the swamp
>bolton, pompeo
Trump is King David mate
history proves not the future, only time and fortitude will tell
its overrrr
pol is just about shills shilling for shills, i really doubt here are real people anymore.
i remember pol before it went down 2016, very different from today and for sure anti-kike.
Trump purged Saudi Arabia, do you not remember? Trump flipped them and they are funding a Palestinian state.
this speech doesn't tell anything.
he will go to war with iran for israel and saudi arabia.
What makes you so sure?
It's human nature. Written in the genes.
The internet may change the equation due to the access to information that it allows for. Why libraries were burned in the past.
Would require open sourcing of EVERYTHING along with mandatory schooling in these subjects to all people.
I don't see it happening.
Meek people don't do such things.
It is the destiny of the meek to be subverted.
the two sides are still in battle, only one is true and just
as i said, pompeo was in israel and now israel is hitting on iran. even the EU said netanjahus "facts" are bullshit, but not trump or the US.
pompeo was also in saudi arabia.
you could argue that it is a threat of force but then trump has to act if iran doesn't want a knew deal.
Iran is not a good actor.
why do americans expect politicians to keep their promises, sure he wasnt a politician when he ran for president, but he is politician now. that being said, i was plesantly suprised when he won your election, i used to think that america is heading into a colapse, i thinkg he bought you some time to recover
Trump keeps his promises.
from what i saw, yes, like i said he wasnt a politician when he was elected, what im talking about is why do people flip their shit when he does something he didnt say. or does something in a different way they would do it
because they're all controlled opposition.
That happens in his second term, he has to build more popular support first
Strange image with many implications.
God bless Donald Trump, and my Jesus Christ walk with him.
He will get support if he does the thing that he said he would do. Getting rid of DACA was a huge campaign promise that resonated with people. It is really simple to do it but he has not. I wonder (((why)))
and which?
looks like schlomo is really triggered of whats coming for isreal.
What? I think the facial expressions tell the whole story.
Depends on how you read them and what level of subversion you are willing to apply to each person.
*and may
bumps to keep the conversation alive
oh yea? what makes you so confident in saying this?
>inb4 shill
actual evidence or stfu
Either Trump takes the whole system down or this won't end. It's all or nothing.
the bad guys already won jackass
trump sucks zog cock
lmao I wish