>see this
when will it end ausbro's
>see this
when will it end ausbro's
Other urls found in this thread:
why would anyone live in chinkstralia
ridiculously expensive, and i'm saying this as someone who has 54% tax rate
Ausmutt memes incoming
Please send your citizens, i beg
fuck off snow nigger
the beach, sunny weather, bbqs, outdoor life and until recently a white country
whats so bad about Brits and Kiwis?
U.S. = Mexicans and Central Americans
Canada = Chinese
Australia = Chinese
New Zealand = Don't know, but is the least white Anglo country aside from the U.S.
Britain = Indians and Muslims
Why did every white Anglosphere nation do this?
>Croicky Chong Ding Dong Moit
Why there are many pommies here? They have to go back! Australia is Chinamen's land.
All according to plan!