Poll: Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week

>Black male support for President Donald Trump doubled in just one week, according to a Reuters poll on presidential approval.

>A poll taken on April 22, 2018 had Trump’s approval rating among black men at 11 percent, while the same poll on April 29, 2018 pegged the approval rating at 22 percent.


Attached: Blackmaleapproval.png (1275x350, 56K)

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you posted this already, whats your point?

Maybe it's a typo and they meant blackmail approval?

Making purple drank a federal holiday would triple black approval

lol muh blue wave. How many BasedBlckMan(TM) is Trump keeping in hidding before the midterms? The 4D chess meme is annoying but proves right every time.

Ok, who's the second black guy?

>supporting a politician because someone you like does
That's pretty much mutt politics in a nutshell

Trump must've made posts referring to his love of chitlins, collard greens and fried chicken.

hes gonna one day endorse church's chicken and thats gonna get the majority of the black vote right then and there.

Blacks prefer Popeyes dumbass

Or just say Tyrone that lives on mlk drive is his homeboy. Every black person knows a tyrone that lives on their local mlk street. And hes everybodys weed dealer. Boom 25% black vote right there

>literally going from 1 black guy to 2 black guys out of 10
>this is great news

Popeyes are rarer were I live. Still the black belt.

Das rite

Attached: hqdefault (4).jpg (480x360, 28K)

Popeyes chicken is fucking awesome

My God. Niggers are so easily persuaded.

It would be even higher now as Kanye's power level has grown even further

Literally Kanye may be the most politically powerful man of the year, all unintentionally. Shaking that black democrat vote is going to obliterate the democrats.

Oh I get chills just thinking about it.

What if this is the watershed moment for black people in America? It's not just some high class half-black like Obama, but your regular average black boy who's got his flaws and his messups like all Americans but he does his best for what's right by himself and his community?

Clearly the way to phrase it is "Popeyes is good but I love going to Churchs Chicken" so that he doesn't isolate any blacks who may live in an area without a churchs

i knew kanye had influence but wow

are we going to get the strong black families of the past back again? strong families and drastically lower crime. is kanye making black great again

in b4
>civ nat cuck fuck you gas the kikes heil hitler
t. edgy faggots

It went from Malik Obama to him and Kanye.

Attached: CNN suicide watch.jpg (960x720, 75K)

A decent cross section of Africans on the trumptrain. I can dig it.

>all unintentionally
kanye and trump planned it

q predicted this



Yeah guys.....they're almost off the Democrat plantation guys


Sounds like Kanye should avoid riding around in a 1961 Lincoln Continental four-door convertible limousine

its not gonna stop at 22%
and even if it did, thats enough to swing elections
its enough to seriously damage the race baiting strategy of the msm

but this is only the beginning. thats the thing

Maybe we should start memeing about the democrats being the original KKK and slave owners. And that everytime a black votes for them they are approving of the slavery of their bruvas and sistas and keeping the racis crackas in power.


Attached: sniffsniff.jpg (706x680, 53K)

isnt that actually true though?

It is, but the democrats forget to mention that to their "precious" black voters

Yeah but church's is a more proportionally black place. popeyes are everywhere in my experience. Church's is a ghetto marker

More bulls for the MAGA tards cuck sessions

I picture a meme campaign wrapped up in a positive Black empowerment message. Begin with Kanye West's statement "Slavery sounds like it was a choice". Then underneath have "Freedom is a choice. Slavery is the alternative."

Then in later ones we hit with quotes from famous liberals about black people. For example:

"They are often the kinds of kids that are called superpredators — no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first, we have to bring them to heel."

Hillary Clinton, 1996

Then underneath:

Freedom is a choice. Slavery is the alternative.
We also need a clever hashtag like #DemocratPlantation but shorter, cleverer, and links Democrats to lack of black progress/slavery

"The democratic party is playing you for a political chump, and if you vote for them, not only are you a chump, but a traitor to the race"
-Malcolm X (he was killed 2 days later). What did he mean by this?

Best video I found for red-pilling blacks (won't embed but worth the watch!):


Attached: 1924 democratic convention.jpg (600x477, 52K)

based black men:

Attached: make american great based voter.gif (400x400, 3.42M)