Fingers crossed this is the day that manlet cuck Bercow resigns.
Easton Harris
fix the eu and we'll rejoin force slackers lack ireland to contribute to the eu army for a start if we're going to have pool of soldiers we call an army i want everyone to be in it no freeloaders
Blake Bennett
>This is unironically why leave won yet you're still in the EU and you're going to stay in the EU, because we know what is and isn't in your best interest.
Can't be bothered to walk down to the polling station
Nathan Green
Jeremiah Smith
think of things to buy from the shop surely chocolate sounds good
Blake Fisher
Kiss my ass, Juncker.
Brayden Bell
i bet it does you fat cunt
Easton Wood
Kevin Hughes
Voted lib dem in eastleigh lol
Cameron Jackson
if you'll pardon my french
Carson Harris
voted labour in newcastle lol
Brody Myers
>fix the eu and we'll rejoin >tinker around the edges of your regionalist supranational mega-government and we'll sign right up :^) You're a fucking moron
We're still in the EU and will likely stay in the EU by the back door because our political parties and civil service are drooling, syphilitic cunts only interested in their precious 'egalitarian internationalism' (read: Marxism) and lining their own pockets
You might know what's in their best interests, but you certainly can't speak for the rest of us
Josiah Clark
libdem fortress eastleigh how are things? haven't be round yours in a while
Elijah Rodriguez
>>tinker around the edge >You're a fucking moron i can see you'll take some convincing the eu is sure to be first rate when we rejoin
Dominic Reed
Vote DUMA POLSKA in London
Charles Robinson
I am, but that shouldn't affect what shows up as trending though when it's set to UK trends. Or maybe by your algorithm comment you meant how it produces completely legitimate UK trends and Twitter has not in any way manipulated them to only show #VoteLabour, for then I would agree as Twitter is completely impartial and wouldn't ever do such a thing.
Library was asking people to fill out comment cards today; I listed myself as a disabled Bangladeshi and stated how important the service is to me. Hopefully I've bought them some more time. Fucking love the library.
>tfw the uk will be a colony of based POLSKA in your lifetime
Jayden Torres
Sorry. I didn't mean to imply that it did but I can totally see why you have thought that.
#VoteLabour trends because Mementum have their claws into Twitter in a big way. It's Twitter's user base that "manipulates" these things. Be change you want to see. How many times have you tweeted #VoteTory today?
Henry Nelson
>controverial wait, what? i thought it was only the americans who didn't need voter id to vote.
wtf, its voting day today? what for? what? usually i hear about any local elections...
Robert Murphy
dumb frogposter stupid frogposter
Hunter White
Wyatt Miller
Most people just bring their poll card and tell the person their address and they get ticked off, but other than that you need no ID in Britain which is ridiculous because if you knew people's addresses you could go to multiple polling stations and vote as many times as you like.
David Perez
FUUUUUUMING, how are they gonna' vote Laybuh now? Should call the police.
Josiah Cox
Traitor cunt
I'm voting independents for Eastleigh to stop the deanoboxes
Cooper Powell
don't panic it's local council you might not have them in your area if you're registered you will've had the card the post already
Dunno haven't voted yet, don't like the Tory guy though even though he'll win, won't vote Lib-Dem either, so it's green, Labour, or independent for me.
Why would I do that when I can go to the indian-run post office/shop directly opposite the polling station?
Josiah Rodriguez
I didn't yet. But I'm Green to "stop the housing development." It won't get me a Green councilor but i'm hoping it will frighten my Tory councilor into stopping the housing development himself.
Justin Anderson
Ah I see, good points actually chaps, yeah... maybe it is legitimate after all. I stopped posting on it long ago around when the Project Veritas videos dropped with the exposes, so I've just assumed they've gone full propaganda mode since. But strong lefty user base explains it too.
Bentley Garcia
Just cracked in three votes for Labour lads, feels damn good. based Repeal FF subsides, mandatory Clean Air Act, blue belt for coasts, increase funding for national parks. Green Policies are great, why do the two big parties fucking hate everyone but city wagecucks? Vote labour lad, Tories legit hate based brummies. strong
Nathan Davis
good shout lad might actually go and get some pierogi. sometimes they have fresh sauerkraut in a big barrel. add some spuds and that's dinner sorted
As I'm in a county council our elections are next year, I expect the Tories will loose here as although most people are small C conservative the council are currently being investigated by Cheshire Police for corruption.
Jace Phillips
If I bring colouring pencils to the polls and spend a while in the booth doing a drawing, reckon they'll say anything?
Yeah they get not so inbred muslims from Arab countries, we get Paki ones who are all inbred.
Oliver Johnson
I hope you read the bit where I said it won't change my councilor.
Matthew Phillips
Also, my willy gay boy. I dpn't even need to check to know that's Brighton.
Dylan Ward
Voting Nazi
Jordan Lopez
i'm a veggie now lad, but polish sausage is one of the few things i really miss. nan used to always have some kilebasa or smoked poledwica in the fridge.
well, it's the only place that's had a green-controlled council iirc when they were in power, the litter situation was appalling. how ironic.
Carter Nelson
>i'm a veggie now lad i can tell from the way you type
Chase Collins
Carter Cox
So that's not really your town?
James Moore
>darren's new build gets repossessed because he is a total melt and can't afford it and doesn't even understand what a mortgage is GYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-AH
Anthony Brown
Brighton is filthy tbqh but he rubbish collection problems predate the Green council. I blame the ridiculous number of students in town tbf. They're are filthy scum, and they know it. Especially the ones so lazy they make sure to rent at the bottom of the hill.
Bentley White
yes, i live here
Thomas Watson
spot on lad. the student areas are grotty af. you should see inside their houses. i used to clear the gardens after they moved out.