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So this was unexpected... Post here any leak, pic or new info pls senpai Quick story >feminists and liberal madness about a gang rape case because the rapists are non islamic >judge says they are guilty and sentenced to 9 years in prison >feminists go crazy because muh rape culture muh patriarchy >every politician wants to change the laws because muh systemic chauvinism >today a photo was leaked >its the "victim" performing a rimjob to his "rapist" More info here: Dis gon be gud
LOL. rimjob,blowjob,anal,vaginal,gangbang. that "poor girl" was born for porno.
Adrian Myers
I think she had multiple openings to stop the rape.
Kayden Howard
I don't understand, are they saying that she was in on it? Like consensual? Or are you making shit up?
Gabriel Johnson
I just heard about this.
Did they actually rape her or did she ask for it? What exactly happened?
And why are they protesting if they got 9 years? It seems that they want them dead. Crazy feminists...
Thomas Harris
Something worth pointing out is that the masses roaring for "justice" are the exact same that less than two months ago were asking for a communist revolution under the feminist banner. Potemos has lost any hopes of winning through democracy so now they're trying to gain power through the retard strength (doesn't seem to be gooing to bad for them, even if we all know who would win round 2).
>why are they protesting if they got 9 years? thats like 3 years of effective prision with third grade after a year and then the conditional if they behave. Spain's judicial sistem is a joke.
Ian King
Consent is not desire, it's violence >Consent >is violence
so what's going to happen now do you think? Are they going to be left to rot in prison or are people kicking up a stink over it?
Cooper Fisher
Was it consensual, though? Do you have any proof?
Adam Bell
thats the problem you see. how can you consent and where is the limit if you are a girl,and you are drunk as fuck and you invite 5 guys to do the train with you in a dark alley?
Jaxson Powell
Friendly reminder that: >She went alone to a Mardi Gras kind of event >She never said no >She willingly went with them to 3 different locations to find a place to fuck >She didn't resist, nor pushed them away, nothing. >There is a vid with the words "do you want me to stick it in? -Yes- Ok, all the way in then" >There are like 8 vids of her fucking, not resisting, enjoying, etc >There are the vids of her jerking the guy off wile being fucked but "experts" declared she was holding the dicks "not to loose balance" (no, I'm not kidding) >Pic of the rimjob >Forensics indicate no trace of rape or force >She declared on trial that no force was used >Fucked her in the ass with no signs of force either >Drug analisis negative Don't ask for the vids, only the judges have them.
So she wanted to have sex, men felt suspicious so they taped it as evidence it was consensual, still the evil succubus manages to put 5 fine young gentlemen in prison.
Levi Green
Is there anyone (of significance) defending the 5 suspects in Spain?
Colton Lopez
nah,more likely those guys are scum and the girl a party whore. she started screaming whe she noticed they were filming her. and thats rape I guess.
Xavier Martinez
This is going to blow up in everyone's faces. They were judged by three judges who knew from the beginning their sentence would be appealed. Two of them opted for sentencing the dudes for something they weren't accused to begin with, but that wan't too shamefully unjust (so they didn't get lynched as well, didn't work as the protest were programmed regardless) and that fell halfway through between absolution and 20year 250k€ that the accusation asked. The key is the third judge, who laid out, in a text twice as long as his two colleages sentence, exactly why it was bullshit and the whole process was a farce, and best of all he did it in a public official annex to the sentence. The minister of justice has tried to shit on him implying he's crazy, but every word he wrote is gold and demolishes what his spineless colleages said. There is no way they won't walk free and have to be compensated in the end, they can change all the laws they want afterwards and put as all in cages, but these guys are walking sooner or later.
Nolan Hill
empty words until we see all the vids desu
Nicholas Moore
She can't backpedal her way out, even if she wanted, which she does. Her lawyers and the feminists are pushing her so hard to keep going with this nonsense that it kind of makes me feel sorry for her. She has been turned into an icon of rape nationwide and her doxxing is imminent. The guys have a chance, they have appealed too and may walk.
yes, the tribunal is made of 3 judges. 2 voted total NWO and the other is /ourguy. He voted to free them and presented all the evidence in his sentencing. Since te sentencing is public we all have gotten to know the details, like the existence of the vids and what goes on in them, the results of the forensics and so forth. It's really a case of the internet against the NWO, they want to change the rape laws based in this case. This is an important battle.
Levi Campbell
I don't understand, the BBC article says >Outrage amongst women in Spain over a court's decision to clear five men of the crime of rape after they performed and filmed non-consensual sex But later it states that they received 9 years in prison?
Which one is it?
Josiah Lee
>There is no way they won't walk free and have to be compensated in the end >spanish justice lmao how deluded can you be to still believe in spanish justice and power separation? Get a clue: there's no justice in spain, ot's all rigged, and those faggots will rot if the government wants them to. And judging by the justice minister words, they are going to spend a long time in jail
they are condemned for "abuse" not rape. which seems logical seing the sex at least started consensual.
Cameron Taylor
looks pretty brown is she a sudaca?
Gabriel Flores
They can't sentence them for rape because she said there was no violence or threats and forensics says that too. For it to be rape there must be violence or threats. So they got them for "abuse". Abuse is when you fuck a retard or a child without force or threats. The logic is that they can't consent because they are either minors or retarded. But she wasn't a minor, neither officially retarded.
Jack Murphy
LEL,we saw the faces of every dude with their identification documents in tv. but her identity is a secret as far as I know.
Okay, so i am getting that she wasn't forced and asked for it. The story was spun out of control and everyone believed the female was "raped". The media also sided with her and caused a nationwide protest.
They were thrown in jail and given 9 years. Finally, the video evidence is released and it proves that she wasn't forced and enjoyed it. Is that correct?
If yes, i am looking forward to see what happens next.
Sebastian Carter
So they are going to jail?
Carter Taylor
Why do spanish feminists seem so insane? Maybe your women are just crazier to begin with?
yeah,the fucking united nations the european parlament and international amnesty are saying they are offended by the punishment being so soft.
Jackson Walker
>the video evidence is released The videos have not been released. But one of the judges explained what goes in them and why he doesn't think it was rape.
Matthew Gomez
There's no what happen next they rot in jail and feminism continues as usual they chimped out, to say Span that they won't bend and their resolution it's absolute.
Josiah Roberts
Pretty much, but the vid is not leaked, only the judges have it. The case is being used to try to change the rape laws super fast, so any Spaniard male can be put in jail at a cunt's (Charo) will.
>bu-but le based spain right wing government hahahaha reminder the current (((spanish government))) accused russian hackers of being behind the catalan independentist movement, that's all you need to know about (((who))) really controls spain
The government is only there to steal as much money as possible while allowing the country to be pillaged and destroyed while taking orders from their masters
This is africa
Ayden Baker
>rimjob do people really enjoy licking each other's assholes? I bet he didn't even shower before that.
nobody has seen the videos, until then nobody knows exactly what happened
also, the guys took her cellphone when they left, makes them look like they were preventing her of calling the cops
Blake Wilson
Why we never see feminist bitch against pornography??
Logan Young
>makes them look like they were preventing her of calling the cops Like she can't stop any randop person on the street a borrow a phone to call the cops. No man, the guys took the phone because they considered her a gorda de mierda.
Austin Bennett
>Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies >Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain
Charles Ward
That's a vagina shrine?
I have no idea why they choose the ugliest part of their body to represent themselves.
Jaxson Davis
bunch of non fuckable women bitching about machism..
The existence of the video was known from the beginning. >3am: orgy >7am: she mentions that she was filmed to a cop >8am: 4 of them are IDed by the police and the guy who recorded the videos spontaneosuly tells them that it was consensual and he recorded it Feminists were looking for a case to set an example those San Fermines, with feminist brigades and shit like that. They jumped on this case like a bunch of rabid dogs, and the dudes ate, on top of the girl's accusation, two government accusations (meaning even if she drops the charges they'll get chased around courtrooms by a bunch of crazy government payed feminazis).
Only one of them is being lynched, the other two are fine.
Owen Long
Let me tell you, this case is very badly known to the general public. BBC article is shit and doesn't even mention the case proper. French media silent.
I have 2 questions: -was she drugged? did the judges find traces of drugs in her system -if the video shows it was consensual then why are the men even going to serve 9 years in jail ?
Angel Wilson
>IDK how spanish people normally look Like that desu
What a disgusting whore. And what about the feministas chimping, in France I would have understood because our society is deeply americanized, but in a mediterranean society like Spain, I don't get it. Are the feminicidios the reason why they are so angry and in control over the justice and the medias?
>-was she drugged? did the judges find traces of drugs in her system Drug test came negative, just a bit drunk >-if the video shows it was consensual then why are the men even going to serve 9 years in jail ? Need to pass new NWO laws so that any crazy cunt can put a guy in jail. They needed a case to justify that in front of the masses. This case was perfect because it was 5 Spanish dudes, one of them a cop, the other an armyfag. They had other cases of moors and niggers raping 14 year old girls for hours but that could backfire badly.
Hunter Kelly
>some whore willingly eats your ass >go to prison What the fuck man.
Nolan Perry
Stories like this make me glad I’m in a monogamous relationship and not living like a degenerate.
Dominic Foster
Went to the cops because guys took her phone Cops convinced her she had been raped. Feminist associations got a hold of the case and started going hysterical It al snowballed from there
Caleb Clark
Well this didn't, now sex it's even more dangerous for men and that won't help the Incel crisis one bit.
Ayden Parker
-only alcohol (that she had consumed previously, 1.1 blood level at the time of the black kiss) -first, both sides had said they would appeal if they didn't get their way (so it didn't really matter what they said); absolb=get lynched; rape=look like a total piece of shit, specially after a higher tribunal absolbs them; they decided to get lynched and look like pieces of shit all at the same time.
Mason Brown
>They had other cases of moors and niggers raping 14 year old girls for hours There is another one of those these days, but you won't gonna hear a thing about it on tv.
Yes, that the police is searching who is posting the pics/vids and the main forums are either closed or having problems or saying that nobody post them.
I'm now feeling how the bongs feel with the thought police.
Como? Solo diarios minoritarios se hacen eco, esta practicamente prohibido dar cobertura a ese tipo de noticias cuando los acusados no son españoles.
Blake Ramirez
>Like she can't stop any randop person on the street a borrow a phone to call the cops that's exactly what she did, she was found crying by a couple, saying she had been raped and to call the cops. Doesn't look really good for the manada, does it? Only a gypsy would be ok with stealing shit >No man, the guys took the phone because they considered her a gorda de mierda. As funny as the 9 years they'll spend in jail
If you don't want to be treated like a criminal don't behave like one. All they did taking that phone was help the accusation put them in jail
Daniel Sullivan
Yes, they are craizier than most women in the globe. It's part of their charm, but sometimes it goes out of control.
Parker King
Yeah, I dont really understand. She was drunk, but still sober enough to consent, right? And from what I gather they took her phone, which is how the matter started?
Ryder Bell
it's not private?
Michael Gray
I'd never seen this error. Calopez is a massive moron though, doesn't keep a functioning board, it's like he doesn't like money or is just deeply retarded
Liam Torres
can't have the truth get out and destroy the narrative