Niggers, sandniggers or fucking gypsies? Motivate your choice.
Who are worse?
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Albino niggers
If we're the Protoss, sandniggers and gypsies are at least human. Niggers are the Zerg.
Gypsies > Niggers > Sandniggers in matter of crime and nuisance
A population of 2.000 gypsies is enough to make a city of 100.000 habitants a hellhole, whereas you can usually keep a small population of the two lasts in ghettos away from civilized people
Scandis and slavs. Amazing anyone could think differently desu
The people who let them in is by far the worst
Those leftist cucks ffs
You cant save a leaking boat with a bucket.
And the EU does not want to address the problem, and they never will because it "immigration and outsourcing" is vital to their donors.
They are a distant cousin of der jude.
Notice the resemblance.
The European Commission let them in, EU is built on their insane lefty ramblings.
freedom of movement,etc
but it benefits international corporations in the end, and that is why it is impossible to remove immigration from the EU. Because it is simply too corrupt.
Women dont belong behind podiums
Women dont belong in leadership at all
Bozgors, they have a country, army heh, they can do some damage back.
Gyppos are annoying nowadays in ro, they are at the level of low IQ Romanian peasants, only more ugly.
First generations femocracy was bound to be terrible, but with time and mistakes they will understand that leadership implies gender responsibility.
all three of them
Tattare (Gypsies) >>>>> Niggers > Sandniggers
What will actually happen is that society will collapse
>First generations femocracy
Really, do you have any idea how easily feelings and emotions are manipulated.
Its a reason why these idiots are given power in the first place.
Only a few women have ever been able to put their emotions aside and rule on the basis of logic and facts. But they are more predisposed to emotions because they have a different biological function than men do.
The reason why women are depressed nowadays is because they are forced "by society" into roles and positions of responsibility which they are biologically supposed to have.
A woman military officer is disproportionally more likely to develop ptsd than a man.
Having females in politics may prevent war, but at the cost of overpopulation, increased pollution and famine.
This can be seen in africa, where sympathy has masterfully created the famine situation that plagues parts of africa. It should serve as an example of what sympathy does. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Emotions aren't the enemy, just like logic isn't, the issue is that a rule of emotions and logic constantly contradicting each other helps nobody.
add spics to the list, i honestly didn't think you get worse than niggers but holy shit try living in AZ. You will learn how bad spics truly are
Africa is like that because niggers aren't humans, but fucking sub-humans.
Niggers and Mexicans from personal experience.
Thanks for the great example of raw emotions instead of logic.
Ohh a butthurt negretto.
Even niggers hate themselves
>Emotions aren't the enemy
No they are not, but they are easily manipulated.
It is dangerous to mix emotions and politics because they are extremely effective and they solicit emotional responses.
Pathos Logos, Ethos
Logos is the appeal to logic,
Pathos is the appeal to emotions, this is where propaganda is born
Ethos is the appeal to authority
Logic and emotion does not necessarily contradict each other, but they are far from the same thing.
Saying emoions is unreasonable is accurate, because reason is rooted in logic. Whereas emotions are not.
>Africa is like that because niggers aren't humans
Africa was not overpopulated before people started to intervene in their natural cultural evolution.
Imagine if that happened in Europe a few hundred years ahead of its time, we would be multiplied by the hundreds. It would completely break our economies.
What's funny is that you use that flag and post something like that. The EU is built on the neomarxist principles of the likes of Gramsci and Bourdieu. The EU is doing the same to Europe right now.
gypsies are by far the worst, most criminal and dishonest scum. Too bad that Hitler had a good solution for them.